№ 570, October 2019
The decrease in life expectancy in the United States since 2014
Magali Barbieri
Life expectancy at birth in the United States stopped increasing in 2010
and has even been declining for men since 2014. The United States started
to fall behind other countries around 1980, and its ranking has fallen
steadily since then. Progress in combating cardiovascular diseases, the
main factor behind the increase in life expectancy in the 1970s and 1980s,
has slowed since 2000, due notably to the increase in obesity and diabetes.
The drug overdose epidemic accounts for half of the years of life lost
between 2014 and 2017. Overdose mortality increased more than fivefold
between 1980 and 2017
№ 571, November 2019
The influence of tobacco on mortality in Europe
Fanny Janssen
Smoking is the leading preventable risk factor of mortality in Europe, and
its share of all-cause mortality is particularly high compared to other
world regions. Fanny Janssen analyses the impact of smoking on mortality
levels and trends in Europe and examines how variations in smoking and
smoking-attributable mortality by sex and between countries explain
differences in life expectancy.
№ 572, December 2019
What people in France know about population: Evidence from a recent
Virginie De Luca Barrusse, Cécile Lefèvre and Jacques
What do people in France know and think about population? Using data from a
survey conducted in 2018 on a representative sample of the general
population, Virginie De Luca Barrusse, Cécile Lefèvre, and
Jacques Véron take stock of the state of awareness and opinions in
France about current population issues and their changes over the last 70
№ 573, January 2020
World population outlook: Explosion or implosion?
Henri Leridon
Could world population growth stop by 2050 or even decrease before then?
Drawing on United Nations projections, Henri Leridon examines the
conditions for such a reversal, notably the crises in mortality and
declines in fertility that it would imply, as well as their plausibility.
№ 574, February 2020
Pensions: a look back at thirty years of debate and reform
Didier Blanchet
The French pension system has been reformed 4 times since 1993. With
respect to what was anticipated in the early 1990s, the system has been
rebalanced by acting equally upon an increase in contributions (already
achieved), a progressive increase in the retirement age, and a gradual
decline in the relative living standard of retirees. But the balance
achieved remains sensitive to fluctuations in economic growth and the
effective future trajectory of population ageing.
№ 575, March 2020
France: the highest fertility in Europe
Gilles Pison
Fertility remained stable in France between 2018 and 2019, after having
fallen from 2.02 children per woman in 2010 to 1.84 in 2018. Have similar
fluctuations occurred elsewhere? Repositioning France’s fertility
level and trends among those observed in neighbouring countries, Gilles
Pison describes the uniqueness of the French situation in Europe and in the