Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета "Высшая школа экономики"

№ 805 - 806
11 - 24 марта 2019

ISSN 1726-2887

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читальный зал приложения обратная связь доска объявлений


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Проактивная демографическая политика: 10 лет спустя. Эффекты, инструменты, новые цели

Global Education Monitoring Report 2019

Мониторинг показателей ЦУР в регионе СНГ 2015-2017

Demographic Yearbook of the Czech Republic 2017

О состоянии сельских территорий в Российской Федерации в 2016 году

По страницам журналов «Проблемы социальной гигиены, здравоохранения и истории медицины» и «Мир России. Социология и этнология»

Содержание журнала «Population & Societes»

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№ 559, October 2018

Mortality between ages 5 and 15

Bruno Masquelier

The mortality of children under age 5, which has fallen substantially across the world in recent years, is a closely monitored indicator of health in a country. But what about the mortality of older children? Drawing on data from a new international database, Bruno Masquelier describes the risks of dying between ages 5 and 15, how they vary across different countries, and the measures that could be taken to reduce mortality in this age group.


№ 560, November 2018

More than half of all adults living in Mayotte were born elsewhere

Claude-Valentin Marie, Didier Breton, Maude Crouzet

The island of Mayotte, a French overseas department, has experienced rapid population growth and transformation as a result of migration. Using data from the Migration, Family, and Ageing survey, Claude-Valentin Marie, Didier Breton, and Maude Crouzet retrace the history of Mayotte’s population and describe the factors transforming it.


№ 561, December 2018

People who identify as bisexual in France

Mathieu Trachman, Tania Lejbowicz, et l'équipe de l'enquête Virage

Although many individuals describe themselves as bisexual, statistical surveys have given little attention to this population, which contributes to making bisexuality a secondary sexuality. Drawing on data from the 2015 VIRAGE survey, Mathieu Trachman and Tania Lejbowicz present some of the social characteristics of bisexual people in France and show how they differ from homosexuals and heterosexuals.


№ 562, January 2019

Late childbearing continues to increase in developed countries

Eva Beaujouan, Tomáš Sobotka

Delayed childbearing represents a profound change in reproductive behaviour and concerns all developed countries. One of its consequences is a growing number of births to women aged 40 and over. Éva Beaujouan and Tomáš Sobotka compare the situation today in different countries, situate it in the context of historical trends, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having children later in life.


№ 563, February 2019

The number and proportion of immigrants in the population: International comparisons

Gilles Pison

The proportion of immigrants varies considerably from one country to another. In some, it exceeds half the population, while in others it is below 0.1%. Which countries have the most immigrants? Where do they come from? How are they distributed across the world? Gilles Pison provides an overview of the number and share of immigrants in selected countries around the world.


№ 564, March 2019

Why is French life expectancy increasing more slowly?

Gilles Pison

Life expectancy has progressed more slowly in France in recent years. Is this a temporary phenomenon, or does it signal a new long-term pattern of change? Gilles Pison analyses this question and examines how trends in France compare with those observed in other developed countries.


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ISSN 1726-2887

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