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- I А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Э Ю Я _ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z
US Census Bureau Statistical abstract of the United States 2001. Washington, 2001 | US Census Bureau Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2000, 2001. | Tsuladze Giorgi, Magalaperidze Nika, Vadachkoria Alexander Demographic overview of Georgia (1960-2000). Tbilisi, 2002 | Tsuladze Giorgi, Maglaperidze Nika, Vadachkoria Alexander Demographic yearbook of Georgia 2001 / Annuaire demographique de la Georgie 2001. Tbilisi, 2002 | Tsuladze Giorgi, Magalaperidze Nika, Vadachkoria Alexander Demographic yearbook of Georgia 2002. Tbilisi, 2003 | Tsuladze Giorgi, Magalaperidze Nika, Vadachkoria Alexander Population prospects of GEORGIA. The 2003 Revision. Tbilisi, 2003 | Ferr? Francesca, de Belvis Antonio Giulio, Valerio Luca, Longhi Silvia, Lazzari Agnese, Fattore Giovanni, Ricciardi Walter, Maresso Anna Italy. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 16, № 4, 2014. WHO, 2014 | Vallin Jacque, Meslé France, Valkonen Tapani Trends in mortality and differential mortality | Vallin Jacque, Meslé France, Valkonen Tapani Trends in mortality and differential mortality | Meslé France, Vallin Jacques (authors), Shkolnikov Vladimir, Pyrozhkov Serhii, Adamets Serguei (contributions) Mortalité et causes de décès en Ukraine au XXe siècle. INED Cahier N0 152 Paris, 2006 | Mesle France, Vallin Jacques, Shkolnikov Vladimir, Pyrozhkov Serhii, Adamets Sergei (contributions) Mortality and causes of death in 20th-century Ukraine. 2012 | Van Der Veen Willem Jan THE SMALL EPIDEMIOLOGIC TRANSITION. ON INFANT SURVIVAL AND CHILDHOOD HANDICAP IN LOW-MORTALITY COUNTRIES. Amsterdam, 2001. | Alexa Jan, Rec?ka Luk??, Vot?pkov? Jana, van Ginneken Ewout, Spranger Anne, Wittenbecher Friedrich Czech Republic. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 17, № 1, 2015. WHO, 2015 | Lai Taavi, Habicht Triin, Kahur Kristiina, Reinap Marge, Kiivet Raul, van Ginneken Ewout Estonia. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 15, № 6, 2013. WHO, 2013 | Murauskiene Liubove, Janoniene Raimonda, Veniute Marija, van Ginneken Ewout, Karanikolos Marina Lithuania. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 15, № 2, 2013. WHO, 2013 | Boesch Hans-Jakob, Kahlmeier Sonja, Sommer Heini, van Kempen Elise, Staatsen Brigit, Racioppi Francesca Economic valuation of transport-related health effects. Review of methods and development of practical approaches, with a special focus on children. WHO, 2008 | Kroneman Madelon, Boerma Wienke, van_den_Berg Michael, Groenewegen Peter, de_Jong Judith, van_Ginneken Ewout Netherlands. Health Systems in Transition. V.18, № 2. WHO, 2016 | Kroneman Madelon, Boerma Wienke, van_den_Berg Michael, Groenewegen Peter, de_Jong Judith, van_Ginneken Ewout Netherlands. Health Systems in Transition. V.18, № 2. WHO, 2016 | Habicht Triin, Reinap Marge, Kasekamp Kaija, Sikkut Riina, Aaben Laura, Van_Ginneken Ewout Estonia. Health Systems in Transition. V.20, № 1. WHO, 2018 | Kostova Neda Milevska, Chichevalieva Snezhana, Ponce Ninez A., van_Ginneken Ewout, Winkelmann Juliane The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Health Systems in Transition. V.19, № 3, 2017 | Tsuneo Akaha, Vassilieva Anna (ed.) Crossing national borders: human migration issues in northeast Asia. United Nations University Press, 2005 | Vaupel James W., Edel Andreas (Eds) Green book ageing society. How new ageing will change our lives. Population Europe Discussion Paper Series N 6, June 2017 | Kinsella Kevin and Velkoff Victoria A. AN AGING WORLD: 2001. U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, 2001. | Murauskiene Liubove, Janoniene Raimonda, Veniute Marija, van Ginneken Ewout, Karanikolos Marina Lithuania. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 15, № 2, 2013. WHO, 2013 | Gazier A., Mink G., Romer J.- C., Vichnevski A., Wild G. L'Europe post-communiste. Sous la direction de Dominique Colas. Paris, 2002 | Sethi Dinesh, Racioppi Francesca, Baumgarten Inge, Vida Patrizia Injuries and violence in Europe: why they matter and what can be done. WHO, 2006 | Vienna Institute of Demography, Austrian Academy of Sciences Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2003, Vienna | Inchley Jo, Currie Dorothy, Vieno Alessio, Torsheim Torbj?rn, Ferreira-Borges Carina, M. Weber Martin, Barnekow Vivian, Breda Jo?o (Eds) Поведенческие аспекты употребления алкоголя подростками: тенденции и социальные неравенства в Европейском регионе ВОЗ, 2002-2014 годы. ВОЗ, 2018 | Vladescu Cristian, Sc?ntee Silvia Gabriela, Olsavszky Victor, Hern?ndez-Quevedo Cristina, Sagan Anna Romania. Health Systems in Transition. V.18, № 4, WHO, 2016 | Alexa Jan, Rec?ka Luk??, Vot?pkov? Jana, van Ginneken Ewout, Spranger Anne, Wittenbecher Friedrich Czech Republic. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 17, № 1, 2015. WHO, 2015 | Saltman Richard B., Bankauskaite Vaida, Vrangbaek Karsten (ed.) Decentralization in health care. Strategies and outcomes. WHO, 2007 | Rosen B., Waitzberg R., Merkur S. Israel. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 17, № 6, WHO, 2015 | Michel Jean-Pierre, Beattie B. Lynn, Martin Finbarr C., Walston Jeremy D. (Eds.) Oxford textbook of geriatric medicine. 2018 | Suhrcke Marc, Walters Sarah, Mazzuco Stefano, Pomerleau Joceline, McKee Martin, Haerpfer Christian W. Socioeconomic differences in health, health behaviour and access to health care in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. WHO, 2008 | Wasserman Danuta (Ed.) Suicide. An unnecessary death. 2016 | Bara Anna, Bartolomeo Anna Di, Brunarska Zuzanna, Makaryan Shushanik, Mananashvili Sergo, Weinar Agnieszka (eds) Regional migration report: Eastern Europe. 2013 | Bartolomeo Anna Di, Makaryan Shushanik, Weinar Agnieszka (eds) Regional migration report: Russia and Central Asia. European University Institute. Migration Policy Centre, 2014 | Bara Anna, Bartolomeo Anna Di, Brunarska Zuzanna, Makaryan Shushanik, Mananashvili Sergo, Weinar Agnieszka (eds) Regional migration report: South Caucasus. 2013 | White Anne Small-town Russia: Postcommunist livelihoods and identities. A portrait of the intelligentsia in Achit, Bednodemyanovsk and Zubtsov, 1999-2000. Taylor&Francis Group, 2004 | WHO Atlas of health in Europe. 2008 | WHO Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social determinants of health. 2008 | WHO Comparative quantification of health risks. Global and Regional Burden of Diseases Attributable to Selected Major Risk Factors, Volume 1 & 2, Volume 3 in CD-ROM. WHO, 2004 | WHO European country profiles and the global status report on road safety 2015 | WHO European health report 2018: more than numbers - evidence for all | WHO Evidence for the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions to reduce alcohol-related harm. WHO, 2009 | WHO Global hepatitis report, 2017 | WHO Global report on drowning: preventing a leading killer. 2014 | WHO Global status report on alcohol and health 2014 | WHO Global status report on noncommunicable diseases 2014 | WHO Global status report on road safety 2013: supporting a decade of action. 2013 | WHO Global status report on road safety 2018 | WHO Global strategy for women's, children's and adolescents health (2016-2030). 2017 | WHO Global tuberculosis control - epidemiology, strategy, financing. WHO, 2009 |
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