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№ 617 - 618
3 - 16 ноября 2014

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Молодежь в Содружестве Независимых Государств: статистический портрет

Situation of older women in Ukraine

Trends in health systems in the former Soviet countries

Multistate analysis of life histories with R

Eurostat regional yearbook 2014

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Journal of Population Economics


Volume 27, 2014

Issue 2, April


Daniel S. Hamermesh receives IZA Prize in Labor Economics

Original Papers

The nexus between labor diversity and firm’s innovation
Pierpaolo Parrotta, Dario Pozzoli, Mariola Pytlikova

The effectiveness of remedial courses in Italy: a fuzzy regression discontinuity design
Maria De Paola, Vincenzo Scoppa

What a difference a term makes: the effect of educational attainment on marital outcomes in the UK
Dan Anderberg, Yu Zhu

Public primary health care and children’s health in Brazil: evidence from siblings
Mauricio Reis

Parents’ economic support of young-adult children: do socioeconomic circumstances matter?
Deborah A. Cobb-Clark, Tue Gørgens

Gone to war: have deployments increased divorces?
Sebastian Negrusa, Brighita Negrusa, James Hosek

Death and schooling decisions over the short and long run in rural Madagascar
Jean-Noël Senne

Endogenous fertility, endogenous lifetime and economic growth: the role of child policies
Luciano Fanti, Luca Gori

The quality–quantity trade-off: evidence from the relaxation of China’s one-child policy
Haoming Liu

Turning back the ticking clock: the effect of increased affordability of assisted reproductive technology on women’s marriage timing
Joelle Abramowitz

Issue 3, July


2014 Kuznets Prize for Paolo Masella

Original Papers

Economic development, structural change, and women’s labor force participation
Isis Gaddis, Stephan Klasen

Displacement and household adaptation: insured by the spouse or the state?
Inés Hardoy, Pål Schøne

The impact of labor market entry conditions on initial job assignment and wages
Beatrice Brunner, Andreas Kuhn

Adieu Rabenmutter—culture, fertility, female labour supply, the gender wage gap and childcare
Rainald Borck

Wage shocks, household labor supply, and income instability
Sisi Zhang

The dynamics of homeownership among the 50+ in Europe
Viola Angelini, Agar Brugiavini, Guglielmo Weber

Durable consumption, saving and retirement
Torben M. Andersen, Mikkel Nørlem Hermansen

Testing the relationship between income inequality and life expectancy: a simple correction for the aggregation effect when using aggregated data
Thomas Mayrhofer, Hendrik Schmitz

Capital accumulation and the sources of demographic change
Jochen O. Mierau, Stephen J. Turnovsky

The impact of early-life economic conditionson cause-specific mortality during adulthood
Gary Y. C. Yeung, Gerard J. van den Berg, Maarten Lindeboom, France R. M. Portrait

Issue 4, October


No Article Title

Original Papers

Empirical characteristics of legal and illegal immigrants in the USA
Vincenzo Caponi, Miana Plesca

The impact of changes in the marital status on return migration of family migrants
Govert E. Bijwaard, Stijn van Doeselaar

Investing in children’s education: are Muslim immigrants different?
Andreea Mitrut, François-Charles Wolff

The migration challenge for PAYG
Gurgen Aslanyan

Muslims in France: identifying a discriminatory equilibrium
Claire L. Adida, David D. Laitin, Marie-Anne Valfort

Endogenous age discrimination
Christian Manger

Intergenerational earnings mobility and divorce
Espen Bratberg, Karsten Marshall Elseth Rieck, Kjell Vaage

Couples’ time together: complementarities in production versus complementarities in consumption
Hani Mansour, Terra McKinnish

Do fertility transitions influence infant mortality declines? Evidence from early modern Germany
Alan Fernihough, Mark E. McGovern

Trade and fertility in the developing world: the impact of trade and trade structure
Thomas Gries, Rainer Grundmann


Acknowledgements to editorial collaborators

Volume 28, 2015

Issue 1, January


The 2015 Kuznets Prize winner is Dr. Haoming Liu

Original paper

Malthus to modernity: wealth, status, and fertility in England, 1500–1879
Gregory Clark, Neil Cummins

The fertility transition around the world
Holger Strulik, Sebastian Vollmer

Optimal life-cycle fertility in a Barro-Becker economy
Pierre Pestieau, Gregory Ponthiere

Modelling the impact of women’s education on fertility in Malawi
Luca Zanin, Rosalba Radice, Giampiero Marra

Perception of HIV risk and the quantity and quality of children: the case of rural Malawi
Ruben Castro, Jere R. Behrman, Hans-Peter Kohler

Alcohol consumption and risky sexual behavior among young adults: evidence from minimum legal drinking age laws
Ceren Ertan Yörük, Barış K. Yörük

Affection, speed dating and heartbreaking
Kai A. Konrad

Endogenous division rules as a family constitution: strategic altruistic transfers and sibling competition
Yang-Ming Chang, Zijun Luo

United but (un)equal: human capital, probability of divorce, and the marriage contract
Helmuth Cremer, Pierre Pestieau, Kerstin Roeder

Strategic non-marital cohabitation: theory and empirical implications
Amy Farmer, Andrew W. Horowitz


28th Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics, Braga, 2014

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