Институт демографии НИУ ВШЭ имени А.Г. Вишневского

№ 1059 - 1060
21 января - 3 февраля 2025

ISSN 1726-2891

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книги: алфавитный перечень авторов

- I А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Э Ю Я _ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

    Chevreul Karine, Brigham Karen Berg, Durand-Zaleski Isabelle, Hern?ndez-Quevedo Cristina France. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 17, № 3, 2015. WHO, 2015

    Dwyer Tom, K. Gorshkov, Mikhail Modi Ishwar, Li Chunling, Simon Mapadimeng Mokong (Eds.) Handbook of the sociology of youth in BRICS countries. 2018

    EAPS European Population Conference 2001. Helsinki, Finland 7-9 June 2001.

    ECDC Annual epidemiological report on communicable diseases in Europe. 2010. Stockholm, 2010

    Moscow Public Science Foundation, ANO Independent Actuarial Information Analytical Center, Economics Expert Group The pension system: a model for Russia and international experience. M., 2003

    Economou Charalampos, Kaitelidou Daphne, Karanikolos Marina, Maresso Anna Health Systems in Transition. Greece. Volume 19, № 5. WHO, 2017

    Vaupel James W., Edel Andreas (Eds) Green book ageing society. How new ageing will change our lives. Population Europe Discussion Paper Series N 6, June 2017

    De Pietro Carlo, Camenzind Paul, Sturny Isabelle, Crivelli Luca, Edwards-Garavoglia Suzanne, Spranger Anne, Wittenbecher Friedrich, Quentin Wilm Switzerland. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 17, № 4, 2015. WHO, 2015

    Meimanaliev Adilet-Sultan, Ibraimova Ainoura, Elebesov Bolot, Rechel Bernd  Health care systems in transition. Kyrgyzstan. WHO, 2005

    Engelgau Michael Maurice, El-Saharty Sameh, Kudesia Preeti, Rajan Vikram, Rosenhouse Sandra, Okamoto Kyoko Capitalizing on the demographic transition: tackling noncommunicable diseases in South Asia. Washington, 2011

    S?enz Rogelio, Embrick David G., Rodr?guez N?stor P. (Eds.) The international handbook of the demography of race and ethnicity. International Handbooks of Population. V.4. Springer, 2015

    Engelgau Michael Maurice, El-Saharty Sameh, Kudesia Preeti, Rajan Vikram, Rosenhouse Sandra, Okamoto Kyoko Capitalizing on the demographic transition: tackling noncommunicable diseases in South Asia. Washington, 2011

    Cincotta Richard P., Engelman Robert, Anastasion Daniele The Security Demographic. Population and civil conflict after the cold war. Population Action International, 2003

    Wismar Matthias, McKee Martin, Ernst Kelly, Srivastava Divya, Busse Reinhard (eds.) Health targets in Europe. Learning from experience. WHO, 2008

    Wismar Matthias, Blau Julia, Ernst Kelly, Figueras Josep (ed.) The effectiveness of health impact assessment. Scope and limitations of supporting decision-making in Europe. WHO, 2007

    EuroHIV HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe. End-year report 2006 № 75. 2007

    EuroHIV HIV / AIDS surveillance in Europe. Mid-year report 2007 № 76

    European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Annual epidemiological report. Reporting on 2011 surveillance data and 2012 epidemic intelligence data. Surveillance Report. 2013

    European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, WHO HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2011. Stockholm, 2012

    European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2013. Surveillance Report. 2014

    European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2015. Surveillance Report. 2016

    European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2017. 2016 data. Surveillance Report

    European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2018. 2017 data.

    WHO, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Tuberculosis surveillance and monitoring in Europe 2015

    European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Tuberculosis surveillance and monitoring in Europe 2018 - 2016 data. WHO, 2018

    European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, WHO Tuberculosis surveillance and monitoring in Europe 2019- 2017 data. 2019

    European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Tuberculosis surveillance and monitoring in Europe. Surveillance Report. 2014

    European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Tuberculosis surveillance in Europe 2009. Stockholm, 2011

    European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (WHO) Tuberculosis surveillance and monitoring report in Europe 2017

    European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control WHO Tuberculosis surveillance and monitoring in Europe 2016

    European Commission The European Union and Russia. Statistical comparison. 2007 edition

    European Commission The social situation in the European Union 2005-2006 .The Balance between Generations in an Ageing Europe. 2007

    European Communities Demographic outlook. National reports on the demographic developments in 2005. 2007 edition

    European Communities Demographic outlook. National reports on the demographic developments in 2006. 2007

    European Communities Europe in figures - Eurostat yearbook 2009

    European Communities Eurostat regional yearbook 2009

    European Union Population ageing in Europe. Facts, implications and policies: outcomes of EU-funded research. 2014

    OECD, European Union Recruiting immigrant workers: Europe 2016,

    Eurostat Active ageing and solidarity between generations. A statistical portrait of the European Union, 2012

    Eurostat Being young in Europe today - 2015 edition

    Eurostat Demographic Outlook. National reports on the demographic developments in 2007

    Eurostat Demographic statistics: a review of definitions and methods of collection in 44 European countries. 2013 edition. 2015

    Eurostat EU in the world. 2016

    Eurostat Europe in figures - Eurostat yearbook 2010

    Eurostat Europe in figures. Eurostat yearbook 2008

    Eurostat European social statistics 2013 edition

    Eurostat Eurostat regional yearbook 2012

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    Eurostat Eurostat regional yearbook. 2018 edition

    EUROSTAT Health statistics - atlas on mortality in the European Union. 2009

    Eurostat HEDIC health expenditures by diseases and conditions. 2016 edition

    Eurostat Indicators of immigrant integration - A pilot study. 2011

    Eurydice, Eurostat Key data on early childhood and care in Europe. 2014 Report

    Eurostat Key figures on enlargement countries - 2017 edition

    Eurostat Key figures on Europe - 2011 edition. Eurostat, 2011

    Eurostat Key figures on Europe - 2014 edition

    Eurostat Key figures on Europe - 2016 edition. 2017

    Eurostat Key figures on Europe. 2009 edition

    Eurostat Key figures on Europe. 2013 digest of the online Eurostat yearbook

    Eurostat Key figures on Europe. Statistics illustrated. 2018 ed.

    Eurostat Labour force survey in the EU, candidate and EFTA countries. Main characteristics of national surveys, 2015

    Eurostat Labour force survey in the EU, candidate and EFTA countries. Main characteristics of national surveys, 2017. 2018 ed.

    Eurostat Labour market policy - expenditure and participants. Data 2010. 2012

    Eurostat Labour market policy - expenditure and participants. Data 2011. 2014

    Eurostat Labour market statistics. Eurostat, 2011

    Eurostat Migrant integration - 2017 edition

    Eurostat Migrants in Europe. A statistical portrait of the first and second generation. 2011

    Eurostat Morbidity statistics in the EU. Report on pilot studies. 2014 edition

    Eurostat People in the EU: who are we and how do we live? - 2015 edition

    Eurostat The EU in the world 2013. A statistical portrait. 2013

    Eurostat The EU in the world 2014. A statistical portrait. 2014

    Eurostat The EU in the world. 2018 ed.

    Eurostat The European Union and the BRIC countries. 2012

    Eurostat The life of women and men in Europe. A statistical portrait. 2008 Edition

    Eurostat The social situation in the European Union 2007

    Eurostat Urban Europe statistics on cities, towns and suburbs., 2016

    Eurostat Youth in Europe 2009

    Eurostat European Communities Population statistics. 2004, Luxembourg, 2004

    Eurydice, Eurostat Key data on early childhood and care in Europe. 2014 Report

    DellaPergola Sergio, Even Judith (Eds) PAPERS IN JEWISH DEMOGRAPHY 1997. Selected procedings of the Demographic Sessions Held at the 12th World Congress of Jewish Studies Jerusalem, July-August 1997

    Thomson Sarah, Cylus Jonathan, Evetovits Tam?s Can people afford to pay for health care? New evidence on financial protection in Europe. WHO, 2019

    Maresso Anna, Mladovsky Philipa, Thomson Sarah, Sagan Anna, Karanikolos Marina, Richardson Erica, Cylus Jonathan, Evetovits Tam?s, Jowett Matthew, Figueras Josep, Kluge Hans (Eds) Economic crisis, health systems and health in Europe. Country experience. WHO, 2015

    Fargues Philippe (ed.) EU neighbourhood migration report. 2013

    Farrington Jill, Satylganova Altynai, Stachenko Sylvie, Tello Juan, Romana Pezzella Francesca, Korotkova Anna, Yordi Aguire Isabel, St?hr Johansen Anne Улучшение показателей по неинфекционным заболеваниям: барьеры и возможности систем здравоохранения. Страновая оценка – Казахстан. ВОЗ, 2018

    Ferr? Francesca, de Belvis Antonio Giulio, Valerio Luca, Longhi Silvia, Lazzari Agnese, Fattore Giovanni, Ricciardi Walter, Maresso Anna Italy. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 16, № 4, 2014. WHO, 2014

    Federal Interagency Forum on Aging Related Statistics Older americans 2000: key indicators of well-being. Hyattsville, Maryland

    Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being 2001. Washington, DC, U.S. Government Printing Office in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (National Center for Health Statistics) July 2001.

    Federal Statistical Office of Germany Older people in Germany and the EU 2016

    Fedyuk Olena, Kindler Marta (Eds.) Ukrainian migration to the European Union. Lessons from migration studies. 2016

    Chawla Mukesh, Betcherman Gordon, Banerji Arup, Bakilana Anne M., Feher Csaba, Mertaugh Michael, Puerta Maria Laura Sanchez, Schwartz Anita M., Sondergaard Lars, Burns Andrew From Red to Gray. The Third Transition of Aging Populations in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The World Bank, 2007

    Ferr? Francesca, de Belvis Antonio Giulio, Valerio Luca, Longhi Silvia, Lazzari Agnese, Fattore Giovanni, Ricciardi Walter, Maresso Anna Italy. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 16, № 4, 2014. WHO, 2014

    Inchley Jo, Currie Dorothy, Vieno Alessio, Torsheim Torbj?rn, Ferreira-Borges Carina, M. Weber Martin, Barnekow Vivian, Breda Jo?o (Eds) Поведенческие аспекты употребления алкоголя подростками: тенденции и социальные неравенства в Европейском регионе ВОЗ, 2002-2014 годы. ВОЗ, 2018

    Feshbach Murray Russia's health and demographic crisis: policy implications and consequences. Washington, 2003

    Fetherolf Loutfi Martha Women, gender and work. What is equality and how do we get there? Geneva, International Labour Organization, 2001

    Fields Jason, Smith Kristin, Bass Loretta E., Lugaita Terry A Child Day: Home, School, and Play (Selected Indicators of Child Well-Being): 1994. Washington, 2001

    Sim?es Jorge de Almeida, Figueiredo Gon?alo Augusto, Fronteira In?s, Hern?ndez-Quevedo Cristina Portugal. Health Systems in Transition. V.19, № 2, 2017

    Maresso Anna, Mladovsky Philipa, Thomson Sarah, Sagan Anna, Karanikolos Marina, Richardson Erica, Cylus Jonathan, Evetovits Tam?s, Jowett Matthew, Figueras Josep, Kluge Hans (Eds) Economic crisis, health systems and health in Europe. Country experience. WHO, 2015

    Wismar Matthias, Blau Julia, Ernst Kelly, Figueras Josep (ed.) The effectiveness of health impact assessment. Scope and limitations of supporting decision-making in Europe. WHO, 2007

    Cylus Jonathan, Richardson Erica, Findle Lisa, Longley Marcus, O'Neill Ciaran, Steel David United Kingdom. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 17, № 5, WHO, 2015

    Timothy Evans, Margaret Whitehead, Finn Diderichsen, Abbas Bhuiya, Meg Wirth (Eds) Challenging inequities in health. From Ethics to Action. New York, 2001

    Forastieri Valentina Children at work. health and safety risks. Geneva, 2002

    Amann Markus, Derwent Dick, Forsberg Bertil, Hanninen Otto, Hurley Fintan, Krzyzanowski Michal, de Leeuw Frank, Liu Sally J., Mandin Corinne, Schneider Jurgen, Schwarze Per, Simpson David  Health risks of ozone from long-range transboundary air pollution. WHO, 2008

    Thomson Sarah, Foubister Thomas, Mossialos Elias Financing health care in the European Union. Challenges and policy responses. WHO, 2009

    Frejka Tomas, Sobotka Tomas, Hoem Jan M., Toulemon Laurent (Editors) Childbearing trends and policies in Europe / Demographic Research, Volume 19, Articles 1-29. 2008

Дата обновления архива книг DW: 20.08.2019