Институт демографии НИУ ВШЭ имени А.Г. Вишневского

№ 1037 - 1038
25 июня - 8 июля 2024

ISSN 1726-2891

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Рубрика "Читайте книги   - архив

Рубрика "Читайте книги"
в предыдущих номерах Демоскопа Weekly (N 1 - 820)

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алфавитный перечень авторов

алфавитный перечень названий


книги: алфавитный перечень названий

1 2 3 8 А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Э Я 2 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Н О П У 

    Ferr? Francesca, de Belvis Antonio Giulio, Valerio Luca, Longhi Silvia, Lazzari Agnese, Fattore Giovanni, Ricciardi Walter, Maresso Anna Italy. Health Systems in Transition. Volume 16, № 4, 2014. WHO, 2014

    IUSSP IUSSP contributions to gender research // IUSSP, 2001.

    DellaPergola Sergio, Rebhun Uzi (Eds) Jewish population and identity. Concept and reality. Springer, 2018

    DellaPergola Sergio, Rebhun Uzi (Eds) Jewish population and identity. Concept and reality. Springer, 2018

    Eurydice, Eurostat Key data on early childhood and care in Europe. 2014 Report

    Eurostat Key figures on enlargement countries - 2017 edition

    Eurostat Key figures on Europe - 2011 edition. Eurostat, 2011

    Eurostat Key figures on Europe - 2014 edition

    Eurostat Key figures on Europe - 2016 edition. 2017

    Eurostat Key figures on Europe. 2009 edition

    Eurostat Key figures on Europe. 2013 digest of the online Eurostat yearbook

    Eurostat Key figures on Europe. Statistics illustrated. 2018 ed.

    De Tinguy Anne La grande migration. La Russie et les Russes depuis l'ouverture du rideau de fer. PLON, 2004

    Minasyan Anna, Hancilova Blanka Labor migration from Armenia in 2002-2005. A sociological survey of households. Yerevan, 2005

    Minasyan Anna, Poghosyan Alina, Hakobyan Tereza, Hancilova Blanka Labor migration from Armenia in 2005-2007: a survey. Yerevan, 2007

    National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova Labour force migration in the Republic of Moldova. Chisinau, 2009

    Eurostat Labour force survey in the EU, candidate and EFTA countries. Main characteristics of national surveys, 2015

    Eurostat Labour force survey in the EU, candidate and EFTA countries. Main characteristics of national surveys, 2017. 2018 ed.

    Eurostat Labour market policy - expenditure and participants. Data 2010. 2012

    Eurostat Labour market policy - expenditure and participants. Data 2011. 2014

    Eurostat Labour market statistics. Eurostat, 2011

    Blum Alain, Mespoulet Martine L'anarchie bureaucratique. Statistique et pouvoir sous Staline. Paris, 2003

    Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Latvia. Statistics in brief 2003

    Gazier A., Mink G., Romer J.- C., Vichnevski A., Wild G. L'Europe post-communiste. Sous la direction de Dominique Colas. Paris, 2002

    UNICEF, WHO, World Bank, UN-DESA Population Division Levels and trends in child mortality 2014

    UNICEF, WHO, World Bank Group, United Nations Levels and trends in child mortality report 2017

Дата обновления архива книг DW: 20.08.2019