Институт демографии НИУ ВШЭ имени А.Г. Вишневского

№ 1061 - 1062
4 февраля - 17 февраля 2025

ISSN 1726-2891

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алфавитный перечень названий


книги: алфавитный перечень названий

1 2 3 8 А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Э Я 2 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Н О П У 

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    International Organization for Migration International Migration Law: Glossary on migration. IOM, 2004

    WHO Handbook for action to reduce alcohol-related harm. 2009

    United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Handbook for Emergencies. 2nd ed., Geneva, 2000. 405 pages. Как действовать в чрезвычайных ситуациях. Справочник Верховного Уполномоченного ООН по делам беженцев

    Dwyer Tom, K. Gorshkov, Mikhail Modi Ishwar, Li Chunling, Simon Mapadimeng Mokong (Eds.) Handbook of the sociology of youth in BRICS countries. 2018

    Dwyer Tom, K. Gorshkov, Mikhail Modi Ishwar, Li Chunling, Simon Mapadimeng Mokong (Eds.) Handbook of the sociology of youth in BRICS countries. 2018

    Dwyer Tom, K. Gorshkov, Mikhail Modi Ishwar, Li Chunling, Simon Mapadimeng Mokong (Eds.) Handbook of the sociology of youth in BRICS countries. 2018

    Dwyer Tom, K. Gorshkov, Mikhail Modi Ishwar, Li Chunling, Simon Mapadimeng Mokong (Eds.) Handbook of the sociology of youth in BRICS countries. 2018

    Dwyer Tom, K. Gorshkov, Mikhail Modi Ishwar, Li Chunling, Simon Mapadimeng Mokong (Eds.) Handbook of the sociology of youth in BRICS countries. 2018

    United Nations Handbook on measuring international migration through population censuses. New York, 2017

    Currie Candace, Gabhainn Saoirse Nic, Godeau Emmanuelle, Roberts Chris, Smith Rebecca, Currie Dorothy, Picket Will, Richter Matthias, Morgan Antony, Barnekow Vivian (eds) HBSC international report from the 2005/2006 survey. WHO, 2008

    WHO Health and economic development in South-Eastern Europe. 2006

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    Amann Markus, Derwent Dick, Forsberg Bertil, Hanninen Otto, Hurley Fintan, Krzyzanowski Michal, de Leeuw Frank, Liu Sally J., Mandin Corinne, Schneider Jurgen, Schwarze Per, Simpson David  Health risks of ozone from long-range transboundary air pollution. WHO, 2008

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    Economou Charalampos, Kaitelidou Daphne, Karanikolos Marina, Maresso Anna Health Systems in Transition. Greece. Volume 19, № 5. WHO, 2017

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    Economou Charalampos, Kaitelidou Daphne, Karanikolos Marina, Maresso Anna Health Systems in Transition. Greece. Volume 19, № 5. WHO, 2017

    Economou Charalampos, Kaitelidou Daphne, Karanikolos Marina, Maresso Anna Health Systems in Transition. Greece. Volume 19, № 5. WHO, 2017

    Wismar Matthias, McKee Martin, Ernst Kelly, Srivastava Divya, Busse Reinhard (eds.) Health targets in Europe. Learning from experience. WHO, 2008

    National Center for Health Statistics Health, United States, 2000 with Adolescent Health Chartbook. Hyattsville, Maryland, 2000.

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    Suhrcke Marc, Rocco Lorenzo, McKee Martin Health: a vital investment for economic development in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. 2007

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    EuroHIV HIV / AIDS surveillance in Europe. Mid-year report 2007 № 76

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    Sethi Dinesh, Racioppi Francesca, Baumgarten Inge, Vida Patrizia Injuries and violence in Europe: why they matter and what can be done. WHO, 2006

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    Buckles Kasey, Hungerman Daniel, Lugauer Steven Is fertility a leading economic indicator? NBER, 2018

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Дата обновления архива книг DW: 20.08.2019