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De Pietro Carlo, Camenzind Paul, Sturny Isabelle, Crivelli Luca, Edwards-Garavoglia Suzanne, Spranger Anne, Wittenbecher Friedrich, Quentin Wilm Switzerland. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 17, № 4, 2015. WHO, 2015 | Mansoor Ali, Quillin Bryce (ed.) Migration and remittances. Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. 2006 | Boesch Hans-Jakob, Kahlmeier Sonja, Sommer Heini, van Kempen Elise, Staatsen Brigit, Racioppi Francesca Economic valuation of transport-related health effects. Review of methods and development of practical approaches, with a special focus on children. WHO, 2008 | Sethi Dinesh, Racioppi Francesca, Baumgarten Inge, Vida Patrizia Injuries and violence in Europe: why they matter and what can be done. WHO, 2006 | Menne Bettina, Apfel Franklin, Kovats Sari, Racioppi Francesca (eds.) Protecting health in Europe from climate change. WHO, 2008 | Sethi Dinesh, Hughes Karen, Bellis Mark, Mitis Francesco, Racioppi Francesca (Ets) European report on preventing violence and knife crime among young people. WHO, 2010 | Bachner Florian, Bobek Julia, Habimana Katharina, Ladurner Joy, Lepusch?tz Lena, Ostermann Herwig, Rainer Lukas, Schmidt Andrea E., Zuba Martin, Quentin Wilm, Winkelmann Juliane Austria. Health Systems in Transition. V.20, № 3. WHO, 2018 | Engelgau Michael Maurice, El-Saharty Sameh, Kudesia Preeti, Rajan Vikram, Rosenhouse Sandra, Okamoto Kyoko Capitalizing on the demographic transition: tackling noncommunicable diseases in South Asia. Washington, 2011 | Raleigh Veena S. Trends in life expectancy in EU and other OECD countries: why are improvements slowing? OECD Health Working Paper No. 108. OECD, 2019 | Ramiro Farinas Diego, Oris Michel (Eds) New approaches to death in cities during the health transition. V.12. Springer, 2016 | Bernal-Delgado Enrique, Garc?a-Armesto Sandra, Oliva Juan, Ignacio S?nchez Mart?nez Fernando, Ram?n Repullo Jos?, Pe?a-Longobardo Luz Mar?a, Ridao-L?pez Manuel, Hern?ndez-Quevedo Cristina Spain. Health Systems in Transition. V.20, № 2. WHO, 2018 | Tinker Anne and Ransom Elizabeth Healthy mothers and healthy newborns: The vital link. Washington, 2002 | Sirkeci Ibrahim, Cohen Jeffrey H., Ratha Dilip (Ets) Migration and remittances during the global financial crisis and beyond. Washington, 2012 | Read Holly E., Keely Charles B. (eds.) Forced Migration & Mortality Washington, National Academy Press, 2001. | DellaPergola Sergio, Rebhun Uzi (Eds) Jewish population and identity. Concept and reality. Springer, 2018 | Alexa Jan, Rec?ka Luk??, Vot?pkov? Jana, van Ginneken Ewout, Spranger Anne, Wittenbecher Friedrich Czech Republic. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 17, № 1, 2015. WHO, 2015 | Rechel Bernd, Mladovsky Philipa, Devillé Walter, Rijks Barbara, Petrova-Benedict Roumyana, McKee Martin (Eds) Migration and health in the European Union. WHO, 2011 | Rechel Bernd, Maresso Anna, Sagan Anna, Hernandez-Quevedo Cristina, Williams Gemma, Richardson Erica, Jakubowski Elke, Nolte Ellen (Eds.) Organization and financing of public health services in Europe. WHO, 2018 | Khodjamurodov Ghafur, Sodiqova Dilorom, Akkazieva Baktygul, Rechel Bernd Tajikistan. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 18, № 1, 2016 | Rechel Bernd, Maresso Anna, Sagan Anna, Hern?ndez-Quevedo Cristina, Richardson Erica, Jakubowski Elke, McKee Martin, Nolte Ellen (Eds) The role of public health organizations in addressing public health problems in Europe: the case of obesity, alcohol and antimicrobial resistance. WHO, 2018 | Rechel Bernd, Richardson Erica, McKee Martin (eds) Trends in health systems in the former Soviet countries. WHO, 2014 | Ahmedov Mohir, Azimov Ravshan, Mutalova Zulkhumor, Huseynov Shahin, Tsoyi Elena, Rechel Bernd Uzbekistan. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 16, №5 , 2014. WHO, 2014 | Meimanaliev Adilet-Sultan, Ibraimova Ainoura, Elebesov Bolot, Rechel Bernd Health care systems in transition. Kyrgyzstan. WHO, 2005 | Regnier-Loilier A. (Ed.) A longitudinal approach to family trajectories in France. The Generations and Gender Survey. INED Population Studies 7. Springer, 2017 | Lee Ronald D., Reher David S. (Eds) Demographic transition and its consequences. The Population Council, Inc., 2011 | Shield Kevin D., Rylett Margaret, Rehm Jurgen Public health successes and missed opportunities. Trends in alcohol consumption and attributable mortality in the WHO European Region, 1990-2014. WHO, 2016 | Habicht Triin, Reinap Marge, Kasekamp Kaija, Sikkut Riina, Aaben Laura, Van_Ginneken Ewout Estonia. Health Systems in Transition. V.20, № 1. WHO, 2018 | Lai Taavi, Habicht Triin, Kahur Kristiina, Reinap Marge, Kiivet Raul, van Ginneken Ewout Estonia. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 15, № 6, 2013. WHO, 2013 | Ferr? Francesca, de Belvis Antonio Giulio, Valerio Luca, Longhi Silvia, Lazzari Agnese, Fattore Giovanni, Ricciardi Walter, Maresso Anna Italy. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 16, № 4, 2014. WHO, 2014 | Rice Thomas, Rosenau Pauline, Unruh Lynn Y., Barnes Andrew J. United States of America. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 15, № 3, 2013. WHO, 2013 | Maresso Anna, Mladovsky Philipa, Thomson Sarah, Sagan Anna, Karanikolos Marina, Richardson Erica, Cylus Jonathan, Evetovits Tam?s, Jowett Matthew, Figueras Josep, Kluge Hans (Eds) Economic crisis, health systems and health in Europe. Country experience. WHO, 2015 | Richardson Erica, Berdzuli Nino Georgia. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 19, № 4. WHO, 2017 | Rechel Bernd, Maresso Anna, Sagan Anna, Hernandez-Quevedo Cristina, Williams Gemma, Richardson Erica, Jakubowski Elke, Nolte Ellen (Eds.) Organization and financing of public health services in Europe. WHO, 2018 | Rechel Bernd, Maresso Anna, Sagan Anna, Hern?ndez-Quevedo Cristina, Richardson Erica, Jakubowski Elke, McKee Martin, Nolte Ellen (Eds) The role of public health organizations in addressing public health problems in Europe: the case of obesity, alcohol and antimicrobial resistance. WHO, 2018 | Rechel Bernd, Richardson Erica, McKee Martin (eds) Trends in health systems in the former Soviet countries. WHO, 2014 | Cylus Jonathan, Richardson Erica, Findle Lisa, Longley Marcus, O'Neill Ciaran, Steel David United Kingdom. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 17, № 5, WHO, 2015 | Currie Candace, Gabhainn Saoirse Nic, Godeau Emmanuelle, Roberts Chris, Smith Rebecca, Currie Dorothy, Picket Will, Richter Matthias, Morgan Antony, Barnekow Vivian (eds) HBSC international report from the 2005/2006 survey. WHO, 2008 | Rechel Bernd, Mladovsky Philipa, Devillé Walter, Rijks Barbara, Petrova-Benedict Roumyana, McKee Martin (Eds) Migration and health in the European Union. WHO, 2011 | Rindfuss Ronald R., Choe Minja Kim (Eds.) Low fertility, institutions, and their policies variations across industrialized countries. 2016 | Ritsatakis Anna, Makara Peter Gaining health. analysis of policy development in European countries for tackling noncommunicable diseases. 2009 | Currie Candace, Gabhainn Saoirse Nic, Godeau Emmanuelle, Roberts Chris, Smith Rebecca, Currie Dorothy, Picket Will, Richter Matthias, Morgan Antony, Barnekow Vivian (eds) HBSC international report from the 2005/2006 survey. WHO, 2008 | Currie Candace, Zanotti Cara, Morgan Antony, Currie Dorothy, de Looze Margaretha, Roberts Chris, Samdal Oddrun, Smith Otto R.F., Barnekow Vivian Social determinants of health and well-being among young people. health behaviour in school-aged children (HBSC) study: international report from the 2009/2010 survey. Health Policy for Children and Adolescents, No. 6. WHO, 2012 | Suhrcke Marc, Rocco Lorenzo, McKee Martin Health: a vital investment for economic development in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. 2007 | Rockenschaub Gerald, Pukkila Jukka, Profili Maria Cristina (ed.) Towards health security. A discussion paper on recent health crises in the WHO European Region. WHO, 2007 | S?enz Rogelio, Embrick David G., Rodr?guez N?stor P. (Eds.) The international handbook of the demography of race and ethnicity. International Handbooks of Population. V.4. Springer, 2015 | Dimova Antoniya, Rohova Maria, Koeva Stefka, Atanasova Elka, Koeva-Dimitrova Lubomira, Kostadinova Todorka, Spranger Anne Bulgaria. Health system review. Health Systems in Transition. V.20, № 4. WHO, 2018 | Farrington Jill, Satylganova Altynai, Stachenko Sylvie, Tello Juan, Romana Pezzella Francesca, Korotkova Anna, Yordi Aguire Isabel, St?hr Johansen Anne Улучшение показателей по неинфекционным заболеваниям: барьеры и возможности систем здравоохранения. Страновая оценка – Казахстан. ВОЗ, 2018 | Gazier A., Mink G., Romer J.- C., Vichnevski A., Wild G. L'Europe post-communiste. Sous la direction de Dominique Colas. Paris, 2002 | Rosen B., Waitzberg R., Merkur S. Israel. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 17, № 6, WHO, 2015 | Rice Thomas, Rosenau Pauline, Unruh Lynn Y., Barnes Andrew J. United States of America. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 15, № 3, 2013. WHO, 2013 | Engelgau Michael Maurice, El-Saharty Sameh, Kudesia Preeti, Rajan Vikram, Rosenhouse Sandra, Okamoto Kyoko Capitalizing on the demographic transition: tackling noncommunicable diseases in South Asia. Washington, 2011 | Buchanan Ann, Rotkirch Anna (Eds) Fertility rates and population decline: no time for children? 2012 | Shield Kevin D., Rylett Margaret, Rehm Jurgen Public health successes and missed opportunities. Trends in alcohol consumption and attributable mortality in the WHO European Region, 1990-2014. WHO, 2016 | S?enz Rogelio, Embrick David G., Rodr?guez N?stor P. (Eds.) The international handbook of the demography of race and ethnicity. International Handbooks of Population. V.4. Springer, 2015 | Maresso Anna, Mladovsky Philipa, Thomson Sarah, Sagan Anna, Karanikolos Marina, Richardson Erica, Cylus Jonathan, Evetovits Tam?s, Jowett Matthew, Figueras Josep, Kluge Hans (Eds) Economic crisis, health systems and health in Europe. Country experience. WHO, 2015 | Rechel Bernd, Maresso Anna, Sagan Anna, Hernandez-Quevedo Cristina, Williams Gemma, Richardson Erica, Jakubowski Elke, Nolte Ellen (Eds.) Organization and financing of public health services in Europe. WHO, 2018 | Vladescu Cristian, Sc?ntee Silvia Gabriela, Olsavszky Victor, Hern?ndez-Quevedo Cristina, Sagan Anna Romania. Health Systems in Transition. V.18, № 4, WHO, 2016 | Rechel Bernd, Maresso Anna, Sagan Anna, Hern?ndez-Quevedo Cristina, Richardson Erica, Jakubowski Elke, McKee Martin, Nolte Ellen (Eds) The role of public health organizations in addressing public health problems in Europe: the case of obesity, alcohol and antimicrobial resistance. WHO, 2018 | Sagan Anna, Thomson Sarah (Eds.) Voluntary health insurance in Europe. Country experience. WHO, 2016 | Saltman Richard B., Bankauskaite Vaida, Vrangbaek Karsten (ed.) Decentralization in health care. Strategies and outcomes. WHO, 2007 | Jakubowski Elke, Saltman Richard B. (Eds) The changing national role in health system governance. A case-based study of 11 European countries and Australia. WHO, 2013 | Currie Candace, Zanotti Cara, Morgan Antony, Currie Dorothy, de Looze Margaretha, Roberts Chris, Samdal Oddrun, Smith Otto R.F., Barnekow Vivian Social determinants of health and well-being among young people. health behaviour in school-aged children (HBSC) study: international report from the 2009/2010 survey. Health Policy for Children and Adolescents, No. 6. WHO, 2012 | Lutz Wolfgang, Sanderson Warren C., Scherbov Sergei (Eds) The End of World Population Growth in the 21st Century: New Challenges for Human Capital Formation and Sustainable Development. IIASA and Earthscan, 2004 | Coulibaly Souleymane, Deichmann Uwe, Dillinger William R., Ionescu-Heroiu Marcel, Kessides Ioannis N., Kunaka Charles, Saslavsky Daniel Eurasian cities : new realities along the Silk Road. Washington, 2012 | Farrington Jill, Satylganova Altynai, Stachenko Sylvie, Tello Juan, Romana Pezzella Francesca, Korotkova Anna, Yordi Aguire Isabel, St?hr Johansen Anne Улучшение показателей по неинфекционным заболеваниям: барьеры и возможности систем здравоохранения. Страновая оценка – Казахстан. ВОЗ, 2018 | Lutz Wolfgang, Sanderson Warren C., Scherbov Sergei (Eds) The End of World Population Growth in the 21st Century: New Challenges for Human Capital Formation and Sustainable Development. IIASA and Earthscan, 2004 | Amann Markus, Derwent Dick, Forsberg Bertil, Hanninen Otto, Hurley Fintan, Krzyzanowski Michal, de Leeuw Frank, Liu Sally J., Mandin Corinne, Schneider Jurgen, Schwarze Per, Simpson David Health risks of ozone from long-range transboundary air pollution. WHO, 2008 | Mechler R., Amann M., Schopp W. A methodology to estimate changes in statistical life expectancy due to the control of particulate matter air pollution. Laxenburg, Austria, 2002 | Amann Markus, Derwent Dick, Forsberg Bertil, Hanninen Otto, Hurley Fintan, Krzyzanowski Michal, de Leeuw Frank, Liu Sally J., Mandin Corinne, Schneider Jurgen, Schwarze Per, Simpson David Health risks of ozone from long-range transboundary air pollution. WHO, 2008 | Vladescu Cristian, Sc?ntee Silvia Gabriela, Olsavszky Victor, Hern?ndez-Quevedo Cristina, Sagan Anna Romania. Health Systems in Transition. V.18, № 4, WHO, 2016 | Singh Susheela, Wulf Deirdre, Hussain Rubina, Bankole Akinrinola, Sedgh Gilda Abortion worldwide: a decade of uneven progress. 2009 | Smatana Martin, Pa?itn? Peter, Kandilaki Daniela, Lakti?ov? Michaela, Sedl?kov? Darina, Palu?kov? Monika, van_Ginneken Ewout, Spranger Anne Slovakia. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 18, № 6, 2016 | Karabchuk T., Kumo K., Selezneva E. Demography of Russia. From the Past to the Present. UK, 2017 | Sergueï Adametz Guerre Civile et Famine en Russie. Le pouvoir bolchevique et la population face à la catastrophe démographique 1917-1923. Paris, 2003 | Sethi Dinesh, Wood Sara, Mitis Francesco, Bellis Mark, Penhale Bridget, Marmolejo Isabel Iborra, Lowenstein Ariela, Manthorpe Gillian, Kärki Freja Ulvestad (Eds) European report on preventing elder maltreatment. WHO, 2011 |
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