Институт демографии НИУ ВШЭ имени А.Г. Вишневского

№ 1051 - 1052
12 ноября - 25 ноября 2024

ISSN 1726-2891

первая полоса

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читальный зал приложения обратная связь доска объявлений


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Spain. Health Systems in Transition

Eurostat Regional Yearbook

Национальный состав, вероисповедание и владение языками в Республике Казахстан

Доклад «О состоянии санитарно-эпидемиологического благополучия населения в Воронежской области в 2023 году»

Злокачественные новообразования в России в 2023 году (заболеваемость и смертность)

По страницам журналов «Социальные аспекты здоровья населения» и «Экология человека»

Содержание журнала «Population Studies»

Web demoscope.ru


A Journal of Demography


Volume 78, 2024

Issue 1

Appreciation Note

Anne Shepherd: An appreciation
The Editors

Research Article

Social cartography and satellite-derived building coverage for post-census population estimates in difficult-to-access regions of Colombia
Lina Maria Sanchez-Cespedes, Douglas Ryan Leasure, Natalia Tejedor-Garavito, Glenn Harry Amaya Cruz, Gustavo Adolfo Garcia Velez, Andryu Enrique Mendoza, Yenny Andrea Marín Salazar, Thomas Esch, Andrew J. Tatem & Mariana Ospina Bohórquez

Pandemics and socio-economic status. Evidence from the plague of 1630 in northern Italy
Guido Alfani, Marco Bonetti & Mattia Fochesato

Trends in chronic childhood undernutrition in Bangladesh for small domains
Sumonkanti Das, Bernard Baffour & Alice Richardson

Who eats last? Intra-household gender inequality in food allocation among children in educationally backward areas of India
Dipanwita Ghatak, Soham Sahoo, Sudipa Sarkar & Varun Sharma

Cameroon’s slow fertility transition: A gender perspective
Jean Christophe Fotso, John G. Cleland & Elihou O. Adje

Increases in child marriage among the poorest in Mali: ‘Reverse policies’ or data quality issues?
Ewa Batyra & Luca Maria Pesando

The (temporary) Covid-19 baby bust in Mexico
Adan Silverio-Murillo, Lauren Hoehn-Velasco, Jose Roberto Balmori de la Miyar & Judith Senyancen Méndez Méndez

Women’s fertility and allostatic load in the post-reproductive years: An analysis of the Indonesian Family Life Survey
Tiziana Leone, Heini Väisänen & Firman Witoelar

Research Notes

Is there an association between family members’ season of birth that could influence birth seasonality? Evidence from Spain and France
Adela Recio Alcaide, César Pérez López, Miguel Ángel Ortega, Luisa N. Borrell & Francisco Bolúmar

Cognitive impairment and partnership status in the United States, 1998–2016, by sex, race/ethnicity, and education
Shubhankar Sharma, Jo Mhairi Hale, Mikko Myrskylä & Hill Kulu

Issue 2


In memoriam
The Editors

Research Articles

Has it always paid to be rich? Income and cause-specific mortality in southern Sweden 1905–2014
Enrico Debiasi, Martin Dribe & Gabriel Brea Martinez

Unequal before death: The effect of paternal education on children’s old-age mortality in the United States
Hamid Noghanibehambari & Jason Fletcher

A growing divide: Trends in social inequalities in healthy longevity in Australia, 2001–20
Kim Qinzi Xu & Collin F. Payne

A typology of social network interactions in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from a rural population in Senegal
Véronique Deslauriers, Simona Bignami & John Sandberg

Did the 1918 influenza pandemic cause a 1920 baby boom? Demographic evidence from neutral Europe
Hampton Gaddy & Mathias Mølbak Ingholt

Fertility patterns and sex composition preferences in immigrant–native unions in Sweden
Annika Elwert

How genuine are sub-replacement ideal family sizes in urban China?
Shuang Chen & Stuart Gietel-Basten

The recent decline in period fertility in England and Wales: Differences associated with family background and intergenerational educational mobility
John Ermisch

Partnership trajectories preceding medically assisted reproduction
Alina Pelikh, Hanna Remes, Niina Metsä-Simola & Alice Goisis

Research Note

Educational composition effect on the sex gap in life expectancy: A research note based on evidence from Australia
Wen Su, Jennifer Welsh, Rosemary J. Korda & Vladimir Canudas-Romo

Issue 3

Research Articles

Kinship and socio-economic status: Social gradients in frequencies of kin across the life course in Sweden
Linus Andersson & Martin Kolk

The selectivity of internal movers: An analysis of the relationship between education, social origin, and geographical mobility in Europe
Nazareno Panichella & Roberto Impicciatore

Flexible transition timing in discrete-time multistate life tables using Markov chains with rewards
Daniel C. Schneider, Mikko Myrskylä & Alyson van Raalte

Estimating age-specific mortality using calibrated splines
Sigurd Dyrting & Andrew Taylor

Experiences of victimization before resettlement and chronic disease among foreign-born people in the United States

Solveig A. Cunningham, Marie Sugihara & Rebecca E. Jones-Antwi


Did smallpox cause stillbirths? Maternal smallpox infection, vaccination, and stillbirths in Sweden, 1780–1839
Eric B. Schneider, Sören Edvinsson & Kota Ogasawara

Infant and child mortality in the Netherlands 1935–47 and changes related to the Dutch famine of 1944–45: A population-based analysis
Ingrid J. J. de Zwarte, Peter Ekamper & L. H. Lumey

Grandparental support and maternal depression: Do grandparents’ characteristics matter more for separating mothers?
Niina Metsä-Simola, Anna Baranowska-Rataj, Hanna Remes, Mine Kühn & Pekka Martikainen

Home-based work and childbearing
Beata Osiewalska, Anna Matysiak & Anna Kurowska

No place for young women? The impact of internal migration on adult sex ratios in rural East Germany
Nico Stawarz, Matthias Rosenbaum-Feldbrügge, Uta Brehm & Nikola Sander

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ISSN 1726-2887