Journal of Population Economics
2001, Volume 14
Международный ежеквартальный журнал, публикующий оригинальные
теоретические и прикладные исследования о взаимодействии экономических
и демографических процессов.
Журнал издается Институтом по исследованию труда (IZA) в
Бонне, Германия.
Главный редактор журнала Клаус Циммерман (Klaus F. Zimmermann)
Содержание журнала Journal of Population Economics за
2001 год
Christoph M. Schmidt, Jochen Kluve
Comparing the Comparable: Nobel Price Winner James J. Heckman
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:001-005
C. Y. Cyrus Chu, Ching Tai
Ecosystem resilience, specialized adaptation and population decline:
A modern Malthusian theory
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:007-019
Hans-Peter Kohler, Eugene A. Hammel
On the role of families and kinship networks in pre-industrial agricultural
societies: An analysis of the 1698 Slavonian census
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:021-049
Avner Ahituv
Be fruitful or multiply: On the interplay between fertility and
economic development
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:051-071
Jacques Poot, Jacques J. Siegers
The macroeconomics of fertility in small open economies: A test
of the Becker-Barro model for The Netherlands and New Zealand
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:073-100
Chengze Simon Fan
A model of endogenous divorce and endogenous fertility
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:101-117
Claus Chr. Pцrtner
Children as insurance
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:119-136
Paul Fronstin, David H. Greenberg, Philip K. Robins
Parental disruption and the labour market performance of children
when they reach adulthood
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:137-172
Michael Rosholm
Cyclical variations in unemployment
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:173-191
Stephen Wheatley Price
The employment adjustment of male immigrants in England
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:193-220
Siv Gustafsson
Optimal age at motherhood. Theoretical and empirical considerations
on postponement of maternity in Europe
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:225-247
John F. Ermisch, Marco Francesconi
Family structure and children's achievements
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:249-270
Martha S. Hill, Wei-Jun J. Yeung, Greg J. Duncan
Childhood family structure and young adults behaviors
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:271-299
Steinar Vagstad
On private incentives to acquire household production skills
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:301-312
Donna K. Ginther, Madeline Zavodny
Is the male marriage premium due to selection? The effect of shotgun
weddings on the return to marriage
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:313-328
Steven Garasky, R. Jean Haurin, Donald R. Haurin
Group living decisions as youths transition to adulthood
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:329-349
JoAnn Kingston-Riechers
The association between the frequency of wife assault and marital
dissolution in Canda
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:351-365
M. Asghar Zaidi, Klaas de Vos
Trends in consumption-based poverty and inequality in European Union
during the 1980s
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:367-390
Emmanuel Thibault
Labor immigration and long-run welfare in a growth model with heterogenous
agents and endogenous labor supply
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:391-407
Friedrich Breyer, Klaus Stolte
Demographic change, endogenous labor supply and the political feasibility
of pension reform
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:409-424
Alexandra Rillaers
Education and income inequality: The role of social protection system
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:425-443
Gabor Gyarfas, Marko Marquardt
Pareto improving transition from pay-as-you-go to a fully funded
pension system in a model of endogenous growth
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:445-453
Pieter Bevelander, Helena Skyt Nielsen
Declining employment success of immigrant males in Sweden: Observed
or unobserved characteristics?
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:455-471
Kare Baevre, Christian Riis, Tore Thonstad
Norwegian cohort emigration
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:473-489
Harry Papapanagos, Peter Sanfey
Intention to emigrate in transition countries: the case of Albania
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:491-504
Namkee Ahn, Pedro Mira
Job bust, baby bust?: Evidence from Spain
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:505-521
Jцrn-Steffen Pischke
Continuous training in Germany
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:523-548
Louise Grogan, Gerard J.van den Berg
The duration of unemployment in Russia
J Popul Econ (2001) 14:549-568