№ 565, April 2019
How do immigrants name their children in France?
Baptiste Coulmont, Patrick Simon
The first names chosen by the majority population and by immigrants’
descendants in France are not converging towards typically
“French” names but rather towards international names that
everyone can identify with. Many children and grandchildren of immigrants
from North Africa continue to receive Arab-Muslim first names while some
receive new first names (Yanis, Rayane, or Lina) that the majority
population perceives as North African.
№ 566, May 2019
Being together, living apart: A more frequent arrangement after a
Arnaud Régnier-Loilier
In France, being in a relationship without living together most often
corresponds to a stage in the process of union formation rather than a
distaste for shared living, especially among young people. On the other
hand, for people previously in a union and who already have children,
living separately from their new partner may be seen as an
“alternative” to cohabitation, enabling them to enjoy a new
intimate relationship while maintaining their autonomy and avoiding the
constraints of shared living.
№ 567, June 2019
Population decline in the post-communist countries of the European
Agnieszka Fihel, Marek Okólski
The European Union includes 11 post-communist countries (Bulgaria, Croatia,
Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia,
and Slovenia). The population of this group of countries has fallen by 7%
since 1989, whereas that of the rest of the EU has risen by 13%. Before the
fall of the Berlin Wall, these countries had younger populations than the
rest of the EU, but they are now ageing due to low fertility and mass
emigration of young people.
№° 568, July/August 2019
French fertility is the highest in Europe.
Because of its immigrants?
Sabrina Volant, Gilles Pison, François Héran
Immigrant mothers account for 19% of all births in France today. The total
fertility rate of immigrant women is higher than that of native-born French
women (2.6 children versus 1.8 in 2017), but as only a minority of women
are concerned, their births increase the French fertility rate by just 0.1
children, from 1.8 to 1.9 children per woman in 2017. With or without
immigrants, fertility in France is among the highest in Europe
№ 569, September 2019
The Population of the World (2019)
Gilles Pison
Every other year, Population and Societies publishes a special issue called
The Population of the World, presenting an overall picture of the situation
across the globe. There were 7.7 billion humans on the planet in 2019. The
world population has risen seven-fold over the last two hundred years and
may well reach 11 billion by the end of the twenty-first century.