Volume 12, 2011
Number 1 / February 2011
Well-being, Cultural Capital and Social Inclusion: Immigrants in
the Republic of Ireland
Bryan Fanning, Trutz Haase and Neil O’Boyle
Subjectivity and Citizenship: Intersections of Space, Ethnicity
and Identity Among the Urdu-Speaking Minority in Bangladesh
Victoria Redclift
Composer avec la diversité culturelle en classe de maternelle:
résultats d’une analyse de récits de pratique enseignante
Geneviève Audet
First 4 Years in Canada: Post-secondary Education Pathways of Highly
Educated Immigrants
Maria Adamuti-Trache
The Demilitarization of Thai American Marriage Migration, 1980–2000
Danielle Antoinette Hidalgo and Carl L. Bankston
Book review
Niklaus Steiner, International Migration and Citizenship Today
Routledge, 2009, 160 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0415772983
Elim Ng
Book review
Nicole Newendorp, Uneasy Reunions: Immigration, Citizenship, and
Family Life in Post-1997 Hong Kong
Stanford University Press, 2008, 312 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0804758130
Caren Freeman
Book review
Ilana Feldman, Governing Gaza: Bureaucracy, Authority, and the
Work of Rule, 1917–1967
Duke University Press (2008) 344 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0822342403
Baha Abu-Laban
Book review
Nissa Finney and Ludi Simpson,‘Sleepwalking to Segregation’? Challenging
Myths About Race and Migration
Policy Press, 2009, 218 pages, ISBN-13: 978-1847420077
Ruth R. Wolfe
Number 2 / May 2011
The Nonchalant Migrants: Americans Living North of the 49th Parallel
Sheila Croucher
Labor Market Performance of Immigrants in Smaller Regions of Western
Countries: Some Evidence from Atlantic Canada
Ather H. Akbari
Participation des familles immigrantes à l’école: points
de vue des parents congolais à Edmonton (Alberta)
Malanga-Georges Liboy and Michèle Venet
Finding a Home of Their Own: Immigrant Housing Experiences in Central
Okanagan, British Columbia, and Policy Recommendations for Change
Carlos Teixeira
Continuity in Canadian Immigration Policy 1947 to Present: Taking
a Fresh Look at Mackenzie King’s 1947 Immigration Policy Statement
Robert Vineberg
Michael Samers: Migration
Routledge, 2009, 392 pages, ISBN-13: 978–0415776660
Harald Bauder
Pieter Bevelander and Don J. DeVoretz, The Economics of Citizenship
Malmö University, (2008), ISBN 978-91-7104-079-4
Michael Haan
Michael Peter Smith and Matt Bakker, Citizenship Across Borders:
The Political Transnationalism of El Migrante
Cornell University Press, 2007, 249 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0801473906
Robert Suro
Book Review
Jennifer M. Brinkerhoff, Digital Diasporas: Identity and Transnational
Cambridge University Press (2009) 288 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0521517843
Karim H. Karim
Book Review
John Biles, Meyer Burstein, and James Frideres (Eds.): Immigration
and Integration in Canada in the Twenty-First Century
Queen’s Policy Studies—School of Policy, 2008, 282 pages, ISBN-13:
Mikael Hellstrom
Number 3 / August 2011
Turkish Migrants’ Organizations in Germany and Their Role in the
Flow of Remittances to Turkey
Zeynep Sezgin
The Development of Migrant Entrepreneurship in Japan: Case of Bangladeshis
Md Mizanur Rahman and Kwen Fee Lian
Canadian Immigrants’ Access to a First Job in Their Intended Occupation
Gilles Grenier and Li Xue
Color by Numbers: Minority Earnings in Canada 1995–2005
Krishna Pendakur and Ravi Pendakur
Beyond the Dutch “Multicultural Model”
The Coproduction of Integration Policy Frames in The Netherlands
J. W. Duyvendak and P. W. A. Scholten
Occupational Match
Over- and Undereducation Among Immigrants in the Swedish Labor Market
Inge Dahlstedt
Book review
Electing a Diverse Canada: The Representation of Immigrants, Minorities,
and Women
Caroline Andrew, John Biles, Myer Siemiatycki and Erin Tolley, UBC
Press (2008) 278 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0774814850
Linda Trimble
Number 4 / November 2011
Portuguese-Canadian Emigrant Descendents in Multicultural Canada:
Ambiguous Identity in a Sure-Footed Nation or Cultural Awareness
in an Uncertain Country?
João Sardinha
La Discrimination et la Pluralité Culturelle. Des Objets de
Rhétorique Des Années 2000 en France
Milena Doytcheva and Denise Helly
Ethnic Minorities in the Mass Media: How Migrants Perceive Their
Representation in Swiss Public Television
Joachim Trebbe and Philomen Schoenhagen
Ethnicity and Homeownership in Montréal, Toronto and Vancouver:
Measuring Effects of the Spatial Distribution of Ethnic Groups Using
Multilevel Modeling in 1996 and 2001
Xavier Leloup, Philippe Apparicio and Fahimeh Delavar Esfahani
Immigration, the University and the Welcoming Second Tier City
Margaret W. Walton-Roberts
Greek-Cypriot Students’ Stances and Repertoires Towards Migrants
and Migrant Students in the Republic of Cyprus
Michalinos Zembylas and Stalo Lesta
Les Carrières Scolaires Des Jeunes Allophones À Montréal,
Toronto Et Vancouver: Une Analyse Comparative
Marie Mc Andrew, Bruce Garnett, Jacques Ledent, Robert Sweet and
Avec la collaboration de Henda Ben Salah et Alhassane Balde