Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета "Высшая школа экономики"

№ 775 - 776
18 июня - 31 июля 2018

ISSN 1726-2887

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Рождаемость и родительство в социально-демографическом измерении

Монопрофильные города России: истоки, эволюция развития и регулирования

Health Systems in Transition. Greece

The demographic yearbook of Poland 2017

Участие мужчин в неоплачиваемом уходе за ребенком

По страницам журналов «Демографія та соціальна економіка» и «Региональные исследования»

Содержание журнала «Population and Environmen»

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Population and Environment

A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies


Volume 39

Issue 2, December 2017


Editor introduction
Elizabeth Fussell

Original Papers

Environmental hazard and migration intentions in a coastal area in Ghana: a case of sea flooding
Samuel Nii Ardey Codjoe, Felix Hayford Nyamedor, Jon Sward, Delali Benjamin Dovie

Heterogeneous climate effects on human migration in Indonesia
Brian C. Thiede, Clark L. Gray


Erratum to: Heterogeneous climate effects on human migration in Indonesia
Brian C. Thiede, Clark L. Gray

Issue 3, March 2018

Original Papers

The impact of industrial oil development on a protected area landscape: demographic and social change at Murchison Falls Conservation Area, Uganda
Nicholas Dowhaniuk, Joel Hartter, Sadie J. Ryan, Michael W. Palace, Russell G. Congalton

Unhollowing rural America? Rural human capital flight and the demographic consequences of the oil and gas boom
Adam Mayer, Stephanie A. Malin, Shawn K. Olson-Hazboun Pages

Climate change, internal migration, and the future spatial distribution of population: a case study of New Zealand
Michael P. Cameron

The impact of parenthood on environmental attitudes and behaviour: a longitudinal investigation of the legacy hypothesis
Gregory O. Thomas, Rose Fisher, Lorraine Whitmarsh, Taciano L. Milfont, Wouter Poortinga

Geographically distant social networks elevate perceived preparedness for coastal environmental threats
Michael R. Cope, Matthew R. Lee, Tim Slack, Troy C. Blanchard, Jeff Carney, Forbes Lipschitz, Lydia Gikas

Issue 4, June 2018

Honoring Graeme Hugo's Contributions to Environmental Migration


Special issue dedicated to the memory of Professor Graeme Hugo
Yan Tan Pages

Original Papers

The evolution and impacts of Graeme Hugo’s environmental migration research
Alan Gamlen, Douglas K. Bardsley, Janet Wall

Thresholds in climate migration
Robert McLeman

The effects of climate change on the geography and timing of human mobility
Jon Barnett, Celia McMichael

The uneven geography of research on “environmental migration”
Etienne Piguet, Raoul Kaenzig, Jérémie Guélat

Coordinated approaches to large-scale movements of people: contributions of the Paris Agreement and the Global Compacts for migration and on refugees
Koko Warner

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ISSN 1726-2887

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