Volume 15, 2014
Issue 4, November
Original Papers
Mathematics Performance of Immigrant Students Across Different Racial Groups:
An Indirect Examination of the Influence of Culture and Schooling
Qiang Cheng, Jian Wang, Shiqi Hao, Qingmin Shi
The Economics of Attachment: Making a Case for a Relational Approach to Immigrants'
Integration in Canada
Abdolmohammad Kazemipur, M. Reza Nakhaie
Tracking the Emotional Cost of Immigration: Ethno-religious Differences and
Women’s Mental Health
Cathy Holtmann, Lucia Tramonte
Highly Skilled Migrants’ Strong Ties with Their Home Country: Evidence
from Filipinos in New Zealand and Australia
Sheila Siar
Exclusion and Discrimination: Zimbabwean Migrant Children and South African
Jonathan Crush, Godfrey Tawodzera
Review Paper
How Domestic Public Policy Goes Global: Immigrants’ Transnational Allocations
of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
Catherine Simpson Bueker, Katrin Križ
Original Papers
A Passage to Canada: The Differential Migrations of South Asian Skilled Workers
to Toronto
Sutama Ghosh
Wage Theft Among Latino Day Laborers in Post-Katrina New Orleans: Comparing
Contractors with Other Employers
Warren Waren
Educational–Occupational Mismatch, Race/Ethnicity, and Immigrant Wealth
Matthew A. Painter II
Fiscal Effects of Immigrants in Canada
Mohsen Javdani, Krishna Pendakur
Book Review
Education and Sustainability Learning Across the Diaspora, Indigenous and
Minority Divide
Naghmeh Babaee
Sarah Spencer, The Migration Debate, The Policy Press (2011), 278 pages
Yuval Livnat
Douglas S. Massey and Magaly Sanchez R., Brokered Boundaries: Creating Immigrant
Identity in Anti-Immigrant Times
Amos Nkrumah
Judith K. Bernhard, Stand Together or Fall Apart: Professionals Working with
Immigrant Families
Anna Kirova
Original Paper
J. Dreby, Divided by Borders: Mexican Migrants and Their Children
Michael S. Rendall
Book Review
Maurice Crul and Liesbeth Heering (Eds.): The position of the Turkish and
Moroccan second generation in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. The TIES
study in the Netherlands and Vetik, Raivo & Helemäe, Jelena
(2011, eds.) The Russian Second Generation in Tallinn and Kohtla-Järve.
The TIES study in Estonia. Imiscoe reports
Perttu Salmenhaara
Barry R. Chiswick (Ed.): High-Skilled Immigration in a Global Labor Market
Hyekyung Song
Robert Vineberg, Responding to Immigrants' Settlement Needs: The Canadian
Baha Abu-Laban
Original Paper
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Towards Post-National Membership: Local Voting Rights for
Third-Country Nationals in Greece
Anna Triandafyllidou
Volume 16, 2015
Issue 1, February
Who Decides? Democracy, Power and the Local Franchise in Cities of Immigration
Issue Editors: Triadafilos Triadafilopoulos
Original Papers
Expanding the Electorate: Comparing the Noncitizen Voting Practices of 25
David C. Earnest
Local Voting Rights for Non-Nationals: Experience in Sweden, the Netherlands
and Belgium
F. Leslie Seidle
Reform, Counter-Reform and the Politics of Citizenship: Local Voting Rights
for Third-Country Nationals in Greece
Anna Triandafyllidou
Voting Participation of Immigrants in Sweden—a Cohort Analysis of the
2002, 2006 and 2010 Elections
Pieter Bevelander
Non-Citizen Voting Rights and Urban Citizenship in Toronto
Myer Siemiatycki
Political Rights in the Age of Migration: Lessons from the United States
Ron Hayduk
Residence and the Right to Vote
Patti Tamara Lenard
Voting Rights for Non-citizens: Treasure or Fool’s Gold?
Avigail Eisenberg
Migrant Workers and the Problem of Social Cohesion in Canada
Alison Taylor, Jason Foster
Religiosity and Migration Aspirations among Mexican Youth
Steven Hoffman, Flavio Francisco Marsiglia, Stephanie L. Ayers
Perceptions of Discrimination as a Marker of Integration Among Muslim-Canadians:
The Role of Religiosity, Ethnic Identity, and Gender
Rashelle V. H. Litchmore, Saba Safdar
Issue 2, May
Original Papers
The Social Rate of Return to Investing in Character: An Economic Evaluation
of Alberta’s Immigrant Access Fund Microloan Program
J. C. Herbert Emery, Ana Ferrer
Human Resource Deficit in Atlantic Canada: A Challenge for Regional Economic
Ather H. Akbari
Searching for Joy: The Importance of Leisure in Newcomer Settlement
Lisa Quirke
Employment Rights for Migrant Workers in Ireland: Towards A Human Rights Framework
Deirdre Toomey
Knowledge Mobilization/Transfer and Immigration Policy: Forging Space for
NGOs—the Case of CERIS—The Ontario Metropolis Centre
John Shields, Valerie Preston, Ted Richmond, Yuko Sorano, Erika
Gasse-Gates, Debbie Douglas, John Campey, Lesley Johnston
Healthy Enough to Get In: The Evolution of Canadian Immigration Policy Related
to Immigrant Health
Robert Vineberg
Voices Unheard: Stories of Immigrant Teachers in Alberta
Sandra Janusch
The Healthy Immigrant Effect: Patterns and Evidence from Four Countries
Steven Kennedy, Michael P. Kidd, James Ted McDonald, Nicholas
Do Tied Movers Get Tied Down? The Occupational Displacement of Dependent Applicant
Immigrants in Canada
Rupa Banerjee, Mai B. Phan
“We Do Not Own Our Children”: Transformation of Parental Attitudes
and Practices in Two Generations of Russian Israelis
Larissa Remennick
Immigrant Incorporation, Technology, and Transnationalism Among Korean American
Juyeon Son
Cultural Adaptation as a Sense-Making Experience: International Students in
Shiao-Yun Chiang
Return Migration as Failure or Success?
Hein de Haas, Tineke Fokkema, Mohamed Fassi Fihri
Book Review
Book Review: Us, Them, and Others and the Missing Cornerstone of Colonization
Jeffrey S. Denis
Debating Us, Them, and Others: A Research Framework
Elke Winter
How New Models Can Rejuvenate Established Insights: Reaction to and Critique
of Elke Winter’s Us, Them, and Others
Howard Ramos
Not Quite Us, Not Quite Them
Stephen Harold Riggins