Rambler's Top100

№ 437 - 438
4 - 17 октября 2010

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Проблемы развития агломераций России

Монопрофильные города в условиях кризиса: состояние, проблемы, возможности реабилитации

Миграционное законодательство России: состояние, проблемы, перспективы

Demographic Yearbook 2007

Europe in figures - Eurostat Yearbook 2010

По страницам журналов «Здравоохранение Российской Федерации» и «Вестник МГУ. Серия 18. Социология и политология»

Содержание журнала «Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies»

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Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies


Volume 36

Issue 4 2010

Reluctant Diasporas of Northern Ireland: Migrant Narratives of Home, Conflict, Difference
Johanne Devlin Trew

A Racial Archaeology of Space: A Journey through the Political Imaginings of Brixton and Brick Lane, London
George Mavrommatis

'London the Leveller': Ghanaian Work Strategies and Community Solidarity
Ellie Vasta; Leander Kandilige

A Sunbeam of Hope: Negotiations of Identity and Belonging among Pakistanis in Denmark
Mikkel Rytter

Between 'Turkish Islam' and 'French Islam': The Role of the Diyanet in the Conseil Fran?ais du Culte Musulman
Zana Citak

Population Ratios and Prejudice: Modelling Both Contact and Threat Effects
Thomas F. Pettigrew; Ulrich Wagner; Oliver Christ

Understanding East Indians' Attitudes Toward African Americans: Do Mainstream Prejudicial Attitudes Transfer to Immigrants?
Cheri L. Philip; Ram Mahalingam; Robert M. Sellers

Minutemen and Desert Samaritans: Mapping the Attitudes of Activists on the United States' Immigration Front Lines

Moving On from Indices, Refocusing on Mix: On Measuring and Understanding Ethnic Patterns of Residential Segregation
Ron Johnston; Michael Poulsen; James Forrest

Indigenous Routes: A Framework for Understanding Indigenous Migration
Mark K. Watson

Hellenisms: Culture, Identity and Ethnicity from Antiquity to Modernity
Anastasia Christou

The International Mobility of Talent: Types, Causes and Development Impact
Aimee Rindoks

Immigrant Youth Who Excel: Globalization's Uncelebrated Heroes
Larissa Remennick

Issue 5 2010
Migration and Citizenship Attribution: Politics and Policies in Western Europe

Citizenship Attribution in Western Europe: International Framework and Domestic Trends
Maarten P. Vink; Gerard-Rene de Groot

The Impact of the Far Right on Citizenship Policy in Europe: Explaining Continuity and Change
Marc Morje Howard

Integration Requirements for Integration's Sake? Identifying, Categorising and Comparing Civic Integration Policies
Sara Wallace Goodman

Rewarding Integration? Citizenship Regulations and the Socio-Cultural Integration of Immigrants in the Netherlands, France and Germany
Evelyn Ersanilli; Ruud Koopmans

Switzerland: Contentious Citizenship Attribution in a Federal State
Marc Helbling

Citizenship Attribution in a New Country of Immigration: Ireland
Iseult Honohan

Matters of Control: Integration Tests, Naturalisation Reform and Probationary Citizenship in the United Kingdom
Dora Kostakopoulou

Studying Citizenship Constellations
Rainer Baubock

Development and the African Diaspora: Place and the Politics of Home
David Rubyan-Ling

Majority Cultures and the Everyday Politics of Ethnic Difference: Whose House is This?
Stephanie Condon

Issue 6 2010
On the Move: Emotions and Human Mobility

On the Move: Emotions and Human Mobility
Maruska Svasek

'These People Could Be Anyone': Fear, Contempt (and Empathy) in a British Immigration Removal Centre
Alexandra Hall

'Unkind Cuts': Health Policy and Practice versus the Health and Emotional Well-Being of Asylum-Seekers and Refugees in Ireland
Katy Radford

Sensuous Multiculturalism: Emotional Landscapes of Inter-Ethnic Living in Australian Suburbia
Amanda Wise

Gossiping in the Polish Club: An Emotional Coexistence of 'Old' and 'New' Migrants
Aleksandra Galasinska

Emotional Ambiguity: Japanese Migrant Women in Mixed Families and their Life Transition
Naoko Maehara

The Hindi Film's Romance and Tibetan Notions of Harmony: Emotional Attachments and Personal Identity in the Tibetan Diaspora in India
Timm Lau

The Politics of Hope and Disappointment: Ambivalence in the Post-1989 Homeland-Related Discourses among Hungarians in Australia
Petra Andits

Transnational Tortillas: Race, Gender, and Shop-Floor Politics in Mexico and the United States
Mirjana Morokvasic-Muller

Eurostars and Eurocities: Free Movement and Mobility in an Integrating Europe
Christian Joppke

Issue 7 2010

'You Can't Exactly Act American Here In Israel!': Identity Negotiations of Transnational North American-Israeli Children and Youth
Laura I. Sigad; Rivka A. Eisikovits

Immigrant Niches and the Intrametropolitan Spatial Division of Labour
Richard Wright; Mark Ellis; Virginia Parks

Struggling for Immigrants' Rights at the Local Level: The Domestic Workers Bill of Rights Initiative in a Suburb of Washington, DC
Guillermo Cantor

International Employment Agencies and Migrant Flexiwork in an Enlarged European Union
Roos Pijpers

Forced Displacement, Onward Migration and Reformulations of 'Home' by Chagossians in Crawley, UK
Laura Jeffery

The Globalisation of Marriage Fields: The Swedish Case
Thomas Niedomysl; John ?sth; Maarten van Ham

Forced Migrants, Active Mothers or Desired Wives: Migratory Motivation and Self-Representation in Kosovo Albanian and Russian Women's Biographies
Minna Saavala

The Formation and Development of the Estonian Diaspora
Tiit Tammaru; Kaja Kumer-Haukanomm; Kristi Anniste

Dwellings in Transnational Lives: A Biographical Perspective on 'Turkish-Dutch' Houses in Turkey

The Overseas Chinese of South East Asia: History, Culture, Business
Ron Skeldon

Immigration Policy and Security, U.S., European, and Commonwealth Perspectives
Juris Pupcenoks

Issue 8 2010
Examining 'Expatriate' Continuities: Postcolonial Approaches to Mobile Professionals

Examining 'Expatriate' Continuities: Postcolonial Approaches to Mobile Professionals
Anne-Meike Fechter; Katie Walsh

'New Shanghailanders' or 'New Shanghainese': Western Expatriates' Narratives of Emplacement in Shanghai
James Farrer

'Realising the Self and Developing the African': German Immigrants in Namibia
Heidi Armbruster

Work, Identity and Change? Post/Colonial Encounters in Hong Kong
Pauline Leonard

Institutionalising the Colonial Imagination: Chinese Middlemen and the Transnational Corporate Office in Jakarta, Indonesia
William H. Leggett

Gender, Empire, Global Capitalism: Colonial and Corporate Expatriate Wives
Anne-Meike Fechter

A Postcolonial Imagination? Westerners Searching for Authenticity in India
Mari Korpela

From 'Trucial State' to 'Postcolonial' City? The Imaginative Geographies of British Expatriates in Dubai
Anne Coles; Katie Walsh

'They Called Them Communists Then … What D'You Call 'Em Now? … Insurgents?'. Narratives of British Military Expatriates in the Context of the New Imperialism
Ben Rogaly; Becky Taylor

Paper Citizens: How Illegal Immigrants Acquire Citizenship in Developing Countries
Sandra Mantu

Coming Home: Media and Returning Diaspora in Israel and Germany
Anastasia Christou

The Dynamics of International Student Circulation in a Global Context; and Students, Staff and Academic Mobility in Higher Education
Russell King

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Эл № ФС77-39707 от 07.05.2010г.
© Демоскоп Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887

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Фонда некоммерческих программ "Династия" - www.dynastyfdn.com (с 2008 г.)
Российского гуманитарного научного фонда - www.rfh.ru (2004-2007)
Национального института демографических исследований (INED) - www.ined.fr (с 2004 г.)
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Института "Открытое общество" (Фонд Сороса) - www.osi.ru (2001-2002)

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