The Population Research Institute
Volume XXXV, 1998-1999
1. Proceedings of the Malthus Seminar
Altti Majava
Malthus: 200 Years Since the First Essay
Mauri Nieminen
Population Growth and Aging in Finland
VainO Kannisto
Longevity in the Light of the Latest Data
Wolfgang Lutz
The Need to Reassess the Role of the Population Variable in Global
Anatoly Vishnevsky
Demographic Changes in Russia - Past and Future
Marl Simonen
Population Growth and the Freedom to Choose: Our Common Responsibilities
Riikka Shemeikka
HIV/AIDS: The Major Demographic Challenge of Namibia
2. The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations
Jouko Hulkko
Non-Governmental Organizations and World Population Issues
3. Mortality
Anwar Hossain
Infant Mortality and the Decline of Fertility in Bangladesh
4. Migration
Juha Nietnelа
Who do We think We are - the Finnishness in Finnish-American Songs
5. Fertility and Family
Heikki Ervasti
Support and Opposition to Abortion in Finland
Katja Forssen
Families with Children in Recessionary Finland
Ulla-Maija Manila
Bibliography of Finnish Population Research 1995-1998
Veer a Reuna
Population Data in Finland 1900-1998
Seminar Program: "Population increases in a geometrical ratio..."
200-Anniversary Seminar of the Malthus' Population Theory
Forthcoming Events: Second Intermediate EAPS Population Conference
and 60th anniversary of Vaestoliitto, Finland, June 2001
Volume XXXVI, 2000
Oiva Turpemen
The Population Transition and Seasonal Fluctuations in Infant Mortality
in Finland, Estonia and Russia
Marketta Ritamies
The Development of Family Planning in Finland from the 1960s to
the 1990s
Osmo Kontula Vesa Jormanaimn Anneli Miettinen
Sexual Experiences of Military Conscripts at the End of the 1990s
Marika Jalovaara
Divorce by Family Composition and Socioeconomic Status in Finnish
First Marriages
JarI Lindgren
Living Arrangements of Older Persons in Finland
Juha M. Alho
A Statistical Look at Modeen's Forecast of the Population of Finland
in 1934
Kristiina Manderbacka Marja Jylha
Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Research - a Case Study from
Survey Methodology
Magdalena Jaakkola
Finnish Attitudes towards Immigrants in 1987- 1999
Jarkko Kauppinen Etti Heikkila Jarmo Rusanen Arvo Naukkarinen
Toivo Muilu Alfred Colpaert
The Connection between Migration and Regional Structure in Finland
around 1990 - a GIS Viewpoint
Maaria Ylanko
Measuring Acceptance? - Intermarriage Levels as an Indicator of
Tolerance in the Finnish Context oflntegration
Ulla-Maija Mattila
Bibliography of Finnish Population Research 1995-1999
Paula Jantti
Population Data in Finland 1900 - 1999
Volume XXXVII, 2001
Marjo Kuronen
Motherhood in Family Context - Comparing Professional Practices
in Maternity and Child Health Care in Finland and Scotland
The Development of Children and Family Policy in Estonia from 1945
to 2000
Anneli Miettinen
Education and the Division of Household Labor in Dual-Earner Families
Pekka Rаsаnen
Computer Assistance and the Evolution of Qualitative Data Analysis
Reetta Toivanen
Minority Rights and Minority Identities - Sami in Finland and Sorbs
in Germany
Olli Kultalahti
Internal Migration and Specialising Labour Markets in Finland
Anne Alitolppa-Niitamo
Liminalities: Expanding and Constraining the Options of Somali Youth
in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area
Ulla-Maija Manila
Bibliography of Finnish Population Studies 2000
Anneli Miettinen
Population Data in Finland 1900-2000