Rambler's Top100

№ 539 - 540
21 января - 3 февраля 2013

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Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета "Высшая школа экономики"

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European report on preventing elder maltreatment

Noncommunicable diseases country profiles 2011

European report on preventing violence and knife crime among young people

Энциклопедия статистических терминов

Населення України за 2011 рік

По страницам журналов «Социологические исследования» и «Россия и современный мир»

Содержание журнала «European Journal Of Population»

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Volume 28

Issue 2 / May 2012

Original Paper

Secularization, Union Formation Practices, and Marital Stability: Evidence from Italy
Roberto Impicciatore and Francesco C. Billari

Intermarriage, Value Context and Union Dissolution: Sweden 1990–2005
Martin Dribe and Christer Lundh

Are Mixed-Ethnic Unions More Likely to Dissolve Than Co-Ethnic Unions? New Evidence from Britain
Zhiqiang Feng, Paul Boyle, Maarten van Ham and Gillian M. Raab

Economic Determinants of Divorce Among Dual-Earner Couples: Jews in Israel
Liat Raz-Yurovich

Subjective Well-Being by Partnership Status and Its Dependence on the Normative Climate
Ellen Verbakel

Book Review

Mary Ann Davis: Children for Families or Families for Children. The Demography of Adoption Behavior in the U.S.
Fausta Ongaro

Jennifer A. Johnson-Hanks, Christine A. Bachrach, S. Philip Morgan, Hans-Peter Kohler: Understanding Family Change and Variation. Toward a Theory of Conjunctural Action
Johannes Huinink

Issue 3, August 2012

Editorial Notes


Catherine Gourbin

Original Paper

Partner Choice Patterns Among the Descendants of Turkish Immigrants in Europe
Doreen Huschek, Helga A. G. de Valk…

Does Citizenship Still Matter? Second Birth Risks of Migrants from Albania, Morocco, and Romania in Italy
Eleonora Mussino, Salvatore Strozza

A Cross-National Perspective on Unemployment and First Births
Christian Schmitt

Leaving Mum Alone? The Effect of Parental Separation on Children’s Decisions to Leave Home
Letizia Mencarini, Elena Meroni…

Marriage Patterns Among Palestinians in Israel
Alisa C. Lewin

Book Review

Booth, A., Brown, S. L., Landale, N. S., Manning, W. D., McHale, S. M. (eds): Early Adulthood in a Family Context
Monika Mynarska

Warren C. Robinson (ed.): Land, Labour and Population Growth: Theory, Policy and Case-Studies. Collected Papers from 4 Decades
Michel Oris

Issue 4, November 2012

Original Paper

European Regional Populations: Current Trends, Future Pathways, and Policy Options
Philip Rees, Nicole van der Gaag

Explaining the Flight of Cupid’s Arrow: A Spatial Random Utility Model of Partner Choice
Karen Haandrikman, Leo J. G. van Wissen

Serial Cohabitation among Men in Britain: Does Work History Matter?
Erzsébet Bukodi

Analysing Multiple Causes of Death: Which Methods For Which Data? An Application to the Cancer-Related Mortality in France and Italy
Aline F. Désesquelles

Grandparenting and Childbearing in the Extended Family
Arnstein Aassve, Elena Meroni

Book Review

Albert Kraler, Eleonore Kofman, Martin Kohli and Camille Schmoll (eds.): Gender, Generations and the Family in International Migration
Claudio Bolzman

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