Англоязычная версия
№ 503, September 2013
The population of the world (2013)
Gilles Pison
Every other year, Population and Societies publishes a special
issue called The population of the world, presenting an overall
picture of the situation across the globe. There are slightly more
than 7 billion humans on the planet in 2013. The world population
has risen seven-fold over the last two hundred years and is expected
to reach 10 or 11 billion by the end of the twenty-first century.
№ 504, October 2013
Body fatness standards: an international comparison
Delphine Robineau, Thibaut de Saint Pol
The body fatness of men and women varies considerably from one
country to another. Diet and physical activity are important factors,
but norms of body shape also play a role. Using data from an international
social survey in 13 countries and 4 continents, Delphine Robineau
and Thibaut de Saint Pol analyse differences in body shape ideals
across the world.
№ 505, November 2013
Demography and its vocabulary over the centuries: a digital exploration
François Héran
When did the vocabulary of demography first enter common usage?
What are the most frequently cited indicators? How was concern about
depopulation gradually replaced by fears of population explosion?
How have perceptions of immigration evolved? We can now explore
these questions thanks to Ngram Viewer, a tool that detects how
frequently different words or phrases occur in the millions of books
digitized by Google.
№ 506, December 2013
Masculinization of births in Eastern Europe
Christophe Z. Guilmoto, Géraldine Duthé
Sex-selective abortion is not specific to Asia. Christophe Guilmoto
and Géraldine Duthé explain why European countries in
the Western Balkans and Southern Caucasus are affected too. Although
the problem was described for the first time more than ten years
ago, it is only now that the authorities in these countries and
in Europe are starting to show concern.
№ 507, January 2014
Living in two residences: mainly before and after working life
Christophe Imbert, Guilhem Deschamps, Eva Lelièvre, Catherine Bonvalet
How many people share their time between more than one residence?
A precise answer cannot be provided by the census, which is based
on a list of dwellings and focuses on counting each person onceonly.
But an accurate response to the question can be obtained via the
2011 survey of families and dwellings (Famille et logements), which
was used by Christophe Imbert, Guilhem Deschamps, Éva Lelièvre
and Catherine Bonvalet to count and characterize the individuals
№ 508, February 2014
Childlessness: a life choice that goes against the norm
Charlotte Debest, Magali Mazuy, l’équipe de l’enquête Fecond
In France, it is quite rare to be childless and to report not wanting
any children. Who are the people concerned? What are the reasons
for their choice? Does living with a partner make any difference?
Charlotte Debest and Magali Mazuy have analysed this life choice
using data from several surveys, notably 2010 the Fecond survey,
and present their findings here.
№ 509, March 2014
1914-2014 : A century of change in the French population pyramid
Gilles Pison
A population pyramid and its changes over time provide
a visual account of a country's history. The French population pyramid
has changed continuously since the outbreak of the First World War.
Here, we will stop the clock every 20 years, and focus on the situation
in 1914, 1934, 1954, 1974, 1994 and 2014.
№ 510, April 2014
Lost generations: The demographic impact of the Great War
François Héran
The 1914-1918 war is remembered for the sheer scale of human losses:
at least 18% of the soldiers enlisted in the French army - some
1.5 million men - died in uniform. Using datafrom the latest historical
and demographic research on military and civilian losses, the author
compares the carnage of the First World War with another great scourge,
that of infantmortality, whose order of magnitude was similar.