Rambler's Top100

№ 313 - 314
10 - 31 декабря 2007

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Трудовые конфликты в СССР. 1930-1991

Нужда и порядок: история социальной работы в России, XX в.

Анализ положения детей в Российской Федерации

The social situation in the European Union 2005-2006

Развитие эпидемии СПИДа

По страницам журналов «Российский медицинский журнал» и «Мир России. Социология и этнология»

Содержание журнала «Population and development review»

Web demoscope.ru



December 2006, Vol. 32, No. 4


How Long Will We Live?

John Bongaarts

Population Control in India: Prologue to the Emergency Period

Matthew Connelly

The Second Demographic Transition in the United States: Exception or Textbook Example?

Ron J. Lesthaeghe, Lisa Neidert

The Changing Context of Sexual Initiation in sub-Saharan Africa

Barbara S. Mensch, Monica J. Grant, Ann K. Blanc

Notes and Commentary

The Influence of Informal Work and Subjective Well-Being on Childbearing in Post-Soviet Russia

Brienna Perelli-Harris

Data and Perspectives

The Demographic Impact of a Female Deficit in China, 2000–2050

Isabelle Attané


President Nixon on Problems of Population Growth

Book Reviews

Amartya Sen, Identity and Violence: The Illusion of Destiny, reviewed by Michael S. Teitelbaum  

Mary E. Daly, The Slow Failure: Population Decline and Independent Ireland, 1922–1973, reviewed by Damien Courtney

Short Reviews

Jerome C. Glenn and Theodore J. Gordon, 2006 State of the Future

Ian Goldin and Kenneth Reinert, Globalization for Development: Trade, Finance, Aid, Migration, and Policy

Lindsey Grant (ed.), The Case for Fewer People: The NPG Forum Papers

Moni Nag, Sex Workers of India: Diversity in Practice of Prostitution and Ways of Life

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, Population, Resources, Environment and Development Database, Version 4.0

World Health Organization, Working Together for Health: The World Health Report 2006


The Stern Review on the Economic Effects of Climate Change

The European Defence Agency on Europe's Future in a Globalizing World

March 2007, Vol. 33, No. 1


On Causation in Demography: Issues and Illustrations

Máire Ní Bhrolcháin, Tim Dyson

Longing for the Good Life: Understanding Emigration from a High-Income Country

Hendrik P. van Dalen, Kène Henkens

The Concentration of Reproduction in Cohorts of Women in Europe and the United States

Vladimir M. Shkolnikov, Evgueni M. Andreev, René Houle, James W. Vaupel

Theories of Fertility Decline and the Evidence from Development Indicators

John Bryant

Notes and Commentary

China’s Local and National Fertility Policies at the End of the Twentieth Century

Gu Baochang, Wang Feng, Guo Zhigang, Zhang Erli

Data and Perspectives

Approaching the Limit: Long-Term Trends in Late and Very Late Fertility

Francesco C. Billari, Hans-Peter Kohler, Gunnar Andersson, Hans Lundström


Adam Ferguson on Population and Wealth

Book Reviews

The Struggle for International Consensus on Population and Development / John F. Kantner and Andrew Kantner

Reviewed by John C. Caldwell

World Development Report 2007: Development and the Next Generation / World Bank

Reviewed by Cynthia B. Lloyd

Genes, Behavior, and the Social Environment: Moving Beyond the Nature/Nurture Debate / Lyla M. Hernandez and Dan G. Blazer (eds.)

Reviewed by John G. Haaga

Global Economic Prospects 2007: Managing the Next Wave of Globalization / World Bank

Reviewed by Geoffrey McNicoll

A Culture of Corruption: Everyday Deception and Popular Discontent in Nigeria / Daniel Jordan Smith

Reviewed by Susan Cotts Watkins

Short Reviews

The Other Half of Gender: Men’s Issues in Development / Ian Bannon and Maria C. Correia (eds.)

Weighing Lives / John Broome

The State of Food and Agriculture: Agricultural Trade and Poverty: Can Trade Work for the Poor? / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Future Human Evolution: Eugenics in the Twenty-First Century / John Glad

Human Development Report 2006. Beyond Scarcity: Power, Poverty and the Global Water Crisis / United Nations Development Programme


Ben S. Bernanke on Long-Term Fiscal Challenges Facing the United States

Report of Nigeria’s National Population Commission on the 2006 Census

June 2007, Vol. 33, № 2


Options for Fertility Policy Transition in China

Zeng Yi

On the Determinants of Mortality Reductions in the Developing World

Rodrigo R. Soares

Sex, Breastfeeding, and Marital Fertility in Pretransition China

William Lavely

Longevity Among Hunter- Gatherers: A Cross-Cultural Examination

Michael Gurven, Hillard Kaplan

Notes and Commentary

A Realist View of Aging, Mortality, and Future Longevity

Bruce A. Carnes, S. Jay Olshansky

Data and Perspectives

An Increase in the Sex Ratio of Births to India-born Mothers in England and Wales: Evidence for Sex-Selective Abortion

Sylvie Dubuc, David Coleman


Yves Guyot on the Protection of National Labor

Book Reviews

Book Reviews





Authors for this Issue


September 2007, Vol. 33, № 3


Pandemic Influenza: A Review

Landis MacKellar

Delayed Marriage and Very Low Fertility in Pacific Asia

Gavin W. Jones

The Effect on Elderly Parents in Cambodia of Losing an Adult Child to AIDS

John Knodel, Zachary Zimmer, Kiry Sovan Kim, Sina Puch

Sero-Discordant Couples in Five African Countries: Implications for Prevention Strategies

Damien de Walque

Notes and Commentary

Taking the Lab to the Field: Monitoring Reproductive Hormones in Population Research

Claudia R. Valeggia

A Near Electoral Majority of Pensioners: Prospects and Policies

Warren C. Sanderson, Sergei Scherbov

Data and Perspectives

Mortality of American Troops in the Iraq War

Emily Buzzell, Samuel H. Preston

Impacts of Demographic Trends on US Household Size and Structure

Leiwen Jiang, Brian C. O'Neill


Friedrich List on Globalization versus the National Interest

Book Reviews

Book Reviews





Authors for this Issue


December 2007, Vol. 33 Issue 4


Intrinsic Growth Rates and Net Reproduction Rates in the Presence of Migration

Samuel H. Preston, Haidong Wang

New Evidence on the Urbanization of Global Poverty

Martin Ravallion, Shaohua Chen, Prem Sangraula

Rethinking Historical Reproductive Change: Insights from Longitudinal Data for a Spanish Town

David Sven Reher, Alberto Sanz-Gimeno

Sexual Behavior in China: Trends and Comparisons

William L. Parish, Edward O. Laumann, Sanyu A. Mojola

The Decline of Son Preference in South Korea: The Roles of Development and Public Policy

Woojin Chung, Monica Das Gupta

Data and Perspectives

Religiousness and Fertility among European Muslims

Charles F. Westoff, Tomas Frejka


Charles Horton Cooley on Disorganization of the Family

Book Reviews



The World Health Organization on Health Inequality, Inequity, and Social Determinants of Health



Authors for this Issue


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