№ - 2
8 - 14 января

О проекте

Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

Профессия: исследователь

Памяти Дмитрия Кузьмича Шелестова

Как прошла пробная перепись населения

"Кто и куда стремится вести Россию?.." Международный симпозиум

Международная конференция о судьбах этнических меньшинство в Европе ХХ века. Приглашение к участию

Европейская Конференция по народонаселению


Международная конференция о судьбах этнических меньшинств в Европе ХХ века.
Приглашение к участию.

Voice or Exit - Comparative Perspectives on Ethnic Minorities in Twentieth
Century Europe

International Conference
May 25-27, 2001, Humboldt University Berlin

Call for Papers

Minority issues and interethnic relations have been key social phenomena shaping Europe in the age of nation-states and nationalism. The establishment of nation-states was often paralleled by majority-minority or interethnic conflicts resulting in ethnic, demographic and political 'engineering' and widespread population shifts. Not only assimilation, forced migration, population exchanges, expulsions, and genocide, but also the establishment and recognition of minority rights were immediate consequences of these political, social and ethnic tensions. The conference Voice or Exit - Comparative Perspectives on Ethnic Minorities in Twentieth Century Europe will focus comparatively on questions of contemporary and historical minority existence in twentieth century Europe. The main emphasis will be put on representation of ('autochthonous'/non-migrant) minorities in nation states, national public spheres and polities versus minority migration. The regional focus is Gesamteuropa (all of Europe) from the Atlantic to the Ural mountains, from the North Cap to the Bosporus.

Of special interest are:

  • inclusion and exclusion of minorities into and from nation states
  • interethnic relations in the context of multiethnic societies
  • ethnic politics and ethno-nationalism and the creation of minority politics · "homeland" politics
  • majority-minority relations
  • (changes and continuities of) minority rights
  • minority representation and the making of minorities over time
  • ethnic migration and minority rights in the context of state formation and nation-building
  • (historical) migration patterns and migration systems of minorities
  • ethnic violence
  • prevention and monitoring of minority rights and ethnic migration
  • ethnic "unmixing" of peoples
  • the role of international organizations in the area of minority protection and ethnic migration

Abstracts for papers (max. of 600 words) on various aspects of minority issues and existence throughout Europe will be considered on a competitive basis. Comparative papers and studies are as welcome as historical depth. The number of participants will be limited to 25 people. Scholars from the Humanities and the social sciences including law, economics and social psychology are encouraged to turn in abstracts. Advanced Ph.D. candidates and post-docs are particularly invited to turn in applications. Accommodation and food will be provided. Limited financial support for the participants to subsidize travel costs is available. Submissions of abstracts and a short biographical note including a list of publications are welcomed until January 15, 2001. Papers are supposed to be circulated in advance and should be received by April 2, 2001. The conference will take place public at Humboldt-Universitat Berlin, May 25-27, 2001. The publication of selected papers in an edited volume is planned.

The conference will be supported by
the German Marshall Fund,
Office Berlin

Organization committee:
Rainer Munz (Humboldt-Universitat Berlin)
Rainer Ohliger (Humboldt-Universitat Berlin)
William Safran (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Zsuzsa Torok (CEU Budapest)

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