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№ 745 - 746
23 октября - 5 ноября 2017

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International migration outlook 2017

Демографическое образование и изучение народонаселения в университетах (к 50-летию кафедры народонаселения)

Российская экономика в 2016 году

Демографический ежегодник Кыргызской Республики: 2012-2016

Ресурсы и деятельность медицинских организаций дерматовенерологического профиля. Заболеваемость инфекциями, передаваемыми половым путем, заразными кожными болезнями и болезнями кожи за 2015-2016 годы

По страницам журналов «Проблемы социальной гигиены, здравоохранения и истории медицины» и «Мировая экономика и международные отношения»

Содержание журнала «Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies»

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Journal of Ethnic
and Migration Studies


Volume 43, 2017

Issues 6

Transnational perspectives on intersecting experiences: gender, social class and generation among Southeast Asian migrants and their families


Transnational perspectives on intersecting experiences: gender, social class and generation among Southeast Asian migrants and their families
Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot & Kyoko Shinozaki

Special Issue Articles

Gender- and social class-based transnationalism of migrant Filipinas in binational unions
Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot

‘You are supposed to treat them like your mum and dad’: narratives about transnational family lives by middle-class Filipino children
Simone Christ

Achieving ethnic authenticity through ‘return’ visits to Vietnam: paradoxes of class and gender among the British-born Vietnamese
Tamsin Barber

The Vietnamese in Australia: diaspora identity, intra-group tensions, transnational ties and ‘victim’ status
Loretta Baldassar, Joanne Pyke & Danny Ben-Moshe

Indonesian migrant domestic workers in transnational political spaces: agency, gender roles and social class formation
Stefan Rother

Living within temporally thick borders: IT professionals’ experiences of Swedish immigration policy and practice
Linn Axelsson

Informal places of protection: Congolese refugees’ ‘communities of trust’ in Kampala, Uganda
Eveliina Lyytinen

‘Why do your people do things that just aren’t right’? Latinas/os and race relations at a community clinic in el Nuevo south
Natalia Deeb-Sossa

Re-nationalisation, inter-nationalisation, and supra-nationalisation in the re/production of transnational social space(s): the case of Kazakhstanis residing in Novosibirsk
Larisa Kosygina


Larisa Kosygina. Re-nationalisation, inter-nationalisation, and supra-nationalisation in the re/production of transnational social space(s): the case of Kazakhstanis residing in Novosibirsk

Issues 7


Dynamics in intention to stay and changes in language proficiency of recent migrants in the Netherlands
Nella Geurts & Marcel Lubbers

Distant souls: post-communist emigration and voter turnout
Filip Kostelka

Identity, causality and social cohesion
Nils Holtug

Post-imperial democracies and new projects of nationhood in Eurasia: transforming the nation through migration in Russia and Turkey
Sener Akturk

Multicultural nationalism? National identities among minority groups in Scotland’s census
Ross Bond

How do post-colonial ties and migration regimes shape travel visa requirements? The case of Caribbean nationals
Simona Vezzoli & Marie-Laurence Flahaux

The rise of the second generation: aspirations, motivations and academic success of Chinese immigrants’ children in Hong Kong
Duoduo Xu & Xiaogang Wu

Borders of home: Roma migrant mothers negotiating boundaries in home encounters
Rachel Humphris

The Coptic diaspora and the status of the Coptic minority in Egypt
Bosmat Yefet

Struggle as opportunity: making sense of U.S. migration experiences through Buddhist practice
Holly Straut-Eppsteiner

Issues 8

International Academic Mobility and Inequalities


Introduction: international academic mobility and inequalities
Başak Bilecen & Christof Van Mol


The global space of international students in 2010
Mikael Börjesson

Educators sans frontières? Borders and power geometries in transnational education
Maggi W. H. Leung & Johanna L. Waters

Transnational mobility among early-career academics: gendered aspects of negotiations and arrangements within heterosexual couples
Martine Schaer, Janine Dahinden & Alina Toader

Gendering international student migration: an Indian case-study
Gunjan Sondhi & Russell King

Gender and citizenship in academic career progression: an intersectional, meso-scale analysis in German higher education institutions
Kyoko Shinozaki

Between international student mobility and work migration: experiences of students from EU’s newer member states in Denmark
Lisanne Wilken & Mette Ginnerskov Dahlberg

Between a ‘student abroad’ and ‘being from Latvia’: inequalities of access, prestige, and foreign-earned cultural capital
Aija Lulle & Laura Buzinska

The intra-European transferability of graduates’ skills gained in the U.K.
Charikleia Tzanakou & Heike Behle

Issues 9


The interplay between objective and subjective ethno-cultural diversity in predicting intergroup relations
Göksu Celikkol, Tuuli Anna Mähönen & Inga Jasinskaja-Lahti

EU post-accession Polish migrants trajectories and their settlement practices in Scotland
Emilia Piętka-Nykaza & Derek McGhee

Educational attainment of childhood immigrants: how does immigration type matter?
Feng Hou & Aneta Bonikowska

The three worlds of emigration policy: towards a theory of sending state regimes
Suzy K. Lee

Restricted entitlements for skilled temporary migrants: the limits of migrant consent
Martina Boese & Kate Macdonald

Reproducing the nation: reproduction, citizenship and ethno-demographic survival in post-communist Romania
Costica Dumbrava

Overcoming the crisis: the changing profile and trajectories of Latvian migrants
David McCollum, Elina Apsite-Berina, Maris Berzins & Zaiga Krisjane

A ‘master status’ or the ‘final straw’? Assessing the role of immigration status in Latino undocumented youths’ pathways out of school
Laura E. Enriquez

Home and belonging: a comparative study of 1.5 and second-generation Egyptian ‘expatriates’ in Qatar and ‘immigrants’ in the U.S.
Nada Soudy

Shedding light on economic opportunity: skin tone and job quality during the Great Recession
M. Anne Visser

Being Mapuche today in Chile: judgement criteria for ethnic identification among the new generation
Mariel Mateo Piñones & Eduardo Valenzuela Carvallo

Beyond convergence: unveiling variations of external franchise in Latin America and the Caribbean from 1950 to 2015
Pau Palop-García & Luicy Pedroza

Shas and the resignification of the intersection between ethnicity and religion
Guy Abutbul-Selinger

Issues 10

How organizations respond to diversity: Investigations at the local level


Public organisations and diversity: approaches to an under-researched topic
Andrea D. Bührmann & Karen Schönwälder


Diversity discourses and the articulation of discrimination: the case of public organisations
Laura Dobusch

Authenticity or skill-oriented individualism, neutrality or managerialism: diversity officers as modern public officials
Maria Schiller

Recruitment in public administrations: diversity policies and selection practices in a French city
Yamina Meziani-Remichi & Marcel Maussen

Official standards and local knowledge in asylum procedures: decision-making in Germany’s asylum system
Karin Schittenhelm & Stephanie Schneider

Towards a theorisation of diversity. Configurations of person-related differences in the context of youth welfare practices
Boris Nieswand

Implementing a diversity policy through public incentives: Diversity Plans in companies of the Brussels-Capital Region
Alexandre Tandé

Issues 11


Shifting the refugee narrative? An automated frame analysis of Europe’s 2015 refugee crisis
Esther Greussing & Hajo G. Boomgaarden

Explaining the refugee gap: a longitudinal study on labour market participation of refugees in the Netherlands
Linda Bakker, Jaco Dagevos & Godfried Engbersen

Fearing what? Vignette experiments on anti-immigrant sentiments
Sedef Turper

Why irregular migrants arrive and remain: the role of intermediaries
Maurizio Ambrosini

From origins to destinations: acculturation trajectories in migrants’ attitudes towards homosexuality
Thomas Soehl

Employer-sponsored temporary labour migration schemes in Australia, Canada and Sweden: enhancing efficiency, compromising fairness?
Chris F. Wright, Dimitria Groutsis & Diane van den Broek

The precarious path of student migrants: education, debt, and transnational migration among Indian youth
Susan Thomas

The suburban paradox of conviviality and racism in postcolonial Britain
Katharine Tyler

Between humanitarian assistance and migration management: on civil actors’ role in voluntary return from Belgium
Robin Vandevoordt

Institutionalising a cross-sectional policy area? Ministerial competences for migrant integration in EU member states
Oliver Gruber

Bonding and bridging among first generation Asian migrants in Australian protestant churches
Andrew Village, Ruth Powell & Miriam Pepper

Issues 12

Special Issue: Health Care, Immigrants and Minorities: Lessons from the Affordable Care Act in the United States


Health care, immigrants, and minorities: lessons from the affordable care act in the U.S.
Tiffany D. Joseph & Helen B. Marrow


Immigrant access in the Affordable Care Act: legacies of the Confederacy
Donald Light & Mélanie Terrasse

Is coverage enough? Persistent health disparities in marginalised Latino border communities
Heide Castañeda

Obamacare in action: how access to the health care system contributes to immigrants’ sense of belonging
Rocío Calvo, Joanna M. Jablonska-Bayro & Mary C. Waters

Nativity and citizenship status affect Latinos’ health insurance coverage under the ACA
Gabriel R. Sanchez, Edward D. Vargas, Melina D. Juarez, Barbara Gomez-Aguinaga & Francisco I. Pedraza

Medicaid expansion and ethnoracial disparities in health insurance coverage
René D. Flores & Robert Vargas

Navigating health care: brokerage and access for undocumented Latino immigrants under the 2010 Affordable Care Act
Laura López-Sanders

Still left out: healthcare stratification under the Affordable Care Act
Tiffany D. Joseph


Joseph, Tiffany D., and Helen B. Marrow. 2017. “Health Care, Immigrants, and Minorities: Lessons From the Affordable Care Act in the U.S.”

Issues 13


An ‘undeliberate determinacy’? The changing migration strategies of Polish migrants in the UK in times of Brexit
Derek McGhee, Chris Moreh & Athina Vlachantoni

The educational experiences of the second generation from refugee backgrounds
Alice Bloch & Shirin Hirsch

Citizenship in hard times: intra-EU naturalisation and the Euro crisis
Hannah M. Alarian

Sending money home in times of crime: the case of Mexico
Covadonga Meseguer, Sandra Ley & J. Eduardo Ibarra-Olivo

The making of ‘skilled’ overseas Koreans: transformation of visa policies for co-ethnic migrants in South Korea
Sohoon Lee & Yi-Chun Chien

God brought you home – deportation as moral governance in the lives of Nigerian sex worker migrants
Sine Plambech

From emigrants to free movers: whither European emigration and diaspora policy?
Agnieszka Weinar

Survival and integration: Kachin social networks and refugee management regimes in Kuala Lumpur and Los Angeles
Pei Palmgren

The golden handcuffs? Choice, compliance and relocation amongst transnational professionals and executives
Ranji Devadason

Issues 14

Special Issue: Asian Migration and Education Cultures in the Anglo-sphere


Asian migration and education cultures in the Anglo-sphere
Megan Watkins, Christina Ho & Rose Butler


‘We are all Asian here’: multiculturalism, selective schooling and responses to Asian success
Megan Watkins

Why class matters less for Asian-American academic achievement
Jennifer Lee & Min Zhou

The construction of British Chinese educational success: exploring the shifting discourses in educational debate, and their effects
Becky Francis, Ada Mau & Louise Archer

The new meritocracy or over-schooled robots? Public attitudes on Asian–Australian education cultures
Christina Ho

Representations of East Asian students in the UK media
Rachel Brooks

Race and legitimacy: historical formations of academically selective schooling in Australia
Helen Proctor & Arathi Sriprakash

Education, real estate, immigration: brokerage assemblages and Asian mobilities
Shanthi Robertson & Dallas Rogers

‘Tutored within an inch of their life’: morality and ‘old’ and ‘new’ middle class identities in Australian schools
Rose Butler, Christina Ho & Eve Vincent

Academic segregation and the institutional success frame: unequal schooling and racial disparity in an integrated, affluent community
Sean Drake

Indian tigers: what high school selection by parents pursing academic performance reveals about class, culture and migration
Sharon Aris

‘Asian fails’ and the problem of bad Korean boys: multiculturalism and the construction of an educational ‘problem’
Greg Noble


Piętka-Nykaza, Emilia, and Derek McGhee. “EU Post-Accession Polish Migrants Trajectories and Their Settlement Practices in Scotland.”

Issues 15


Muslims’ social inclusion and exclusion in France, Québec, and Canada: does national context matter?
Jeffrey G. Reitz, Patrick Simon & Emily Laxer

Economic recession and the reverse of internal migration flows of Latin American immigrants in Spain
Jordi Bayona-i-Carrasco, Jenniffer Thiers Quintana & Rosalia Avila-Tàpies

Normality unpacked: migration, ethnicity and Local Structure of Feeling among Polish migrant workers in Northern Ireland with a comparative perspective on Scotland
Radosław Polkowski

Redefining membership: restrictive rights and categorisation in European Union migration policy
Julia Mourão Permoser

Labour migrants in post-Soviet Moscow: patterns of settlement
Ekaterina Demintseva

Social reproduction in Sicily’s agricultural sector: migration status and context of reception
Majella Kilkey & Domenica Urzi

Examining educational inequalities in two national systems: a comparison of the North African second generation in France and the Mexican second generation in the United States
Yaël Brinbaum & Amy Lutz

Devout Muslims or tough highlanders? Exploring attitudes toward ethnic nationalism and racism in Europe’s ethnic-Chechen Salafi communities
Emil Aslan Souleimanov & Jasper Schwampe

Minorities to the left: ethno-linguistic identification and vote in Europe
Hugo Marcos-Marne

Out-migration, social capital and the cooperative dilemma: evidence from Bulgaria’s population crisis
Nicholas Spina

Trajectories of interethnic contact and prejudice in a four-waves study of Romanian teenager–parent pairs
Vasile Cernat

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© Демоскоп Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887

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Фонда некоммерческих программ "Династия" - www.dynastyfdn.com (с 2008)
Российского гуманитарного научного фонда - www.rfh.ru (2004-2007)
Национального института демографических исследований (INED) - www.ined.fr (2004-2012)
ЮНЕСКО - portal.unesco.org (2001), Бюро ЮНЕСКО в Москве - www.unesco.ru (2005)

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