Rambler's Top100

№ 515 - 516
18 июня - 31 июля 2012

О проекте

Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета "Высшая школа экономики"

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Оглавление Читайте книги

Маятник миграции

Familia contemporană între tradițional și modern

Rolul parental & rolul profesional: oportunități de echilibrare pentru femeia contemporană

Labour market in the Republic of Moldova. 2011

Положение детей мигрантов в Санкт-Петербурге

По страницам журналов «Врач» и «Мировая экономика и международные отношения»

Содержание журнала «Hommes et migrations»

Web demoscope.ru


National Bureau of Statistics
of the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, 2011, 143 pages


Публикация выпуска 2011 года характеризует ситуацию на рынке рабочей силы в Молдавии за 2010 год в сравнение с предыдущими годами. Сборник содержит статистическую информацию об экономически активном населении, занятых и безработных, оплате труда и затратах на рабочую силу, движении работающих и использовании рабочего времени, условиях труда и производственном травматизме, профессиональном обучении.

Сборнике представлена информация на румынском и английском языках.





Tabelul 1. Resident population by area (at the beginning of the year)
Tabelul 2. Resident population by sex (at the beginning of the year)
Tabelul 3. Resident population by territorial-administrative units on January 1, 2011
Tabelul 4. Resident population by sex and main age groups1 (at the beginning of the year)
Tabelul 5. Population by its participation in the economic activity
Diagrama 1. Population aged 15 years and over by its participation in the economic activity, by age group, sex and area, in 2010
Tabelul 6. Population by its participation in the economic activity, by sex and area
Tabelul 7. Distribution of economically active population by age group, sex and area
Tabelul 8. Structure of the economically active population by level of education, sex and area.
Tabelul 9. Distribution of the economically inactive population aged 15 years and over by age group, sex and area
Tabelul 10. Structure of economically inactive population aged 15 years and over by level of education, sex and area


Tabelul 11. Distribution of employed population by type of economic activity
Tabelul 12. Distribution of the employed population by form of ownership
Tabelul 13. Distribution of the employed population by age group, sex and area
Tabelul 14. Employed population by level of education, sex and area
Tabelul 15. Employed population by level of education, group of occupation, sex and area
Tabelul 16. Employed population by status in employment, sex and area
Tabelul 17. Employed persons by type of production unit, sex and area (all economic activities are included)
Tabelul 18. Employed persons by type of job, status in employment, sex and areas
Tabelul 19. Employed persons by type of job, economic activity, sex and area
Tabelul 20. Employed persons by type of job, status in employment, sex and area
Tabelul 21. Employed persons by type of job, level of education, sex and area
Tabelul 22. Distribution of employees by type of economic activity
Tabelul 23. Number of employees in agriculture and industry
Tabelul 24. Distribution of women employed in economy by type of economic activity
Tabelul 25. Number of women employed in agriculture and industry
Tabelul 26. Share of women employed in economy, by type of economic activity (end of year; as percentage to the total number of employees from the respective activity)
Tabelul 27. Distribution of employees by form of ownership and type of economic activity, in 2010
Tabelul 28. Mobilitatea salaria?ilor, pe tipuri de activit??i economice, ?n anul 2010
Diagrama 2. Employment and dismissal of salaried employees, by type of economic activity, in 2010 (as percentage to the staff average number)
Tabelul 29. Reasons for dismissal of employees, in 2010
Tabelul 30. Mobility of employees by territorial-administrative units, in 2010
Tabelul 31. Average duration of the working week of an employee, by economic activity
Tabelul 32. Number of employees on leave by type of on the administration initiative, economic activity
Tabelul 33. Number of employees transferred on the administration initiative to daily or weekly part-time schedule, by type of economic activity


Tabelul 34. Number of ILO unemployed by age group, sex and area
Tabelul 35. ILO unemployment rate by age group, sex and area
Tabelul 36. ILO unemployed by age group, sex, area and level of education, in 2010
Tabelul 37. ILO unemployed by age group, sex, area and unemployment duration, in 2010
Tabelul 38. ILO unemployed by working experience, sex, area and age group, in 2010
Tabelul 39. Number of unemployed registered at the labour force agencies
Diagrama 3. Trend of unemployment registered at the labour force agencies
Tabelul 40. Composition of the unemployed registered at the labour force agencies
Tabelul 41. Unemployed registered at the labour force agencies, by age and level of education
Tabelul 42. Job placement of unemployed
Tabelul 43. Number of unemployed registered at the labour force agencies, by territorial-administrative units, in 2010


Tabelul 44. Average monthly earings per employee in economy, by type of economic activity
Tabelul 45. Ratio of the average monthly earnings per employee, by type of activity, to the average monthly earnings in the total economy
Tabelul 46. Monthly average earnings of one employee in 2010
Tabelul 47. Average monthly earnings of women, in comparison with men's earnings
Tabelul 48. Average monthly earnings per employee in agriculture and industry
Tabelul 49. Average monthly earnings of teaching staff, by some educational institutions, in 2010
Tabelul 50. Average monthly earnings of medical staff, by some categories and type of activity, in 2010
Tabelul 51. Average monthly earnings by some activities, professions and sex, in October1
Tabelul 52. Average monthly earnings per employee, by economic activity and form of ownership, in 2010
Tabelul 53. Average monthly earnings per employee, by economic activity, expressed in US dollars 1
Tabelul 54. Average monthly earnings per employee, by months
Tabelul 55. Average monthly earnings per employee, per quarters
Tabelul 56. Average monthly earnings per employee, by territorial-administrative units, in 2010
Tabelul 57. Indices of nominal and real earnings
Tabelul 58. Distribution of employees by wage size, in September 2010
Tabelul 59. Labour cost in enterprises and organizations, by economic activity, in 2010
Tabelul 60. Labour cost in enterprises and organizations, by economic activity, in 2010 (structure, %)
Tabelul 61. Average monthly cost per employee in enterprises and organizations, by economic activity


Tabelul 62. Employees engaged in hard work conditions, by economic activity
Tabelul 63. Women employed in hard work conditions, by type of economic activity, in 2010
Tabelul 64. Facilities and compensations paid to employees for poor work conditions, by type of economic activity, in 2010
Tabelul 65. Facilities and compensations paid to women for poor work conditions, by type of economic activity, in 2010
Tabelul 66. Expenditures for facilities and compensations paid to employees, by type of economic activity
Tabelul 67. Number of work accident victims
Tabelul 68. Number of work accident victims by territorial-administrative units, in 2010
Tabelul 69. Number of work accident victims, by type of economic activity, in 2010
Tabelul 70. Distribution of work accident victims by circumstances and causes, in 2010
Tabelul 71. Expenditures of economic units related to work protection actions
Tabelul 72. Expenditures of economic units related to work protection actions, by territorial-administrative units, in 2010


Tabelul 73. Graduates from educational institutions
Tabelul 74. Graduation from higher education institutions, by cycles and fields of study
Tabelul 75. Graduation from PreBologna higher education,medicine and pharmacy bygroup of speciallties
Tabelul 76. Graduates from colleges, by group of specialities
Tabelul 77. Employees' vocational background
Tabelul 78. Employees' vocational background, by economic activity
Tabelul 79. Workers' vocational background, by economic activity
Tabelul 80. Clerks' vocational background, by economic activity
Tabelul 81. Clerks' vocational background
Tabelul 82. Distribution of clerks by the area where the training courses were held
Tabelul 83. Expenditures due to vocational background

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Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ
Эл № ФС77-39707 от 07.05.2010г.
© Демоскоп Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887

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Фонда ООН по народонаселению (UNFPA) - www.unfpa.org (c 2001 г.)
Фонда Джона Д. и Кэтрин Т. Макартуров - www.macfound.ru (с 2004 г.)
Фонда некоммерческих программ "Династия" - www.dynastyfdn.com (с 2008 г.)
Российского гуманитарного научного фонда - www.rfh.ru (2004-2007)
Национального института демографических исследований (INED) - www.ined.fr (с 2004 г.)
ЮНЕСКО - portal.unesco.org (2001), Бюро ЮНЕСКО в Москве - www.unesco.ru (2005)
Института "Открытое общество" (Фонд Сороса) - www.osi.ru (2001-2002)

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