Volume 82, 2020
Issue 1, February
Issue Information
The Decade in Review
The Decade in Review
Kristi Williams
Demographic Trends
The Demography of Families: A Review of Patterns and Change
Pamela J. Smock, Christine R. Schwartz
Union Formation, Stability, and Quality
Cohabitation and Marriage: Complexity and Diversity in Union-Formation
Sharon Sassler, Daniel T. Lichter
Degrees of Change: An Assessment of the Deinstitutionalization
of Marriage Thesis
Andrew J. Cherlin
Divorce, Repartnering, and Stepfamilies: A Decade in Review
Kelly Raley, Megan M. Sweeney
Research on Marital Satisfaction and Stability in the 2010s: Challenging
Conventional Wisdom
Benjamin R. Karney, Thomas N. Bradbury
Pathways to Parenthood in Social and Family Contexts: Decade in
Review, 2020
Karen Benjamin Guzzo, Sarah R. Hayford
Family Processes and Children's and Adolescents' Well-Being
Cheryl Buehler
The Evolution of Fathering Research in the 21st Century: Persistent
Challenges, New Directions
Sarah J. Schoppe-Sullivan, Jay Fagan
Parenthood and Well-Being: A Decade in Review
Kei Nomaguchi, Melissa A. Milkie
Spanning Borders, Cultures, and Generations: A Decade of Research
on Immigrant Families
Jennifer Van Hook, Jennifer E. Glick
Families in Context
Ethnic–Racial Socialization in the Family: A Decade's Advance
on Precursors and Outcomes
Adriana J. Umaña-Taylor, Nancy E. Hill
Families Across the Income Spectrum: A Decade in Review
Marianne Cooper, Allison J. Pugh
Sexual- and Gender-Minority Families: A 2010 to 2020 Decade in
Corinne Reczek
Gender, Feminist, and Intersectional Perspectives on Families:
A Decade in Review
April L. Few-Demo, Katherine R. Allen
Life Course and Intergenerational Perspectives on Family
and Kinship
Families in Later Life: A Decade in Review
Deborah Carr, Rebecca L. Utz
Kinship Reconsidered: Research on a Neglected Topic
Frank F. Furstenberg
A Decade of Research on Intergenerational Ties: Technological,
Economic, Political, and Demographic Changes
Karen L. Fingerman, Meng Huo, Kira S. Birditt
Family Processes and Consequences
Family Matters: Research on Family Ties and Health, 2010 to 2020
Debra Umberson, Mieke Beth Thomeer
Work and Family in the Second Decade of the 21st Century
Maureen Perry-Jenkins, Naomi Gerstel
A Socioecological Perspective on Intimate Partner Violence Research:
A Decade in Review
Jennifer L. Hardesty, Brian G. Ogolsky
Correction(s) for this article
Erratum: Volume 82,Issue 2
Family Policy
Family Policy and Complex Contemporary Families: A Decade in Review
and Implications for the Next Decade of Research and Policy Practice
Lawrence M. Berger, Marcia J. Carlson
Issue 2, April
Issue Information
Father Involvement and Socioeconomic Disparities in Child Academic
Daniel P. Miller, Margaret M. C. Thomas, Maureen R. Waller,
Lenna Nepomnyaschy, Allison D. Emory
Paternity Leave and Fathers' Responsibility: Evidence From a Natural
Experiment in Canada
Dana Wray
“Harder Being Without the Baby”: Fathers' Coparenting
Perspectives in Responsible Fatherhood Programming
Jennifer Randles
Paternal Part-Time Employment and Fathers' Long?Term Involvement
in Child Care and Housework
Mareike Bünning
Nonstandard Work Schedules and Father Involvement Among Resident
and Nonresident Fathers
Alejandra Ros Pilarz, Laura Cuesta, Yonah Drazen
Shared Children in Stepfamilies: Experiences Living in a Hybrid
Family Structure
Caroline Sanner, Lawrence Ganong, Marilyn Coleman
Family Relationships During Adolescence and Stepchilden's Educational
Attainment in Young Adulthood
Valarie King, Brianne Pragg, Rachel Lindstrom
Stepparental Support to Adult Children: The Diverging Roles of
Stepmothers and Stepfathers
Kirsten van Houdt, Matthijs Kalmijn, Katya Ivanova
The Intergenerational Transmission of Socioeconomic Status in Stepfamilies:
What Happens if Two Fathers Are Involved in the Transmission Process?Suzanne
G. de Leeuw, Matthijs Kalmijn
Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Families
Racial Diversity in the Marital Assimilation of Hispanics
Kate H. Choi
Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Association Between Family Structure
and Children's Education
Christina J. Cross
Trajectories of Union Transition in Emerging Adulthood: Socioeconomic
Status and Race/Ethnicity Differences in the National Longitudinal
Survey of Youth 1997 Cohort
Yang Zhang, Shannon Ang
Marriage in Africa
Intramarital Status Differences Across Africa's Educational Expansion
Sara Lopus, Margaret Frye
Condemned and Condoned: Polygynous Marriage in Christian Africa
Victor Agadjanian
Decade in Review
Decade Review of Sex and Partnering in Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Spencer B. Olmstead
Brief Reports
Mismatches in the Marriage Market
Daniel T. Lichter, Joseph P. Price, Jeffrey M. Swigert
Race/Ethnic Differences in Spatial Distance Between Adult Children
and Their Mothers
Adriana Reyes, Robert F. Schoeni, HwaJung Choi
Spatial Distance Between Parents and Adult Children in the United
HwaJung Choi, Robert F. Schoeni, Emily E. Wiemers, V. Joseph
Hotz, Judith A. Seltzer
This article corrects the following: A Socioecological Perspective
on Intimate Partner Violence Research: A Decade in Review
Jennifer L. Hardesty, Brian G. Ogolsky
Issue 3, June
Issue Information
Work, Employment, and Family
Who to Blame and How to Solve It: Mothers' Perceptions of Work–Family
Conflict Across Western Policy Regimes
Caitlyn Collins
Couples' Job Insecurity and Relationship Satisfaction in the Netherlands
Niels Blom, Ellen Verbakel, Gerbert Kraaykamp
Workplace Flexibility and Worker Well-Being by Gender
Jaeseung Kim, Julia R. Henly, Lonnie M. Golden, Susan J. Lambert
Occupational Sex Composition and Marriage: The Romantic Cost of
Gender-Atypical Jobs
Elizabeth Aura McClintock
Tied and Troubled: Revisiting Tied Migration and Subsequent Employment
Magdalena Krieger
Protecting Adults With Caregiving Responsibilities From Workplace
Discrimination: Analysis of National Legislation
Bijetri Bose, Feliz Quiñones, Gonzalo Moreno, Amy Raub,
Kate Huh, Jody Heymann
Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Parental Relationship Churning and Adolescent Well-Being: Examining
Instability Within Families
Kristin Turney, Sarah Halpern-Meekin
Leaving Home, Entering Institutions: Implications for Home-Leaving
in the Transition to Adulthood
Youngmin Yi
Adolescent Intergenerational Relationship Dynamics and Leaving
and Returning to the Parental Home
Brian Joseph Gillespie
Associations Between Domain Differentiated Sibling Conflict and
Adolescent Problem Behavior
Christopher Odudu, Maya Williams, Nicole Campione?Barr
Families, Stress, and Mental Health
Men's Economic Dependency, Gender Ideology, and Stress at Midlife
Joeun Kim, Nancy Luke
Couple-Level Stress Proliferation and Husbands' and Wives' Distress
During the Life Course
Kandauda A.S. Wickrama PhD,Catherine Walker O'Neal PhD, Eric
T. Klopack
An Integrated Relational Framework of Depressed Mood and Anhedonia
During Pregnancy
Rebecca L. Brock,Molly R. Franz, Erin L. Ramsdell
Union Dissolution
Continued Cohabitation After the Decision to Separate: “Living
Together Apart” in France
Wilfried Rault, Arnaud Régnier-Loilier
Divorce and Diverging Poverty Rates: A Risk-and-Vulnerability Approach
Bram Hogendoorn, Thomas Leopold, Thijs Bol
Of General Interest
Two Methods for Studying the Developmental Significance of Family
Structure Trajectories
Carol A. Johnston, Robert Crosnoe, Sara E. Mernitz, Amanda M.
Partner Politics: How Partners Are Relevant to Voting
Stijn Daenekindt, Willem de Koster, Jeroen van der Waal