В книге собраны недавние статьи ведущих
философов, экономистов, юристов из междисциплинарного журнала Международной
организации труда (МОТ) International Labour Review, посвященные
анализу проблем женского наемного труда и предпринимательства в
экономически развитых странах, в частности, в странах Европейского
Союза. Рассматриваются проблемы гендерного неравенства в вопросах
оплаты труда, получения работы, сочетания внесемейных и семейных
функций женщин, проблемы сексуальных домогательств на рабочих местах
и т.п. Книга содержит большое количество ссылок на наиболее авторитетные
современные исследования в области гендерных проблем.
Part I: Introduction
1. Women, gender and work - an overview, Martha Fetherutf Loutfl
Part II: Concepts, values
2. New perspectives on work as value, Domnique Meda
3. Work and rights, Amartya Sen
4. Women and equality: The capabilities approach, MarthaNussbaum
Part III: Statistics and information: What do weknow?
5. Gender issues in labour statistics, Adriana Mata Greenwood
6. The enduring debate over unpaid labour, Lourdes Beneria
7. Data on race, ethnicity and gender: Caveats for the user, Carolvn
Shaw Sell
8. Theories of occupational segregation by sex: An overview, Richard
9. Differences in occupational earnings by sex, Derek Robinson
10. Occupational segregation by sex in Nordic countries: An empirical
investigation. Helina Melkas and Richard Anker
11. Part-time work: Solution or trap?, Patrick Bolle.
12. Women in management: Closer to breaking through the glass ceiling?,
Linda Wirth
13. Sex-specific labour market indicators: What they show, Sara
Elder and
Lawrence Jeffrey Johnson
Part IV: Objectives policy: What does it take?
14. Assessing equal opportunities in the European Union, Jannekc
Plantenga and Johan Hansen
15. The family, flexible work and social cohesion at risk,, Martin
16. Assigning care: Gender norms and economic outcomes, M.V. Lee
and Nancy Folbre
1 7. Parental leave, Patrick Balle
18. Labour, gender and the economic/social divide, Julie A. Nelson.
19. Women, men and management styles, Morie-Therese Class.
20. Equal treatment, social protection and income security for women,
Linda Luckhaus
Part V: The role oflaw: Where have we gotten?
21. Affirmative action in employment: Recent court approaches to
a difficult concept, Jane Hodges Aeberhard
22. Supranational action againstsex discrimination: Equal pay and
equal treatment in the European Union, Ingeborg Heide
23. Sexual harassment in employment: Recent judicial and arbitral
trends, Jane Hodges Aeberhard
Notes on contributors
Annotated list of chapters: French
Annotated list of chapters: Spanish