Eurostat, 2013, 284 pages
Статистическая информация является важным инструментом
для понимания и количественной оценки влияния политических решений
на определенной территории или в регионе. Региональный ежегодник
Евростата 2013 представляет детальную картину, касающиеся широкого
круга статистических тем в различных регионах государств-членов
Европейского союза (ЕС) и Европейской ассоциации свободной торговли,
а также стран-кандидатов. Каждая глава издания представляет статистическую
информацию в виде карт, графиков и таблиц и сопровождается описанием
основных выводов, источников данных и политического контекста. Региональные
показатели приведены для 11 следующих областей: экономика, население,
здравоохранение, образование, рынок труда, структурная деловая статистика,
туризм, информационное общество, сельское хозяйство, транспорт,
наука, технологии и инновации. Кроме того, в издание включены четыре
специальных главы: это взгляд на европейские города, определение
города и города-метрополии, доходы и условия жизни в зависимости
от степени урбанизации и развитие сельских районов.
EU statistics on regions and cities
The NUTS classification
Coverage and timeliness of statistics on regions and cities
More information about statistics on regions and cities
Eurobase - Eurostat's online database
Statistics explained
EU policies
Europe 2020 strategy
Regional policies
Future cohesion policy - alignment with the Europe 2020 strategy
Rural development policy
Future rural development policy - alignment with the Europe 2020
strategy and the reform of the CAP
Urban policies
Urban development - future cohesion policy
1. Economy
Main statistical findings
Regional GDP per inhabitant
A more detailed regional analysis
Changes over time
Focus on longer-term changes in selected regions
Around a quarter of the EU's population lived in regions where GDP
was less than 75 % of the EU-27 average
Major regional differences within countries
Data sources and availability
Comparisons between where people work and where they live
Purchasing power parities
Measuring economic development
Economic policies
2. Population
Main statistical findings
Population size and density
Population change
Decline in the fertility rate
Declining infant mortality
Life expectancy gaps between men and women
Demographic ageing
Data sources and availability
3. Health
Main statistical findings
Causes of death
Diseases of the circulatory system
Diseases of the respiratory system
Cancer (malignant neoplasms
Hospital beds
Healthcare professionals
Data sources and availability
Causes of death
4. Education
Main statistical findings
Participation of 4-year-olds in education
Students aged 17 in education
Early leavers from education and training
Students in tertiary education
Tertiary educational attainment
Data sources and availability
Diversity of national education systems
Education and training 2020
5. Labour market
Main statistical findings
Employment rates
Changes in employment rates from 2008 to 2011
Male and female employment rates
Employment rates for older workers
Unemployment rates
Changes in unemployment rates
Youth unemployment
Earnings at a regional level
Data sources and availability
6. Structural business statistics
Main statistical findings
Industrial and services specialisation
Detailed specialisation within the non-financial business economy
Range of specialisation
Business concentration
Data sources and availability
7. Tourism
Main statistical findings
Number of overnight stays
Recent trends in hotel tourism
Recent trends in camping tourism
Share of inbound tourism
Top 20 tourist regions in the EU-27 visited by foreign tourists
Most popular regions
Tourism intensity
Average length of stay
Accommodation capacity
Size of accommodation establishments
Data sources and availability
Tourism diversity
8. Information society
Main statistical findings
Access to information and communication technologies
Regular use of the Internet
E-commerce by individuals
Data sources and availability
9. Agriculture
Main statistical findings
Economic significance of agriculture
Agricultural labour productivity
Structure of agricultural holdings
Livestock and crops
Agri-environmental indicators
Data sources and availability
10. Transport
Main statistical findings
Motorway networks
Stock of passenger cars, buses and coaches
Stock of road freight vehicles
Road safety
Air transport
Rail transport
Maritime transport
Data sources and availability
11. Science and technology
Main statistical findings
Research and development intensity
Human resources in science and technology
Employment in high-tech sectors
Data sources and availability
12. Focus on European cities
Main statistical findings
Living in cities and urban areas
Age and old age
Cultural facilities
Data sources and availability
Europe 2020
Sustainable investment
13. Focus on cities and metro regions
Main statistical findings
Larger urban zones: a city and its commuting zone
A typology of metro(politan) regions
Links between the definition of a city and its commuting zone and
the degree of urbanisation typology
No link between metro regions and the urban-rural regional typology
14. Focus on income and living conditions
Main statistical findings
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion
People at risk of poverty
Severe material deprivation rate
People living in households with very low work intensity
Overcrowded households
Overburden of housing costs
Severe housing deprivation
A comparison summarising indicators across the whole of the EU
A comparison summarising indicators across the Member States
Data sources and availability
Degree of urbanisation
Statistics on income and living conditions
Indicator definitions
15. Focus on rural development
Main statistical findings
Focus on the population in predominantly rural regions
Focus on the labour market in predominantly rural regions
Focus on the economy in predominantly rural regions
Focus on agriculture and tourism in rural regions
Data sources and availability
Urban-rural typology
Regional issues for rural areas
Employment in rural areas
Annex 1 - Classification of territorial units for statistics, 2010
European Union: NUTS level 2 regions
EFTA countries: statistical regions at level 2
Acceding and candidate countries: statistical regions at level 2
Annex 2 - Cities participating in the Urban Audit data collection
European Union: Urban Audit cities
EFTA countries: Urban Audit cities
Acceding and candidate countries: Urban Audit cities