Rambler's Top100

№ 269 - 270
11 - 31 декабря 2006

О проекте

Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

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Смертность детского населения России

Социальные аспекты эпидемиологической ситуации по туберкулезу

Демография и социально-экономические проблемы народонаселения

Турки-месхетинцы в Украине: этносоциологический очерк

Гражданские, этнические и религиозные идентичности в современной России

По страницам журналов «Социологические исследования», «Вопросы экономики»

Содержание журнала «European journal of population»

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Volume 21, Number 4, December 2005

The Effects of Divorce on Men’s Employment and Social Security Histories  
Matthijs Kalmijn  

The Impact of Perceived Costs and Rewards of Childbearing on Entry into Parenthood: Evidence from a Panel Study
Aart C. Liefbroer  

Recessions and Mortality in Spain, 1980–1997
José A. Tapia Granados  

Book Review

Book Review: E.A. Wrigley (ed.), Poverty, Progress and Population., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, XIV+ 463 pp.

Book Reviews: Tim Dyson, Robert Cassen, and Leela Visaria (eds.), Twenty-First Century India: Population, Economy, Human Development, and the Environment. New York: Oxford University Press Inc., 2004, XXii + 414 pp.


Information for Authors  

European Journal of Population Revue Européenne de Démographie  

Volume 22, Number 1, March 2006


Resources, Living Arrangements and First Union Formation in the United States, the Netherlands and West Germany
Clara H. Mulder, William A. V. Clark, Michael Wagner  

Timing, Sequencing, and Quantum of Life Course Events: A Machine Learning Approach
Francesco C. Billari, Johannes Fürnkranz, Alexia Prskawetz  

The Effect of Social Networks at Origin Communities on Migrant Remittances: Evidence from Nang Rong District
Martin Piotrowski  

Book Review

Book Reviews: Wolfgang Lutz, Warren C. Sanderson and Sergei Scherbov (eds.) The End of World Population Growth in the 21st Century. New Challenges for Human Capital Formation and Sustainable Development, London and Sterling, VA: IIASA and Earthscan, 2004, X + 341 pp.
Massimo Livi-Bacci  

Book Review: Tommy Bengtsson, Cameron Campbell, and James Z. Lee, et al. (eds.), Life under Pressure. Mortality and Living Standards in Europe and Asia, 1700–1900, Cambridge Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2004, xiv + 531 pp.  
Gabriele Doblhammer  

Book Reviews: Tomas Frejka and Jean-Paul Sardon. Childbearing Trends and Prospects in Low-Fertility Countries. A Cohort Analysis. European Studies of Population, Vol. 13, Dordrecht, Boston, and London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, xvi+422 pp.
Tomáš Sobotka  

Volume 22, Number 2 / June, 2006

OPTIMIRUS. Simulating Population Change in the Russian Far East
Katja Mueller and Michael J. Bradshaw

Societal Transition, Policy Changes and Family Formation: Evidence from Hungary
Arnstein Aassve, Francesco C. Billari and Zsolt Spéder

Déstandardisation, différenciation régionale et changements générationnels. Départ du foyer parental et modes de vie en Suisse au XXe siècle
Reto Schumacher, Thomas Spoorenberg and Yannic Forney

Socioeconomic differentials in mortality in Finland and the United States: the role of education and income
Irma T. Elo, Pekka Martikainen and Kirsten P. Smith

Book Review

Graziella Caselli, Jacques Vallin and Guillaume Wunsch (eds.), Démographie: analyse et synthése. Volume IV, Les déterminants de la migration, Paris: Institut national d'études démographiques, 2003, vi + 225 pp.
Gian Carlo Blangiardo

Graziella Caselli, Jacques Vallin et Guillaume Wunsch (eds.), Démographie: analyse et synthése. Volume III, Les déterminants de la mortalité, Paris: Institut national d'études démographiques, 2002, vii + 478 pp.
Robert Bourbeau

Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna and Giuseppe A. Micheli (eds.), Strong Family and Low Fertility: A Paradox? New Perspectives in Interpreting Contemporary Family and Reproductive Behaviour. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, 177 pp.
Letizia Mencarini

Volume 22, Number 3 / September, 2006

Demographic change and the care of older people: introduction
Emily Grundy, Cecilia Tomassini and Patrick Festy

Demographic change and the supply of potential family supporters in Britain, Finland and France in the period 1911–2050/
Changements démographiques et disponibilité des soutiens familiaux en Grande-Bretagne, en Finlande et en France entre 1911 et 2050
Michael Murphy, Pekka Martikainen and Sophie Pennec

Determinants of the living arrangements of older people in Europe
Déterminants des modes de vie des personnes âgées en Europe
Joëlle Gaymu, Christiane Delbès, Sabine Springer, Adrian Binet, Aline Désesquelles, Stamatis Kalogirou and Uta Ziegler

Crowding out or crowding in? Public and private transfers in Germany
Substituts ou compléments? Transferts publics et privés en Allemagne
Anette Reil-Held

Demographic and social change: implication for use of acute care services by older people in Scotland
Changements démographiques et sociaux: implications pour l'utilisation des soins de santé en urgence par les personnes âgées en Ecosse
Steve Kendrick and Margaret Conway

Book review

Zimmermann F. Klaus (ed): European migration. What do we know?
Oxford University Press, Oxford 2005, XXII + 653 pp.
Heinz Fassmann

Jacques Véron, Sophie Pennec, et Jacques Légaré (Eds.): Age, Générations et Contrat Social: L’Etat-providence face aux changements démographiques
Paris: Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques, Les Cahiers de l’INED No. 153, 2004, XVII + 312 pp.
Anne Goujon

France Meslé et Jacques Vallin avec des contributions de Vladimir Shkolnikov, Serhii Pyrozhkov et Serguei Adamets (eds.), Mortalité et causes de décès en Ukraine au XXe siècle
Paris: Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques, Les Cahiers de l’INED No. 152 2003, XV + 396 pp.
Jitka Rychtarikova

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ISSN 1726-2887

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