Volume 9, Number 1
/ March, 2008
Les premières mobilisations d’immigrants arabes au Canada,
à travers l’exemple du journal The Canadian Arab , 1945–1948
Houda Asal
Rethinking Social Participation: The Case of Immigrants in Canada
Philippe Couton and Stéphanie Gaudet
Ethnic Background, Labour Market Attachment and Severe Morbidity:
Hospitalisation among Immigrants in Sweden 1990–2001
Martin Klinthall
Integration Through Participation: Non-Citizen Resident Voting
Rights in an Era of Globalization
Daniel Munro
Pathways to Housing: The Experiences of Sponsored Refugees and
Refugee Claimants in Accessing Permanent Housing in Toronto
Robert A. Murdie
Anoop Nayak, Race, Place and Globalization: Youth Cultures in a
Changing World
London & New York: Berg Publishers, 2003, 256 pp, ISBN-13:
Ingrid Johnston
A. R. Zolberg, A Nation by Design: Immigration Policy in the Fashioning
of America
Harvard University Press, New York, copyright: The Russell Sage
Foundation, 2006, 672 pp, ISBN-13: 9780674022188
Ellen Percy Kraly
Estelle Lau, Paper Families: Identity, Immigration Administration,
and Chinese Exclusion
Duke University Press, Durham, 2006, 232 pp, ISBN-13: 978-0822337478
J. Mann
A. Niemann, Explaining Decisions in the European Union
Cambridge University Press, New York, 2007, 382 pp, ISBN-13: 9780521864053
Rasmus Brun Pedersen
Jean Renaud, Annick Germain et Xavier Leloup (dirs.), Racisme et
Discrimination. Permanence et Résurgence d’un Phénomène
Québec, Presse Université Laval, 2004, 284 pp, ISBN-13:
Thibault Martin
Keith Banting, Thomas J. Courchene, F. Leslie Seidle, The Art of
the State III: Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship
in Canada
Institute for Research on Public Policy, Montreal, 2007, 708 pp,
ISBN-13: 978-0886452018
Alexandra Dobrowolsky
Wendy Pojmann, Immigrant Women and Feminism in Italy (Research
in Migration and Ethnic Relations)
Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot, 2006, 188 pp. ISBN-13: 9780754646747
Ana Maria Fantino
Volume 9, Number 2
/ June, 2008
Attracting new arrivals
to smaller cities and rural communities: findings from Australia,
Canada and New Zealand
Special Issue: Attracting New Arrivals to Smaller Cities and Rural
Communities: Findings from Australia, Canada and New Zealand
Introduction by special guest editors
Maryann Wulff, Tom Carter, Rob Vineberg
and Stephen Ward
Australia’s State-Specific and Regional Migration Scheme: An Assessment
of its Impacts in South Australia
Graeme Hugo
Retaining Skilled Migrants in Regional Australia: The Role of Social
Maryann Wulff and A. Dharmalingam
Attracting Immigrants to Smaller Urban and Rural Communities: Lessons
Learned from the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program
Tom Carter, Margot Morrish and Benjamin
Attracting and retaining immigrants outside the metropolis: is
the pie too small for everyone to have a piece? The case of Edmonton,
Tracey M. Derwing and Harvey Krahn
Responding to regional labour demand: International migration and
labour markets in New Zealand’s regions
Paul Spoonley and Richard Bedford
Daniel Kanstroom, Deportation Nation: Outsiders in American History—reviewed
by Peter H. Schuck
Harvard University Press (April 15 2007), English, 352 pages, ISBN-10:
0674024729, ISBN-13: 978-0674024724
Peter H. Schuck
Global cinderellas: migrant domestics and newly rich employers
in Taiwan
Lan, Pei-Chia, Duke University Press (May 2006), English, 304 pages,
ISBN-10: 0822337428, ISBN-13: 978-0822337423
Geraldine Pratt
Nandita Sharma, Home Economics: Nationalism and the Making of ‘Migrant
Workers’ in Canada
University of Toronto Press, 2006, 220 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0802048837
Janine Brodie
Tony Ballantyne: Between Colonialism and Diaspora: Sikh Cultural
Formations in an Imperial World
Duke University Press (June 2006), English, 229 pages, ISBN-10:
0822338092, ISBN-13: 978-0822338093
Louis E. Fenech
Germany in transit: nation and migration 1955–2005
Deniz Göktürk, David Gramling, Anton Kaes, University
of California Press; 1st edition April 3 2007, English, 613 pages,
ISBN-10: 0520248937, ISBN-13: 978-0520248939
Alexander Freund
Global Migration and Education: Schools, Children and Families
Edited by Leah D. Adams and Anna Kirova. Lawrence Erlbaum, 1st
edition, Nov. 15, 2006, English, 368 pages, ISBN-10: 0805858377,
ISBN-13: 978-0805858372
Gail Shervey
Harald Bauder, Labor Movement: How Migration Regulates Labor Markets
Oxford University Press, 1st edition, February 2006, English, 288
pages, ISBN-10: 0195180887, ISBN-13: 978-0195180886
Fletcher Baragar
Volume 9, Number 3
/ September, 2008
Electoral Politics and Immigration in Canada: How Does Immigration
Jerome H. Black and Bruce M. Hicks
The ‘Flexible’ Immigrant? Human Capital Discourse, the Family Household
and Labour Market Strategies
Gillian Creese, Isabel Dyck and Arlene
Tigar McLaren
Immigration Debate in Canada: How Newspapers Reported, 1996–2004
Harald Bauder
Spelling and Writing Self-efficacy of Indo-Canadian and Anglo-Canadian
Early Adolescents
Robert M. Klassen and George K. Georgiou
Review of Virtual Migration , by A. Aneesh
Norman Matloff
Christian Zlolniski, Review of: Janitors, Street Vendors and Activists:
The Lives of Mexican Immigrants in Silicon Valley
Luin Goldring
Rita Chin, The Guest Worker Question in Postwar Germany
Anna Holian
Joshua D. Freilich and Rob T. Guerette eds. (2006) Migration, Culture
Conflict, Crime and Terrorism
Davina Bhandar
Timothy A. Byrnes and Peter J. Katzenstein (eds): Religion in an
Expanding Europe
Cambridge University Press, New York, 2006, 352 pages, ISBN: 0-521-67651-7
Rebecca Catto
Volume 9, Number 4
/ December, 2008
Regionalization of
Immigration in Host Nations of Western World
Ather Akbari
Location, Location, Location: Where Do Immigrants Reside in Australia?
Anh T. Le
The Immigration Triangle: Quebec, Canada, and the Rest of the World
Don J. DeVoretz and S. Pivnenko
Regional Disparities in Employment of High-Skilled Foreigners –
Determinants and Options for Labour Migration Policy in Germany
Carola Burkert, Annekatrin Niebuhr and
Rüdiger Wapler
Train and Retain: National and Regional Policies to Promote the
Settlement of Foreign Graduates in Knowledge Economies
Brigitte Suter and Michael Jandl
Will Kymlicka, Multicultural Odysseys: Navigating the New International
Politics of Diversity
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007, 320 pp, ISBN-13 : 978–0199280407
Jim S. Frideres
Paul R. Carr and Darren E. Lund, The Great White North? Exploring
Whiteness, Privilege, and Identity in Education
Sense Publishers, 2007, 264 pp, ISBN-13:978-9087901424
Kelleen Toohey
A. Aneesh, Virtual Migration: The Programming of Globalization
Duke University Press, 2006, 194 pp, ISBN-13:978–0822336693
Norman Matloff
Suman Gupta and Tope Omoniyi (eds): The Cultures of Economic Migration:
International Perspectives
Ashgate Pub., 2007, 214 pages (ISBN-13: 978-0754670704).
David M. Hart
Volume 10, Number 1
/ February, 2009
Global Banking and Financial Services to Immigrants in Canada and
the US
Wei Li, Alex Oberle and Gary Dymski
L’adhésion des populations immigrantes à la valeur de
l’autonomie véhiculée en santé publique
Sylvie Gravel, Hubert Doucet, Danielle
Laudy, Laurence Boucheron, Alex Battaglini, Marie-Ève Bouthillier
and Michel Fournier
Recruiting migrant nurses to fill the gaps: the contribution of
migrant women in the nursing care sector in Greece
Dimitria Groutsis
The challenge of measuring immigrant origin and immigration-related
ethnicity in Europe
Dirk Jacobs, Marc Swyngedouw, Laurie
Hanquinet, Véronique Vandezande, Roger Andersson, Ana Paula
Beja Horta, Maria Berger, Mario Diani, Amparo Gonzalez Ferrer, Marco
Giugni, Miruna Morariu, Katia Pilati and Paul Statham
Immigrant residential geographies and the ‘spatial assimilation’
debate in Canada, 1997–2007
Pablo Mendez
Antoine Pecoud and Paul De Guchteneire (Eds.): Migration Without
Borders: Essays on the Free Movement of People
Berghahn Books, 2007, 288 pp, ISBN-13: 978-1845453466
Franck Düvell
Will Somerville (Ed.): Immigration Under New Labour
Policy Press 2007, 240 pp, ISBN-13: 978-1861349675
Andrew Geddes
S. Kneebone and F. R.-Sanei, New Regionalism and Asylum Seekers:
Challenges Ahead
Berghahn Books, 2007, 256 pp, ISBN-13: 978-1845453442
S. M. Wheeler
Maryse Potvin, Paul Eid et Nancy Venel (Ed): La 2e génération
issue de l’immigration. Une comparaison France-Québec
Athéna Éditions, 2007, 272 pp, ISBN: 978-2-922865-54-7
Louise Racine
Volume 10, Number 2
/ May, 2009
Immigration, Trade and Home Country Development: State-Level Variation
in the US Immigrant–Export Link
Roger White
Francophonie albertaine et inclusion des nouveaux arrivants: post
mortem à un débat sur un changement de nom
Paulin Mulatris
Immigrant Religiosity in Canada: Multiple Trajectories
Phillip Connor
Selective networking as identity project: the social integration
of first generation immigrants in Norway
Marko Valenta
Scientific, political, ethical, or pragmatic issues in the collection
of ethnic statistics: an exploratory survey in public institutions
in Montréal
Sylvie Gravel, Annick Germain and Heidi
Diversity Management and Discrimination: Immigrants and Ethnic
Minorities in the EU
By John Wrench Ashgate, 2007. 156 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0754648901
Jack Jedwab
Asian Diasporas: New Formations, New Conceptions
Edited by Rhacel S. Parreñas and Lok C. D. Siu Stanford University
Press (2007), 320 pages ISBN-13: 978-0804752442
Glenda Lynna Anne Tibe Bonifacio
The Latino threat: constructing immigrants, citizens, and the nation
Leo R. Chavez, Stanford University Press 2008. 272 pp. ISBN-13:
Lynn Stephen
Advancing Refugee Protection in South Africa
By Jeff Handmaker, Lee Ann De La Hunt, and Jonathan Klaaren Berghahn
Books, 2007. 256 pp. ISBN-13: 978-1845451097
Ingrid Palmary