Pretoria, Statistics South Africa, 2018, 290 pages

Коэффициенты естественного прироста населения
(на 1000 человек) (страница 24)
Первое совместное статистическое издание БРИКС было
подготовлено в 2010 году. С тех пор каждый год одна из стран БРИКС
выпускает такую публикацию. Издание 2017 года, которое стало восьмым
выпуском этой публикации, было подготовлено Китаем, а нынешний девятый
ее выпуск подготовлен Южной Африкой. Публикация 2018 года включает
в себя 15 глав: первая глава представляет собой резюме всей публикации
и содержит общую информацию по сопоставимым статистическим данным
для пяти стран, в то время как другие 14 глав отражают различные
аспекты прошлого развития и текущего состояния отдельных стран.
В каждой из этих 14 глав есть два компонента: сводная таблица с
графиками, за которой следуют таблицы по странам. Сборник содержит
детальные данные об изменении важнейших макроэкономических и социальных
индикаторов, таких как численность населения, показатели экономической
активности населения, динамики и структуры ВВП, индексов цен, уровня
жизни населения. Кроме того, публикуется информация о производстве
наиболее важных видов промышленной и сельскохозяйственной продукции;
даются характеристики развития сфер энергетики, транспорта, связи,
финансов, внешнеэкономических отношений стран, приводятся сведения
по экологии.
Chapter One: General information, economic and social
indicators comparison of BRICS countries
Table 1.1 - General information on BRICS countries
Table 1.2 - Economic and social indicators comparison of BRICS
Graph 1.1 - Share of the BRICS countries in the world population,
Graph 1.2 - Share of the BRICS countries in the world territory,
Chapter Two: Population
Table 2.1 - Summary of population on BRICS countries
Table 2.2.1 - Selected data on population - Brazil
Table 2.2.2 - Selected data on population - Russia
Table 2.2.3 - Selected data on population - India
Table 2.2.4 - Selected data on population - China
Table 2.2.5 - Selected data on population - South Africa
Graph 2.1 - Natural increase rate of population
Graph 2.2 - Infant mortality rate
Graph 2.3 - Life expectancy at birth
Graph 2.4 - Population by age groups, 2017
Explanatory notes
Chapter Three: Labour force
Table 3.1 - Summary of labour force on BRICS countries
Table 3.2.1 - Selected data on labour force - Brazil
Table 3.2.2 - Selected data on labour force - Russia
Table 3.2.3 - Selected data on labour force - India
Table 3.2.4 - Selected data on labour force - China
Table 3.2.5 - Selected data on labour force - South Africa
Graph 3.1 - Share of labour force to national population
Explanatory notes
Chapter Four: National accounts
Table 4.1 - Summary of national accounts on BRICS countries
Table 4.2.1 - Selected data on national accounts - Brazil
Table 4.2.2 - Selected data on national accounts - Russia
Table 4.2.3 - Selected data on national accounts - India
Table 4.2.4 - Selected data on national accounts - China
Table 4.2.5 - Selected data on national accounts - South Africa
Graph 4.1- Gross domestic product (current prices; billion US$)
Graph 4.2 - Gross domestic product per capita (current prices;
Graph 4.3 - Share of GDP in different sectors, 2017
Graph 4.4 - Share of GDP in different sectors, 2008
Explanatory notes
Chapter Five: Price indices
Table 5.1 - Summary of consumer price index from the previous
year on BRICS countries
Table 5.2.1 - Selected data on price indices - Brazil
Table 5.2.2 - Selected data on price indices - Russia
Table 5.2.3 - Selected data on price indices - India
Table 5.2.4 - Selected data on price indices - China
Table 5.2.5 - Selected data on price indices - South Africa, 2000/2016
Graph 5.1 - Consumer price index
Explanatory notes
Chapter Six: People's living standard
Table 6.1 - Summary of people's living standard on BRICS countries
Table 6.2.1 - Selected data on people's living standard - Brazil
Table 6.2.2 - Selected data on people's living standard - Russia
Table 6.2.3 - Selected data on people's living standard - India
Table 6.2.4 - Selected data on people's living standard - China
Table 6.2.5 - Selected data on people's living standard - South
Graph 6.1 - Percentage share of public expenditure on education
to GDP
Graph 6.2 - Percentage share of public expenditure on health to
Graph 6.3 - Ownership of cars per 100 persons, 2016
Explanatory notes
Chapter Seven: Resources and environment
Table 7.1 - Summary of resources and environment on BRICS countries
Table 7.2.1 - Selected data on resources and environment - Brazil
Table 7.2.2 - Selected data on resources and environment - Russia
Table 7.2.3 - Selected data on resources and environment - India
Table 7.2.4 - Selected data on resources and environment - China
Table 7.2.5 - Selected data on resources and environment - South
Graph 7.1 - Utilization of forest area, 2017
Explanatory notes
Chapter Eight: Industry
Table 8.1 - Summary of industry on BRICS countries
Table 8.2.1 - Selected data on output of main industrial products
- Brazil
Table 8.2.2 - Selected data on output of main industrial products
- Russia
Table 8.2.3 - Selected data on output of main industrial products
- India
Table 8.2.4 - Selected data on output of main industrial products
- China
Table 8.2.5 - Value of sales by product - South Africa
Graph 8.1 - Index of industrial production
Explanatory notes
Chapter Nine: Energy
Table 9.1 - Summary of energy on BRICS countries
Table 9.2.1 - Summary of energy - Brazil
Table 9.2.2 - Summary of energy - Russia
Table 9.2.3 - Summary of energy - India
Table 9.2.4 - Summary of energy - China
Table 9.2.5 - Summary of energy - South Africa, 2015
Graph 9.1 - Electricity consumption per capita, 2016
Explanatory notes
Chapter Ten: Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry
and fishery
Table 10.1 - Summary of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry
and fishery on BRICS countries
Table 10.2.1 - Selected data on agriculture, forestry, animal
husbandry and fishery - Brazil
Table 10.2.2 - Selected data on agriculture, forestry, animal
husbandry and fishery - Russia
Table 10.2.3 - Selected data on agriculture, forestry, animal
husbandry and fishery - India
Table 10.2.4 - Selected data on agriculture, forestry, animal
husbandry and fishery - China
Table 10.2.5 - Selected data on agriculture, forestry, animal
husbandry and fishery - South Africa
Graph 10.1 - Production of cereals
Explanatory notes
Chapter Eleven: Transport
Table 11.1 - Summary of transport on BRICS countries
Table 11.2.1 - Selected data on transport - Brazil
Table 11.2.2 - Selected data on transport - Russia
Table 11.2.3 - Selected data on transport - India
Table 11.2.4 - Selected data on transport - China
Table 11.2.5 - Selected data on transport - South Africa
Graph 11.1 - Length of railways in operation, 2017
Explanatory notes
Chapter Twelve: Information and communication technology
Table 12.1 - Summary of information and communication technology
on BRICS countries
Table 12.2.1 - Selected data on information and communication
technology - Brazil
Table 12.2.2 - Selected data on information and communication
technology - Russia
Table 12.2.3 - Selected data on information and communication
technology - India
Table 12.2.4 - Selected data on information and communication
technology - China
Table 12.2.5 - Selected data on information and communication
technology - South Africa
Graph 12.1 - Number of subscribers of cellular mobile telephones
per 1000 inhabitants
Explanatory notes
Chapter Thirteen: Finance
Table 13.1 - Summary of finance on BRICS countries
Table 13.2.1 - Selected data on finance - Brazil
Table 13.2.2 - Selected data on finance - Russia
Table 13.2.3 - Selected data on finance - India
Table 13.2.4 - Selected data on finance - China
Table 13.2.5 - Selected data on finance - South Africa
Graph 13.1 - Share of deficit (-)/surplus of general government
to GDP
Explanatory notes
Chapter Fourteen: External economic relations
Table 14.1 - Summary of external economic relations on BRICS
Table 14.2.1 - Selected data on merchandise trade - Brazil
Table 14.3.1 - Selected data on direct investment (DI) net incurrence
of liabilities - Brazil
Table 14.4.1 - Balance of payments - Brazil, 2017
Table - Selected data on merchandise trade - Russia
Table - Selected data on merchandise trade - Russia,
Table 14.3.2 - Selected data on foreign direct investment (FDI)
- Russia
Table 14.4.2 - Balance of payments - Russia
Table - Selected data on merchandise trade: Major trade
partners - India (April 2017 to February 2018)
Table - Selected data on merchandise trade: BRICS countries
- India
Table - Selected data on merchandise trade - India
Table 14.4.3 - Balance of payments - India
Table - Selected data on merchandise trade - China
Table - Top 10 commodities exported to BRICS countries
- China, 2017
Table - Top 10 commodities imported from BRICS countries
- China, 2017
Table 14.3.3 - Selected data on foreign direct investment (FDI)
- China
Table 14.4.4 - Balance of payments - China
Table 14.2.5 - Selected data on merchandise trade: BRICS countries
- South Africa, 2016
Table 14.4.5 - Balance of payments - South Africa, 2017
Graph 14.1 - Ratio of exports of goods and commercial services
to imports of goods and commercial services
Graph 14.2 - Share of external debts to GDO
Explanatory notes
Chapter Fifteen: Tourism
Table 15.1 - Number of foreign tourist arrivals in BRICS countries
from different continents
Table 15.2.1 - Foreign tourist arrivals by top 15 countries -
Table 15.3.1 - Foreign tourist arrivals in the country from different
continents - Brazil
Table 15.2.2 - Foreign tourist arrivals by top 15 countries -
Table 15.3.2 - Foreign tourist arrivals in the country from different
continents - Russia
Table 15.2.3 - Foreign tourist arrivals by top 15 countries -
Table 15.3.3 - Foreign tourist arrivals in the country from different
continents - India
Table 15.2.4 - Foreign tourist arrivals by top 15 countries or
territories - China
Table 15.3.4 - Foreign tourist arrivals in the country from different
continents and countries - China
Table 15.2.5 - Foreign tourist arrivals by top 15 countries -
South Africa
Table 15.3.5 - Foreign tourist arrivals in the country from different
continents - South Africa
Graph 15.1 - Foreign tourist arrivals from different continents,
Explanatory notes
Annexure I - Statistical system of Brazil
Annexure II - Statistical system of Russia
Annexure III - Statistical system of India
Annexure IV - Statistical system of China
Annexure V - Statistical system of South Africa
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