Rambler's Top100

№ 425 - 426
7 - 20 июня 2010

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Туберкулез в Российской Федерации 2007 г.

Мировая статистика здравоохранения. 2009 год

Модель демографического развития Республики Беларусь

Этнодемографические процессы в Казахстане и сопредельных территориях

Тайны туркменской демографии: проблемы, пробелы, фальсификации

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Studies In Family Planning


Volume 40

Issue 3 (September 2009)


Integration of STI and HIV Prevention, Care, and Treatment into Family Planning Services: A Review of the Literature
Kathryn Church, Susannah H. Mayhew

Behavioral Mechanisms in HIV Epidemiology and Prevention: Past, Present, and Future Roles
Jeffrey B. Bingenheimer, Arline T. Geronimus

How Contraceptive Use Affects Birth Intervals: Results of a Literature Review
Marissa Pine Yeakey, Carie J. Muntifering, Daesha V. Ramachandran, YeMon Myint, Andreea A. Creanga, Amy O. Tsui

Toward Replacement Fertility in Egypt and Tunisia
Eltigani E. Eltigani

Fertility Decline in Paraguay
Kanako Ishida, Paul Stupp, Mercedes Melian


Meeting the Family Planning Needs of Postpartum Women
Ricardo Vernon


Namibia 2006–07: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey

Pakistan 2006–07: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey


Issue 4 (December 2009)


HIV Infection and Fertility Preferences in Rural Malawi
Sara Yeatman

Using Multiple Sampling Approaches to Measure Sexual Risk-taking Among Young People in Haiti: Programmatic Implications
Ilene S. Speizer, Harry Beauvais, Anu Manchikanti Gómez, Theresa Finn Outlaw, Barbara Roussel

The Impact of the African Youth Alliance Program on the Sexual Behavior of Young People in Uganda
Ali Mehryar Karim, Timothy Williams, Leslie Patykewich, Disha Ali, Charlotte E. Colvin, Jessica Posner, Gideon Rutaremwa

The Effectiveness of a Community-based Education Program on Abandoning Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Senegal
Nafissatou J. Diop, Ian Askew

Use of Dual Protection in Botswana
Joan Marie Kraft, Christine Galavotti, Marion Carter, Denise J. Jamieson, Lesego Busang, Douglas Fleming, Peter H. Kilmarx


Democratic Republic of Congo 2007: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey

Indonesia 2007: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey



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Volume 41

Issue 1 (March 2010)


Men's Multiple Sexual Partnerships in 15 Sub-Saharan African Countries: Sociodemographic Patterns and Implications
Jeffrey B. Bingenheimer

Determinants of Condom Use in Zambia: A Multilevel Analysis
Kofi D. Benefo

Effects of Rural–Urban Return Migration on Women's Family Planning and Reproductive Health Attitudes and Behavior in Rural China
Jiajian Chen, Hongyan Liu, Zhenming Xie

The Time Dynamics of Individual Fertility Preferences Among Rural Ghanaian Women
Ivy A. Kodzi, John B. Casterline, Peter Aglobitse

A Randomized Community Trial of Enhanced Family Planning Outreach in Rakai, Uganda
Tom Lutalo, Godfrey Kigozi, Edward Kimera, David Serwadda, Maria J. Wawer, Laurie Schwab Zabin, Ronald H. Gray


Jordan 2007: Results from the Population and Family Health Survey

Liberia 2007: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey


Issue 2 (June 2010)


Women and Reproductive Control: The Nexus between Abortion and Contraceptive Use in Madhya Pradesh, India
Jeffrey Edmeades, Susan M. Lee-Rife, Anju Malhotra

Son Preference in the Context of Fertility Decline: Limits to New Constructions of Gender and Kinship in Nepal
Jan Branson


Equity Analysis: Identifying Who Benefits from Family Planning Programs
Nuriye Ortayli, Shawn Malarcher

Reaching the Urban Poor with Family Planning Services
Alex C. Ezeh, Ivy Kodzi, Jacques Emina

Removing Barriers to Adolescents' Access to Contraceptive Information and Services
Akinrinola Bankole, Shawn Malarcher

Reaching the Underserved: Family Planning for Women with HIV
Rose Wilcher, Willard Cates Jr.

Contraceptive Switching after Method-related Discontinuation: Levels and Differentials
Mohamed M Ali, John Cleland

Geographic Variations in Inequities in Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
Adam Weiner

Program Strategies for Reducing Inequities in Reproductive Health Services
John W. Townsend

Integrating Family Planning with Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: The Past as Prologue?
Gita Sen


Bangladesh 2007: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey

Democratic Republic of Egypt 2008: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey


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ISSN 1726-2887

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