Институт демографии НИУ ВШЭ имени А.Г. Вишневского

№ 1057 - 1058
10 декабря - 24 января 2024

ISSN 1726-2891

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книги: алфавитный перечень авторов

- I А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Э Ю Я _ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

    Rechel Bernd, Maresso Anna, Sagan Anna, Hern?ndez-Quevedo Cristina, Richardson Erica, Jakubowski Elke, McKee Martin, Nolte Ellen (Eds) The role of public health organizations in addressing public health problems in Europe: the case of obesity, alcohol and antimicrobial resistance. WHO, 2018

    Rechel Bernd, Maresso Anna, Sagan Anna, Hernandez-Quevedo Cristina, Williams Gemma, Richardson Erica, Jakubowski Elke, Nolte Ellen (Eds.) Organization and financing of public health services in Europe. WHO, 2018

    OECD Health at a glance 2017. OECD Indicators. Paris, 2017

    OECD Health at a glance: Europe 2016-state of health in the EU cycle

    OECD Health at a glance: Europe 2018. State of health in the EU cycle. 2018

    OECD Indicators of immigrant integration 2015. Settling in

    OECD International migration outlook 2016

    OECD International migration outlook 2017. 41st Edition

    OECD International migration outlook. 42 Ed. Paris, 2018

    OECD OECD labour force statistics 2015. 2016

    OECD OECD labour force statistics 2017. 2018

    OECD OECD reviews of health systems: Lithuania. Paris, 2018

    OECD Pensions at a glance. Paris, 2017

    OECD, European Union Recruiting immigrant workers: Europe 2016,

    OECD Обзоры систем здравоохранения: Казахстан 2018. Paris

    Ogawa Naohiro, Shah Iqbal H. (Eds) Low fertility and reproductive health in East Asia. International Studies in Population. Volume 11. Springer, 2015

    Münz Rainer, Ohliger Rainer (editors) Diasporas and ethnic migrants. Germany, Israel and Post-Soviet Successor States in comparative Perspective. Frank Cass, London-Portland, Or, 2003

    Engelgau Michael Maurice, El-Saharty Sameh, Kudesia Preeti, Rajan Vikram, Rosenhouse Sandra, Okamoto Kyoko Capitalizing on the demographic transition: tackling noncommunicable diseases in South Asia. Washington, 2011

    Bernal-Delgado Enrique, Garc?a-Armesto Sandra, Oliva Juan, Ignacio S?nchez Mart?nez Fernando, Ram?n Repullo Jos?, Pe?a-Longobardo Luz Mar?a, Ridao-L?pez Manuel, Hern?ndez-Quevedo Cristina Spain. Health Systems in Transition. V.20, № 2. WHO, 2018

    Vladescu Cristian, Sc?ntee Silvia Gabriela, Olsavszky Victor, Hern?ndez-Quevedo Cristina, Sagan Anna Romania. Health Systems in Transition. V.18, № 4, WHO, 2016

    O'Neill Brian C., MacKellar F. Landis & Lutz Wolfgang Population and Climate Change. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) 2001Cambidge University Press, Cambridge, UK

    Cylus Jonathan, Richardson Erica, Findle Lisa, Longley Marcus, O'Neill Ciaran, Steel David United Kingdom. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 17, № 5, WHO, 2015

    Ramiro Farinas Diego, Oris Michel (Eds) New approaches to death in cities during the health transition. V.12. Springer, 2016

    Bachner Florian, Bobek Julia, Habimana Katharina, Ladurner Joy, Lepusch?tz Lena, Ostermann Herwig, Rainer Lukas, Schmidt Andrea E., Zuba Martin, Quentin Wilm, Winkelmann Juliane Austria. Health Systems in Transition. V.20, № 3. WHO, 2018

    Paladi G., Gagauz O., Penina O. ?mb?tr?nirea popula?iei ?n Republica Moldova: consecin?e economice ?i sociale. Chi?in?u, 2009

    Palli Heldur Traditional reproduction of the population in Estonia in the 17th and 18th centuries. Tallinn, 2004

    de Leeuw Evelyne, Palmer Nicola, Spanswick Lucy (ed.) City fact sheets. WHO European Healthy Cities Network. WHO, 2015

    Smatana Martin, Pa?itn? Peter, Kandilaki Daniela, Lakti?ov? Michaela, Sedl?kov? Darina, Palu?kov? Monika, van_Ginneken Ewout, Spranger Anne Slovakia. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 18, № 6, 2016

    Pavlik Zdenek (ed) Position of Demography Among Other Disciplines. Prague

    Smatana Martin, Pa?itn? Peter, Kandilaki Daniela, Lakti?ov? Michaela, Sedl?kov? Darina, Palu?kov? Monika, van_Ginneken Ewout, Spranger Anne Slovakia. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 18, № 6, 2016

    Punch Aidan, Pearce David L. (Eds) Europe’s population and labour market beyond 2000. Country case studies. 2000, V.2 Население Европы и рынок труда после 2000 года

    Punch Aidan, Pearce David L. (editors) Europe's Population And Labour Market Beyond 2000. Volume 1: An Assessment of Trends and Policy Issues. Strasbourg, 2000

    Sethi Dinesh, Wood Sara, Mitis Francesco, Bellis Mark, Penhale Bridget, Marmolejo Isabel Iborra, Lowenstein Ariela, Manthorpe Gillian, Kärki Freja Ulvestad (Eds) European report on preventing elder maltreatment. WHO, 2011

    Paladi G., Gagauz O., Penina O. ?mb?tr?nirea popula?iei ?n Republica Moldova: consecin?e economice ?i sociale. Chi?in?u, 2009

    Rechel Bernd, Mladovsky Philipa, Devillé Walter, Rijks Barbara, Petrova-Benedict Roumyana, McKee Martin (Eds) Migration and health in the European Union. WHO, 2011

    Currie Candace, Gabhainn Saoirse Nic, Godeau Emmanuelle, Roberts Chris, Smith Rebecca, Currie Dorothy, Picket Will, Richter Matthias, Morgan Antony, Barnekow Vivian (eds) HBSC international report from the 2005/2006 survey. WHO, 2008

    Pikulicka-Wilczewska Agnieszka, Uehling Greta (Eds.) Migration and the Ukraine crisis: a two-country perspective. 2017

    Plusnin Juri, Zausaeva Yana, Zhidkevich Natalia, Pozanenko Artemy Wandering workers. Mores, Behavior, Way of Life, and Political Status of Domestic Russian Labor Migrants. Stuttgart, 2015

    Minasyan Anna, Poghosyan Alina, Hakobyan Tereza, Hancilova Blanka Labor migration from Armenia in 2005-2007: a survey. Yerevan, 2007

    Albreht Tit, Pribakovic Radivoje, Brinovec, Jo?ar Du?an, Poldrugovac Mircha, Kostnapfel Tatja, Zaletel Metka, Panteli Dimitra, Maresso Anna Slovenia. Health Systems in Transition. V.18, № 3, WHO, 2016

    Poljan Pawel, Mkrtschjan Nikita, Karatschurina Lilija  Die Volkszählung in Rußland 2002 und die demographische Realität. Berlin, SWP, Februar 2004

    Suhrcke Marc, Walters Sarah, Mazzuco Stefano, Pomerleau Joceline, McKee Martin, Haerpfer Christian W. Socioeconomic differences in health, health behaviour and access to health care in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. WHO, 2008

    Kostova Neda Milevska, Chichevalieva Snezhana, Ponce Ninez A., van_Ginneken Ewout, Winkelmann Juliane The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Health Systems in Transition. V.19, № 3, 2017

    Population Reference Bureau 2002 women of our world. Washington, 2002

    Population Reference Bureau Women 2000: A Global Profile of Women's Reproductive Lives // Washington, 2000.

    The Population Research Institute Yearbook of population research in Finland. Helsinki. Volume XXXV, 1998-1999

Дата обновления архива книг DW: 20.08.2019