Институт демографии НИУ ВШЭ имени А.Г. Вишневского

№ 1057 - 1058
10 декабря - 24 января 2024

ISSN 1726-2891

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книги: алфавитный перечень авторов

- I А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Э Ю Я _ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

    Tsuladze Giorgi, Magalaperidze Nika, Vadachkoria Alexander Population prospects of GEORGIA. The 2003 Revision. Tbilisi, 2003

    Tsuneo Akaha, Vassilieva Anna (ed.) Crossing national borders: human migration issues in northeast Asia. United Nations University Press, 2005

    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health, United States, 2011

    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics Health, United States, 2016. With Chartbook on Long-term Trends in Health

    Pikulicka-Wilczewska Agnieszka, Uehling Greta (Eds.) Migration and the Ukraine crisis: a two-country perspective. 2017

    Ukrainian Centre For Social Reforms, UNDP Situation of older women in Ukraine. Analytical Report. Kyiv, 2014

    UN International migration report 2006: a global assessment. UN, 2009

    UN Inter-agency Group Levels and trends in child mortality report 2018

    UNAIDS Global report: UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic 2010

    UNAIDS Report on the Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic. June 2000

    UNICEF, WHO, World Bank, UN-DESA Population Division Levels and trends in child mortality 2014

    UNDP HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2001. Making New Technologies Work for Human Development. New York - Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001.

    UNDP Human development report 2001. Russian Federation. Moscow, 2002

    UNDP Human development report 2002. Deepening democracy in a fragmented world. New York, 2002

    Ukrainian Centre For Social Reforms, UNDP Situation of older women in Ukraine. Analytical Report. Kyiv, 2014

    Stockholm Environment Institute, UNDP China China human development report 2002. Making green development a choice. China, 2002

    UNESCO Global education monitoring report 2019. Migration, displacement and education: building bridges, not walls. Paris, 2019

    UNFPA Adolescent pregnancy: a review of the evidence. New York, 2013

    UNFPA Ageing in the twenty-first century: a celebration and a challenge. 2012

    UNFPA Population ageing and development. Social, health and gender issues. NY, 2002

    UNFPA Population, environment and poverty linkages. Operational Challenges. NY, 2001

    UNFPA Preventing Infection Promoting Reproductive Health. UNFPA Response to HIV/AIDS. NY, 2001


    WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, The World Bank Trends in maternal mortality: 1990 to 2008. WHO, 2010


    UNICEF A League table of child deaths injury in rich nations. Innocenti Report Card, №2, February, 2001

    UNICEF, WHO, World Bank, UN-DESA Population Division Levels and trends in child mortality 2014

    UNICEF, WHO, World Bank Group, United Nations Levels and trends in child mortality report 2017

    UNICEF The state of the world's children 2002. NY, UNICEF, 2002

    WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, The World Bank Trends in maternal mortality: 1990 to 2008. WHO, 2010

    UNISEF A decade of transition. The MONEE Project CEE/CIS/Baltics. UNISEF Innocenti Research Centre. Florence, 2001

    United Nations 2001 REPORT ON THE WORLD SOCIAL SITUATION. Geneva, Economic and Social Council, 2001.

    United Nations 2013 United Nations Demographic Yearbook. New York, 2014

    United Nations 2014 United Nations demographic yearbook. New York, 2015

    United Nations 2015 United Nations demographic yearbook. 66 issue. New York, 2016

    United Nations 2016 United Nations demographic yearbook. New York, 2017

    United Nations 2017 United Nations demographic yearbook. New York, 2018

    United Nations A more secure world: our shared responsibility. Report of the Secretary-General's High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change. 2004

    United Nations Abortion policies and reproductive health around the world. 2014

    United Nations Adolescent fertility since the International conference on population and development (ICPD) in Cairo. New York, 2013

    United Nations Below Replacement Fertility. Population Bulletin of the United Nations. Special Issue Nos . 40/41, 1999 Рождаемость ниже уровня простого воспроизводства

    United Nations Changing levels and trends in mortality: the role of patterns of death by cause. New York, 2012

    United Nations Charting the Progress of Populations. New York, UN, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2000.95. ST/ESA/SER.R/151.

    United Nations Demographic yearbook 2006. UN, 2009

    United Nations Demographic yearbook 2007. New York, 2009

    United Nations Demographic Yearbook 2008. New York, 2010

    United Nations Demographic Yearbook 2009-2010. New York, 2011

    United Nations Demographic yearbook 2011. 62 issue. New York, 2012

    United Nations Demographic Yearbook 2012. 63 issue. New York, 2013


    United Nations Handbook on measuring international migration through population censuses. New York, 2017

    United Nations International migration policies: government views and priorities. New York, 2013

    United Nations International Migration Report 2017. New York, 2017

    United Nations International Migration Report. New York, 2013

    UNICEF, WHO, World Bank Group, United Nations Levels and trends in child mortality report 2017

    United Nations Partnership and reproductive behaviour in low-fertility countries. UN, 2003

    United Nations Population ageind and socio-economic status of older persons in Estonia. New York and Geneva, 2003

    United Nations Population distribution, urbanization, internal migration and development: an international perspective. 2011

    United Nations POPULATION, ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT. The Concise Report UN. New York, 2001.

    United Nations Socio - economic status and living arrangements of older persons in Latvia. New York and Geneva, 2003

    United Nations Socio - economic status and living arrangements of older persons in Lithuania. New York and Geneva, 2003

    United Nations Symposium on global review of 2000 round of population and housing censuses: mid-decade assessment and future prospects. Statistics Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Secretariat. New York. 7-10 August 2001

    Macura Miroslav, MacDonald Alphonse L. and Haug Werner (Eds.), United Nations The new demographic regime. Population challenges and policy responses. New York and Geneva, 2005

    United Nations The world's women 2010: trends and statistics. New York

    United Nations The world's women 2015: trends and statistics

    United Nations The World's Youth 2000. Data Sheet. Wash., DC., Population Reference Bureau, Aug. 2000.

    United Nations Trends in contraceptive use worldwide. 2015. New York, 2015

    United Nations World family planning. New York, 2017

    United Nations World fertility report 2012. New York, 2013

    United Nations World fertility report 2013: fertility at the extremes. New York, 2014

    United Nations World fertility report: 2007. New York, 2010

    United Nations World mortality report 2007. New York, 2011

    United Nations World mortality report 2011. New York, 2012

    United Nations World mortality report 2013. New York, 2013

    United Nations World population ageing 2015. New York, 2015

    United Nations World population ageing report. New York, 2013

    United Nations World population ageing. New York, 2017

    United Nations World population monitoring 2002. Reproductive rights and reproductive health. UN, 2003

    United Nations World population policies 2007. New York, 2008

    United Nations World population policies. New York, 2013

    United Nations World population prospects 2019. Highlights. New York, 2019

    United Nations WORLD POPULATION PROSPECTS. THE 2000 REVISION. Vol. 1: Comprehensive Tables. UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, New York, 2001

    United Nations World population prospects. The 2006 revision. Highlights. New York, 2007

    United Nations World population prospects. The 2015 Revision. Key Findings and Advance Tables. New York, 2015

    United Nations World population prospects. The 2017 revision. Key Findings and Advance Tables

    United Nations World population prospects. The 2017 revision. Methodology. New York, 2017

    United Nations World Population Prospects. The 2017 Revision. Volume I: Comprehensive Tables

    United Nations World Population Prospects. The 2017 Revision. Volume II: Demographic Profiles

    United Nations World urbanization prospects. The 2007 revision. New York, 2008

    United Nations World urbanization prospects. The 2011 revision. UN, New York, 2012

    United Nations World urbanization report 2014 revision. Highlights

    United Nations High Commissioner for refugees. Bureau for Europe, CIS Unit Directory of Non-Governmental Organisations Working on Involuntary Displacement Issues in the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Справочник неправительственных организаций, занимающихся вопросами недобровольного перемещения населения в странах Содружества Независимых Государств. UNHCR, 2000

    United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Handbook for Emergencies. 2nd ed., Geneva, 2000. 405 pages. Как действовать в чрезвычайных ситуациях. Справочник Верховного Уполномоченного ООН по делам беженцев

    United Nations High Commissioner for refugees. Bureau for Europe, CIS Unit Catalogue of NGO. Capacity-Building Resources for the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. UNHCR, 2000

    United Nations Secretariat, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division  Workshop on prospects for fertility decline in high fertility countries. New York, 2001

    United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division Replacement migration: is it a solution to declining and ageing populations? New York, 2001

    United Nations, Secretary-General (report) International migration & development, including the question of the convening of a united nations. Conference on International Migration and Development to Address Migration Issues. UN General Assembly, 56 session, 2001

    United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Population Division International migration report 2002. United Nations. New York, 2002

    United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Population Division Expert group meeting on completing the fertility transition. United Nations Secretariat, New York, 2002

    United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Population Division World population monitoring 2001: population, environment and development. New York, 2001

    United Nations. Depertment of Economic and Social Affairs. Population Division Long-range World Population Projections: Based on the 1998 Revision. Unated Nations, New York, 2000

    United Nations. Depertment of Economic and Social Affairs. Population Division Word population prospects. The 1998 Revision. New York. Analytical Report. United Nation, 2000, V.III

    Rice Thomas, Rosenau Pauline, Unruh Lynn Y., Barnes Andrew J. United States of America. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 15, № 3, 2013. WHO, 2013

    US Census Bureau Statistical abstract of the United States 2001. Washington, 2001

    US Census Bureau Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2000, 2001.

    Tsuladze Giorgi, Magalaperidze Nika, Vadachkoria Alexander Demographic overview of Georgia (1960-2000). Tbilisi, 2002

    Tsuladze Giorgi, Maglaperidze Nika, Vadachkoria Alexander Demographic yearbook of Georgia 2001 / Annuaire demographique de la Georgie 2001. Tbilisi, 2002

    Tsuladze Giorgi, Magalaperidze Nika, Vadachkoria Alexander Demographic yearbook of Georgia 2002. Tbilisi, 2003

    Tsuladze Giorgi, Magalaperidze Nika, Vadachkoria Alexander Population prospects of GEORGIA. The 2003 Revision. Tbilisi, 2003

    Ferr? Francesca, de Belvis Antonio Giulio, Valerio Luca, Longhi Silvia, Lazzari Agnese, Fattore Giovanni, Ricciardi Walter, Maresso Anna Italy. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 16, № 4, 2014. WHO, 2014

    Vallin Jacque, Meslé France, Valkonen Tapani  Trends in mortality and differential mortality

    Vallin Jacque, Meslé France, Valkonen Tapani Trends in mortality and differential mortality

    Meslé France, Vallin Jacques (authors), Shkolnikov Vladimir, Pyrozhkov Serhii, Adamets Serguei (contributions) Mortalité et causes de décès en Ukraine au XXe siècle. INED Cahier N0 152 Paris, 2006

    Mesle France, Vallin Jacques, Shkolnikov Vladimir, Pyrozhkov Serhii, Adamets Sergei (contributions) Mortality and causes of death in 20th-century Ukraine. 2012


    Alexa Jan, Rec?ka Luk??, Vot?pkov? Jana, van Ginneken Ewout, Spranger Anne, Wittenbecher Friedrich Czech Republic. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 17, № 1, 2015. WHO, 2015

    Lai Taavi, Habicht Triin, Kahur Kristiina, Reinap Marge, Kiivet Raul, van Ginneken Ewout Estonia. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 15, № 6, 2013. WHO, 2013

    Murauskiene Liubove, Janoniene Raimonda, Veniute Marija, van Ginneken Ewout, Karanikolos Marina Lithuania. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 15, № 2, 2013. WHO, 2013

    Boesch Hans-Jakob, Kahlmeier Sonja, Sommer Heini, van Kempen Elise, Staatsen Brigit, Racioppi Francesca Economic valuation of transport-related health effects. Review of methods and development of practical approaches, with a special focus on children. WHO, 2008

    Kroneman Madelon, Boerma Wienke, van_den_Berg Michael, Groenewegen Peter, de_Jong Judith, van_Ginneken Ewout Netherlands. Health Systems in Transition. V.18, № 2. WHO, 2016

    Kroneman Madelon, Boerma Wienke, van_den_Berg Michael, Groenewegen Peter, de_Jong Judith, van_Ginneken Ewout Netherlands. Health Systems in Transition. V.18, № 2. WHO, 2016

    Habicht Triin, Reinap Marge, Kasekamp Kaija, Sikkut Riina, Aaben Laura, Van_Ginneken Ewout Estonia. Health Systems in Transition. V.20, № 1. WHO, 2018

    Kostova Neda Milevska, Chichevalieva Snezhana, Ponce Ninez A., van_Ginneken Ewout, Winkelmann Juliane The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Health Systems in Transition. V.19, № 3, 2017

    Tsuneo Akaha, Vassilieva Anna (ed.) Crossing national borders: human migration issues in northeast Asia. United Nations University Press, 2005

    Vaupel James W., Edel Andreas (Eds) Green book ageing society. How new ageing will change our lives. Population Europe Discussion Paper Series N 6, June 2017

    Kinsella Kevin and Velkoff Victoria A. AN AGING WORLD: 2001. U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, 2001.

    Murauskiene Liubove, Janoniene Raimonda, Veniute Marija, van Ginneken Ewout, Karanikolos Marina Lithuania. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 15, № 2, 2013. WHO, 2013

Дата обновления архива книг DW: 20.08.2019