Институт демографии НИУ ВШЭ имени А.Г. Вишневского

№931 - 932
8 февраля - 21 февраля 2022

ISSN 1726-2891

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Здравоохранение в России. 2021

Оценка потребности работодателей в иностранной рабочей силе в ключевых регионах Российской Федерации

Состояние онкологической помощи населению России в 2020 году

Pensions at a glance 2021

The demographic handbook of Armenia, 2021

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Американской демографической ассоциации


Volume 58, 2021

Issue 5, October

Gender, Generation, and Multiracial Identification in the United States
Janet Xu; Aliya Saperstein; Ann Morning; Sarah Iverson

Examining Ethnic Variation in Life Expectancy Among Asians in the United States, 2012–2016
Darwin A. Baluran; Evelyn J. Patterson

Health of Immigrant Children: The Role of Immigrant Generation, Exogamous Family Setting, and Family Material and Social Resources
Silvia Loi; Joonas Pitkänen; Heta Moustgaard; Mikko Myrskylä; Pekka Martikainen

The Crucial Role of Mothers and Siblings in Child Survival: Evidence From 29 Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa
Philippe Bocquier; Carren Ginsburg; Ashira Menashe-Oren; Yacouba Compaoré; Mark Collinson

Women's Experience of Child Death Over the Life Course: A Global Demographic Perspective
Diego Alburez-Gutierrez; Martin Kolk; Emilio Zagheni

Investigating the Structure of Son Bias in Armenia With Novel Measures of Individual Preferences
Matthias Schief; Sonja Vogt; Charles Efferson

Does Parental Migration During Childhood Affect Children's Lifetime Educational Attainment? Evidence From Mexico
Joshua Thomas Wassink; Janelle Ashley Viera

In the Name of the Father? Fertility, Religion, and Child Naming in the Demographic Transition
Dylan Shane Connor

Interrelationships Among Fertility, Internal Migration,and Proximity to Nonresident Family:A Multilevel Multiprocess Analysis
Michael J. Thomas; Lars Dommermuth

The Changing Association Between Homeownership and the Transition to Parenthood
Valentina Tocchioni; Ann Berrington; Daniele Vignoli; Agnese Vitali

Immigrants' Employment Stability Over the Great Recession and Its Aftermath
Christopher R. Tamborini; Andrés Villarreal

Effects of the Affordable Care Act Dependent Coverage Mandate on Health Insurance Coverage for Individuals in Same-Sex Couples
Christopher S. Carpenter; Gilbert Gonzales; Tara McKay; Dario Sansone

Fathers' Involvement in the Family, Fertility, and Maternal Employment: Evidence From Central and Eastern Europe
Ester Fanelli; Paola Profeta

Husbands' Dominance in Decision-Making About Women's Health: A Spatial Diffusion Perspective in Sub-Saharan Africa
Liliana Andriano; Julia Behrman; Christiaan Monden

Online Dating Is Shifting Educational Inequalities in Marriage Formation in Germany
Gina Potarca

Long-Term Trends and Ethnoracial Inequality in U.S. Foster Care: A Research Note
Alexander F. Roehrkasse

Issue 6, December

The Pregnancy-Related Mortality Impact of a Total Abortion Ban in the United States: A Research Note on Increased Deaths Due to Remaining Pregnant 
Amanda Jean Stevenson

A Research Note Describing a More Inclusive Approach to Identifying Same-Sex Cohabiters in the American Time Use Survey
Sarah M. Flood; Katie R. Genadek

Inequality in Place: Effects of Exposure to Neighborhood-Level Economic Inequality on Mortality
Linda Zhao; Philipp Hessel; Juli Simon Thomas; Jason Beckfield

The Poverty Balancing Equation: Expressing Poverty of Place as a Population Process
J. Tom Mueller

Cross-State Differences in the Processes Generating Black–White Disparities in Neonatal Mortality
Benjamin Sosnaud

Growing Income-Based Inequalities in Old-Age Life Expectancy in Sweden, 2006–2015
Stefan Fors; Jonas W. Wastesson; Lucas Morin

Unequal From the Start? Poverty Across Immigrant Generations of Hispanic Children
Brian C. Thiede; Matthew M. Brooks; Leif Jensen

he Fertility of Immigrants From Low-Fertility Settings: Adaptation in the Quantum and Tempo of Childbearing?
Eleonora Mussino; Ben Wilson; Gunnar Andersson

A Framework for Estimating Migrant Stocks Using Digital Traces and Survey Data: An Application in the United Kingdom
Francesco Rampazzo; Jakub Bijak; Agnese Vitali; Ingmar Weber; Emilio Zagheni

Is Parental Divorce Homogamy Associated With a Higher Risk of Separation From Cohabitation and Marriage?
Sanna Kailaheimo-Lönnqvist; Anette Eva Fasang; Marika Jalovaara; Emanuela Struffolino

Environmental Inequality and Residential Sorting in Germany: A Spatial Time-Series Analysis of the Demographic Consequences of Industrial Sites
Tobias Rüttenauer; Henning Best

College as a Great Equalizer? Marriage and Assortative Mating Among First- and Continuing-Generation College Students
Michael D. King

Access to the Emergency Contraceptive Pill and Women's Reproductive Health: Evidence From Public Reform in Chile
Damian Clarke; Viviana Salinas

Uncertainty About the Size of the Unauthorized Foreign-Born Population in the United States
Jennifer Van Hook; Anne Morse; Randy Capps; Julia Gelatt

The Influence of Kin Proximity on the Reproductive Success of American Couples, 1900–1910
J. David Hacker; Jonas Helgertz; Matt A. Nelson; Evan Roberts

The Effect of EITC Exposure in Childhood on Marriage and Early Childbearing
Katherine Michelmore; Leonard M. Lopoo

Acknowledgment of Reviewers

Volume 59, 2022

Issue 1, February

Research Notes

Research Note: School Reopenings During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Implications for Gender and Racial Equity
Liana Christin Landivar; Leah Ruppanner; Lloyd Rouse; William J. Scarborough; Caitlyn Collins

Research Note: Gender Differences in Employment During the COVID-19 Epidemic
Andrés Villarreal; Wei-hsin Yu

International Migration and Modern Contraceptive Use: A Research Note on African Migrants to France
Julia A. Behrman; Michelle A. Eilers; Isabel H. McLoughlin Brooks; Abigail Weitzman

Do Pregnancy Intentions Matter? A Research Note Revisiting Relationships Among Pregnancy, Birth, and Maternal Outcomes
Nicholas D. E. Mark; Sarah K. Cowan

The Epidemic of Despair and Infant Mortality: A Research Note
Matthew P. Forsstrom


Birth Spacing and Fertility in the Presence of Son Preference and Sex-Selective Abortions: India's Experience Over Four Decades
Claus C. Pörtner

Structural Heteropatriarchy and Birth Outcomes in the United States
Bethany G. Everett; Aubrey Limburg; Patricia Homan; Morgan M. Philbin

Gendered Diverging Destinies: Changing Family Structures and the Reproduction of Educational Inequalities Among Sons and Daughters in the United States
Diederik Boertien; Fabrizio Bernardi

Microsimulation of Household and Marital Transitions Leading to Childlessness Among Dutch Women Born Between 1971 and 2000
Michaël Boissonneault; Joop de Beer

What Tears Couples Apart: A Machine Learning Analysis of Union Dissolution in Germany
Bruno Arpino; Marco Le Moglie; Letizia Mencarini

The Cross-sectional Average Inequality in Lifespan (CAL†): A Lifespan Variation Measure That Reflects the Mortality Histories of Cohorts
Marília R. Nepomuceno; Qi Cui; Alyson van Raalte; José Manuel Aburto; Vladimir Canudas-Romo

In a Stationary Population, the Average Lifespan of the Living Is a Length-Biased Life Expectancy
Elizabeth Wrigley-Field; Dennis Feehan

Cohort, Policy, and Process: The Implications for Migrant Fertility in West Germany
Jeylan Erman

Family Policy Awareness and Marital Intentions: A National Survey Experimental Study
Shun Gong; Senhu Wang

Contextualizing Educational Disparities in Health: Variations by Race/Ethnicity, Nativity, and County-Level Characteristics
Taylor W. Hargrove; Lauren Gaydosh; Alexis C. Dennis

Wealth, Race, and Place: How Neighborhood (Dis)advantage From Emerging to Middle Adulthood Affects Wealth Inequality and the Racial Wealth Gap
Brian L. Levy

Modeling Age Patterns of Under-5 Mortality: Results From a Log-Quadratic Model Applied to High-Quality Vital Registration Data
Michel Guillot; Julio Romero Prieto; Andrea Verhulst; Patrick Gerland

Revisiting Horizontal Stratification in Higher Education: College Prestige Hierarchy and Educational Assortative Mating in China
Acton Jiashi Feng

Multiple Perspectives on Recent Trends in Unwanted Fertility in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
John B. Casterline; Laila O. El-Zeini

Fathers' Multiple-Partner Fertility and Children's Educational Outcomes
Donna K. Ginther; Astrid L. Grasdal; Robert A. Pollak

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