Доклад, подготовленный в Центре международных программ Бюро цензов
США, обобщает данные о процессе демографического старения в современном
мире. Анализируются прошлые тенденции этого процесса и его будущие
перспективы, его связь с социально-экономическими процессами в развитых
и развивающихся странах. В таблицах Приложения приведены данные
по 52 странам. Доклад доступен на сайте Бюро цензов в виде PDF-файла.
20 Questions About Global Aging
1. Introduction
2. The Demographics of Aging
3. Life Expectancy and Changing Mortality
4. Health and Disability
5. Urban and Rural Dimensions
6. Sex Ratios and Marital Status
7. Living Arrangements
8. Family and Social Support of Older People
9. Educational Attainment and Literacy
10. Labor Force Participation and Retirement
11. Pensions and Income Security
Appendix A.
Detailed Tables
1. Total Population, Percent Elderly, and Percent Oldest Old: 1975,
2000, 2015, and 2030
2. Population by Age: 2000 and 2030
3. Average Annual Growth Rate and Percent Change Over Time for Older
Age Groups: 2000 to 2015 and 2015 to 2030
4. Median Population Age: 2000, 2015, and 2030
5. Total and Elderly Urban Population by Sex: Available Data From
1970 to the Present
6. Sex Ratio for Population 25 Years and Over by Age: 2000 and 2030
7. Marital Status of Older Persons by Sex: Selected Years 1970 to
8. Support Ratios: 2000, 2015, and 2030
9. Parent Support Ratios: 1950, 2000, and 2030
10. Labor Force Participation Rates by Age and Sex: Selected Years,
1970 to 1999
Appendix B.
Sources and Limitations of the Data
Appendix C.
International Comparison of Urban and Rural Definitions
Appendix D.