Volume 46
Issue 2, June
Exploring the Paradox of Intimate Partner Violence and Increased Contraceptive
Use in sub-Saharan Africa
Vissého Adjiwanou and Afiwa N'Bouke
Teenage Childbearing and Educational Attainment in South Africa
Ian M. Timæus and Tom A. Moultrie
An Assessment of Childbearing Preferences in Northern Malawi
Kazuyo Machiyama, Angela Baschieri, Albert Dube, Amelia C. Crampin,
Judith R. Glynn, Neil French and John Cleland
Fertility Limitation and Child Schooling in Ouagadougou: Selective Fertility
or Resource Dilution?
Moussa Bougma, Thomas K. LeGrand and Jean-François Kobiané
Men's Perspectives on Their Role in Family Planning in Nyanza Province, Kenya
Mellissa Withers, Shari L. Dworkin, Maricianah Onono, Beryl
Oyier, Craig R. Cohen, Elizabeth A. Bukusi and Sara J. Newmann
Jordan 2012 DHS
Mali 2012–13 DHS
Amy Ong Tsui reviews The Birth of the Pill: How Four Crusaders Reinvented
Sex and Launched a Revolution, by Jonathan Eig
Amy Ong Tsui
Issue 3, September
Community Health Workers’ Provision of Family Planning Services in Low-
and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review of Effectiveness
Valerie K. Scott, Lindsey B. Gottschalk, Kelsey Q. Wright, Claire
Twose, Meghan A. Bohren, Megan E. Schmitt and Nuriye Ortayli
School Socioeconomic Composition and Adolescent Sexual Initiation in Malawi
Jinho Kim
The Role of the Nonpneumatic Antishock Garment in Reducing Blood Loss and
Mortality Associated with Post-Abortion Hemorrhage
Shila Manandhar, Alison M. El Ayadi, Elizabeth Butrick, Robert
Hosang and Suellen Miller
The Effect of Integrating Family Planning with a Maternal and Newborn Health
Program on Postpartum Contraceptive Use and Optimal Birth Spacing
in Rural Bangladesh
Saifuddin Ahmed, Salahuddin Ahmed, Catharine McKaig, Nazma Begum,
Jaime Mungia, Maureen Norton and Abdullah H. Baqui
Nigeria 2013 DHS
Philippines 2013 DHS
Principles, Laws, and Abortion: A Review Essay on Rebecca J. Cook, Joanna
N. Erdman, and Bernard M. Dickens (eds.), Abortion Law in Transnational
Perspective: Cases and Controversies
Landis MacKellar
Population and Reproductive Health in India: An Assessment of the Current
Situation and Future Needs by Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, P.M. Kulkarni,
K.G. Santhya, and Firoza Mehrotra
Rob Stephenson
Issue 4, December
Postpartum and Post-Abortion Contraception: From Research to Programs
Iqbal H. Shah, K.G. Santhya and John Cleland
Reassessing Unmet Need for Family Planning in the Postpartum Period
Clémentine Rossier, Sarah E.K. Bradley, John Ross and William
Contraceptive Adoption, Discontinuation, and Switching among Postpartum Women
in Nairobi's Urban Slums
Joyce N. Mumah, Kazuyo Machiyama, Michael Mutua, Caroline W.
Kabiru and John Cleland
Associations Between Abortion Services and Acceptance of Postabortion Contraception
in Six Indian States
Sushanta K. Banerjee, Sumit Gulati, Kathryn L. Andersen, Valerie
Acre, Janardan Warvadekar and Deepa Navin
Postpartum Contraception in Northern Tanzania: Patterns of Use, Relationship
to Antenatal Intentions, and Impact of Antenatal Counseling
Sarah C. Keogh, Mark Urassa, Yusufu Kumogola, Samwel Kalongoji,
Daniel Kimaro and Basia Zaba
Interventions to Improve Postpartum Family Planning in Low- and Middle-Income
Countries: Program Implications and Research Priorities
John Cleland, Iqbal H. Shah and Marina Daniele
Democratic Republic of Congo 2013–14 DHS
Dominican Republic 2013 DHS