Volume 45, Number 2, May 2008
Changing Educational Inequalities in India in the Context of Affirmative
Sonalde Desai, Veena Kulkarni
An Assessment of China's Fertility Level Using the Variable-r Method
Yong Cai
The Legacies of Context: Past and Present Influences on Contraceptive
Choice in Nang Rong, Thailand
Jeffrey Edmeades
The Gradient in Sub-Saharan Africa: Socioeconomic Status and HIV/AIDS
Jane G. Fortson
Macroeconomic Fluctuations and Mortality in Postwar Japan
Jose A. Tapia Granados
Fertility in New York State in the Pre-Civil War Era
Michael R. Haines, Avery M. Guest
Population Change and Farm Dependence: Temporal and Spatial Variation
in the U.S. Great Plains, 1900-2000
Katherine J. Curtis White
Trends in U.S. Adult Chronic Disease Mortality, 1960-1999: Age,
Period, and Cohort Variations
Yang Yang
Marital Strategies for Regulating Exposure to HIV
Georges Reniers
Risk Preferences and the Timing of Marriage and Childbearing
Lucie Schmidt
Coparenting and Nonresident Fathers' Involvement with Young Children
After a Nonmarital Birth
Marcia J. Carlson, Sara S. McLanahan, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
Volume 45, Number 3, August 2008
The Geographic Scale of Metropolitan Racial Segregation
Sean F. Reardon, Stephen A. Matthews, David O'Sullivan, Barrett
A. Lee, Glenn Firebaugh, Chad R. Farrell, Kendra Bischoff
Reexamining the Moving to Opportunity Study and Its Contribution
to Changing the Distribution of Poverty and Ethnic Concentration
William A.V. Clark
Child Poverty and Changes in Child Poverty
Wen-Hao Chen, Miles Corak
Mate Availability and Unmarried Parent Relationships
Kristen Harknett
Gay and Lesbian Partnership: Evidence from California
Christopher Carpenter, Gary J. Gates
Social Capital and Migration: How Do Similar Resources Lead to
Divergent Outcomes?
Filiz Garip
Does Human Capital Raise Earnings for Immigrants in the Low-Skill
Labor Market?
Matthew Hall, George Farkas
Migration, Fertility, and Aging in Stable Populations
Juha M. Alho
Intergenerational Fertility Among Hispanic Women: New Evidence
of Immigrant Assimilation
Emilio A. Parrado, S. Philip Morgan
The Exceptionally High Life Expectancy of Costa Rican Nonagenarians
Luis Rosero-Bixby
The Changing Relationship between Family Size and Educational Attainment
Over the Course of Socioeconomic Development: Evidence from Indonesia
Vida Maralani
Have We Put an End to Social Promotion?: Changes in School Progress
among Children Aged 6 to 17 from 1972 to 2005
Carl B. Frederick, Robert M. Hauser
Technological Innovation and Inequality in Health
Sherry Glied, Adriana Lleras-Muney
Volume 45, Number 4, November 2008
When to Promote, and When to Avoid, a Population Perspective
Greg J. Duncan
A Decomposition Method Based on a Model of Continuous Change
Shiro Horiuchi, John R. Wilmoth, Scott D. Pletcher
Urbanization and Fertility: An Event-History Analysis of Coastal
Michael J. White, Salut Muhidin, Catherine Andrzejewski, Eva
Tagoe, Rodney Knight, Holly Reed
Fertility Effects of Abortion and Birth Control Pill Access for
Melanie Guldi
Spousal Mobility and Earnings
Terra McKinnish
Wives and Ex-Wives: A New Test for Homogamy Bias in the Widowhood
Felix Elwert, Nicholas A. Christakis
No Trend in the Intergenerational Transmission of Divorce
Jui-Chung Allen Li, Lawrence L. Wu
Prenatal Health Investment Decisions: Does the Child's Sex Matter?
Aparna Lhila, Kosali I. Simon
Gender, Resources Across the Life Course, and Cognitive Functioning
in Egypt
Kathryn M. Yount
Acknowledgment of Reviewers