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Kroneman Madelon, Boerma Wienke, van_den_Berg Michael, Groenewegen Peter, de_Jong Judith, van_Ginneken Ewout Netherlands. Health Systems in Transition. V.18, № 2. WHO, 2016 | Doblhammer Gabriele, Gum? Jordi (Eds) A demographic perspective on gender, family and health in Europe. Springer, 2018 | Habicht Triin, Reinap Marge, Kasekamp Kaija, Sikkut Riina, Aaben Laura, Van_Ginneken Ewout Estonia. Health Systems in Transition. V.20, № 1. WHO, 2018 | Lai Taavi, Habicht Triin, Kahur Kristiina, Reinap Marge, Kiivet Raul, van Ginneken Ewout Estonia. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 15, № 6, 2013. WHO, 2013 | Bachner Florian, Bobek Julia, Habimana Katharina, Ladurner Joy, Lepusch?tz Lena, Ostermann Herwig, Rainer Lukas, Schmidt Andrea E., Zuba Martin, Quentin Wilm, Winkelmann Juliane Austria. Health Systems in Transition. V.20, № 3. WHO, 2018 | Suhrcke Marc, Walters Sarah, Mazzuco Stefano, Pomerleau Joceline, McKee Martin, Haerpfer Christian W. Socioeconomic differences in health, health behaviour and access to health care in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. WHO, 2008 | Graziosi Andrea, Hajda Lubomyr A., Hryn Halyna (eds) After the Holodomor. The enduring impact of the great famine on Ukraine. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2013 | Minasyan Anna, Poghosyan Alina, Hakobyan Tereza, Hancilova Blanka Labor migration from Armenia in 2005-2007: a survey. Yerevan, 2007 | Minasyan Anna, Hancilova Blanka Labor migration from Armenia in 2002-2005. A sociological survey of households. Yerevan, 2005 | Minasyan Anna, Poghosyan Alina, Hakobyan Tereza, Hancilova Blanka Labor migration from Armenia in 2005-2007: a survey. Yerevan, 2007 | Amann Markus, Derwent Dick, Forsberg Bertil, Hanninen Otto, Hurley Fintan, Krzyzanowski Michal, de Leeuw Frank, Liu Sally J., Mandin Corinne, Schneider Jurgen, Schwarze Per, Simpson David Health risks of ozone from long-range transboundary air pollution. WHO, 2008 | Swiaczny Frank, Haug Sonja (Hrsg.) Neue Zuwanderergruppen in Deutschland. Wiesbaden, 2006 | Haug Sonja, Wolf Michael Soziodemographische Merkmale, Berufsstruktur und Verwandtschaftsnetzwerke Jüdischer Zuwanderer. Nürnberg, 2007 | Macura Miroslav, MacDonald Alphonse L. and Haug Werner (Eds.), United Nations The new demographic regime. Population challenges and policy responses. New York and Geneva, 2005 | Kinsella Kevin, He Wan An aging world: 2008. International Population Reports. USCB, 2009 | Rechel Bernd, Maresso Anna, Sagan Anna, Hernandez-Quevedo Cristina, Williams Gemma, Richardson Erica, Jakubowski Elke, Nolte Ellen (Eds.) Organization and financing of public health services in Europe. WHO, 2018 | Chevreul Karine, Brigham Karen Berg, Durand-Zaleski Isabelle, Hern?ndez-Quevedo Cristina France. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 17, № 3, 2015. WHO, 2015 | Sim?es Jorge de Almeida, Figueiredo Gon?alo Augusto, Fronteira In?s, Hern?ndez-Quevedo Cristina Portugal. Health Systems in Transition. V.19, № 2, 2017 | Vladescu Cristian, Sc?ntee Silvia Gabriela, Olsavszky Victor, Hern?ndez-Quevedo Cristina, Sagan Anna Romania. Health Systems in Transition. V.18, № 4, WHO, 2016 | Rechel Bernd, Maresso Anna, Sagan Anna, Hern?ndez-Quevedo Cristina, Richardson Erica, Jakubowski Elke, McKee Martin, Nolte Ellen (Eds) The role of public health organizations in addressing public health problems in Europe: the case of obesity, alcohol and antimicrobial resistance. WHO, 2018 | Matthijs Koen, Hin Saskia, Kok Jan, Matsuo Hideko The future of historical demography. Upside down and inside out. Leuven, 2016 | Krohnert Steffen, HoBmann Iris, Klingholz Reiner Europe's demographic future. Growing Regional Imbalances. Berlin, 2008 | Frejka Tomas, Sobotka Tomas, Hoem Jan M., Toulemon Laurent (Editors) Childbearing trends and policies in Europe / Demographic Research, Volume 19, Articles 1-29. 2008 | Hoff Andreas, Zittau-Goerlitz (ed.) Population ageing in Central and Eastern Europe. Societal and Policy Implications. 2011 | Allin Sara, Mossialos Elias, McKee Martin, Holland Walter Making decisions on public health: a review of eight countries. WHO, 2004 | Brettell Caroline B., Hollifield James F. (Eds.) Migration Theory: Talking across Disciplines. Routledge, New York and London, 2000 | Horlacher David E. Aging in JAPAN: Causes and consequences. Laxenburg, Interim Report, 2001-2002 | Hovy Bela Statistical Yearbook 2001. Refugees, Asylum-seekers and Other Persons of Concern - Trends in Displacement, Protection and Solutions. Geneva, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 2002 | Graziosi Andrea, Hajda Lubomyr A., Hryn Halyna (eds) After the Holodomor. The enduring impact of the great famine on Ukraine. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2013 | Sethi Dinesh, Hughes Karen, Bellis Mark, Mitis Francesco, Racioppi Francesca (Ets) European report on preventing violence and knife crime among young people. WHO, 2010 | Buckles Kasey, Hungerman Daniel, Lugauer Steven Is fertility a leading economic indicator? NBER, 2018 | Amann Markus, Derwent Dick, Forsberg Bertil, Hanninen Otto, Hurley Fintan, Krzyzanowski Michal, de Leeuw Frank, Liu Sally J., Mandin Corinne, Schneider Jurgen, Schwarze Per, Simpson David Health risks of ozone from long-range transboundary air pollution. WHO, 2008 | Ahmedov Mohir, Azimov Ravshan, Mutalova Zulkhumor, Huseynov Shahin, Tsoyi Elena, Rechel Bernd Uzbekistan. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 16, №5 , 2014. WHO, 2014 | Singh Susheela, Wulf Deirdre, Hussain Rubina, Bankole Akinrinola, Sedgh Gilda Abortion worldwide: a decade of uneven progress. 2009 | Meimanaliev Adilet-Sultan, Ibraimova Ainoura, Elebesov Bolot, Rechel Bernd Health care systems in transition. Kyrgyzstan. WHO, 2005 | Bernal-Delgado Enrique, Garc?a-Armesto Sandra, Oliva Juan, Ignacio S?nchez Mart?nez Fernando, Ram?n Repullo Jos?, Pe?a-Longobardo Luz Mar?a, Ridao-L?pez Manuel, Hern?ndez-Quevedo Cristina Spain. Health Systems in Transition. V.20, № 2. WHO, 2018 | Inchley Jo, Currie Dorothy, Vieno Alessio, Torsheim Torbj?rn, Ferreira-Borges Carina, M. Weber Martin, Barnekow Vivian, Breda Jo?o (Eds) Поведенческие аспекты употребления алкоголя подростками: тенденции и социальные неравенства в Европейском регионе ВОЗ, 2002-2014 годы. ВОЗ, 2018 | Moscow Public Science Foundation, Independent Institute for Social Policy Informal out-of-pocket payments for health care in Russia. Moscow, 2003 | INED INED - Catalogue. Paris, 2002 | Institut de veille sanitaire HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe. End-year report 2003, n°70. Saint-Maurice, 2004 | Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine Population of Ukraine: social and demographic problems of rural area. Kyiv, 2007 | International Organization for Migration International Migration Law: Glossary on migration. IOM, 2004 | International Organization for Migration Migration in the russian Federation: a country profile. 2008 | International Organization for Migration Migration Trends in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 2001 - 2002 Review | International Organization for Migration The Data and Research on Human Trafficking: A Global Survey. IOM, 2005 | International Organization for Migration World Migration 2003: Managing Migration - Challenges and Responses for People on the Move. IOM, 2003 | International Organization for Migration World migration report 2018. 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International migration trends. M., 2005 | IPPF European Network Sexuality education in Europe. A reference guide to policies and practices. 2006 | IUSSP Book of Absracts IUSSP XXIV General Population Conference Salvador - Bahia, Brazil, 18-24 August 2001 |
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