Rambler's Top100

№ 369 - 370
16 - 29 марта 2009

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Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Институт демографии Государственного университета - Высшей школы экономики

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Россия и страны мира. 2008

Demographic yearbook 2006

Социально-экономическое неравенство и его воспроизводство в современной России

Доклад о профилактике детского травматизма в Европе

Сглаживание социально-экономических различий в отношении безопасности человека: краткий аналитический обзор

По страницам журналов «Вопросы статистики» и «Российская Федерация сегодня»

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Web demoscope.ru

Gender and Development


Volume 16 Issue 2 2008

Caroline Sweetman

Original Articles
Reaching the girls left behind
Judith Bruce; Kelly Hallman

Sexuality, health, and human rights: self-identified priorities of indigenous women in Peru
Astrid Bant; Franoise Girard

Experiences of abortion in Nepal and menstrual regulation in Bangladesh: a gender analysis
Amit Bhandari; Nang Mo Hom; Sabina Rashid; Sally Theobald

Shaping women's reproductive decisions: the case of Georgia
Mariam Gagoshashvili

Mapping multilateral development banks' spending on reproductive health and HIV and AIDS
Suzanna Dennis; Elaine Zuckerman

Migration, development, and reproductive health: selected experiences of an NGO in Ireland
Tanya Bakhru

Embracing the rights of people in prostitution and sex workers, to address HIV and AIDS effectively
Supriya Pillai; Meena Seshu; Meena Shivdas

New vistas in contraceptive technology
Saumya Ramarao; Regine Sitruk-Ware; John W. Townsend

The decriminalisation of abortion in Mexico City: how did abortion rights become a political priority?
Mara Luisa Snchez Fuentes; Jennifer Paine; Brook Elliott-Buettner

Abortion law reform in Latin America: lessons for advocacy
Gillian Kane

Liz Cooke

Views, events, and debates
Liz Cooke

Book Reviews
Book reviews
Liz Cooke

Volume 16 Issue 3 2008

Gender, development, and leadership

Caroline Sweetman

Original Articles
Grassroots women's leadership and 'deepening democracy': the Huairou Commission's Local to Local Dialogue replication
Dahlia Goldenberg

Poverty and marginalisation: challenges to poor women's leadership in urban India
Kaveri Haritas

Malawian women's participation in State politics: what are the constraints?
Alinane Priscilla Kamlongera

Grassroots leadership in the Network of Healthy Communities in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: a gender perspective
Cecilia de Mello e Souza

Leadership for women's health in Africa: the Parliamentarians for Women's Health Project
Reshma Trasi; Luisa Orza

'Flower by flower, we make a garden': Palestinian women organising for economic justice
Marie-Olivia Badarne

The Kup Women for Peace approach to peacebuilding: taking the lead in the Papua New Guinea national elections
Rachael Hinton; Michelle Kopi; Angela Apa; Agnes Sil; Mary Kini; Jerry Kai; Yanny Guman; Daniell Cowley

'Citadel of Women': strengthening female leadership in rural Cambodia
Thavy Chhoeun; Panha Sok; Clodagh Byrne

Women entrepreneurs in Nepal: what prevents them from leading the sector?
Brenda Bushell

Liz Cooke

Views, events, and debates
Liz Cooke

Book Reviews
Book reviews
Liz Cooke

Volume 17 Issue 1 2009

Climate changes and climate justice

Caroline Sweetman

Original Articles
No climate justice without gender justice: an overview of the issues
Geraldine Terry

Engendering the climate-change negotiations: experiences, challenges, and steps forward
Minu Hemmati; Ulrike Rhr

Engendering adaptation to climate variability in Gujarat, India
Sara Ahmed; Elizabeth Fajber

Gender, water, and climate change in Sonora, Mexico: implications for policies and programmes on agricultural income-generation
Stephanie Buechler

Building gendered approaches to adaptation in the Pacific
Ruth Lane; Rebecca McNaught

Resilience, power, culture, and climate: a case study from semi-arid Tanzania, and new research directions
Valerie Nelson; Tanya Stathers

Climate change and sustainable technology: re-linking poverty, gender, and governance
Sam Wong

The bio-fuel frenzy: what options for rural women? A case of rural development schizophrenia
Nidhi Tandon

Women's rights in climate change: using video as a tool for empowerment in Nepal
Marion Khamis; Tamara Plush; Carmen Seplveda Zelaya

Liz Cooke

Views, events, and debates
Views, events, and debates
Liz Cooke

Book Reviews
Book reviews
Liz Cooke; Suzanne Bergeron; Janet Seeley; Hugo Sintes; Haideh Moghissi; Carole Spary

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ISSN 1726-2887

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Фонда некоммерческих программ "Династия" - www.dynastyfdn.com (с 2008 г.)
Российского гуманитарного научного фонда - www.rfh.ru (2004-2007)
Национального института демографических исследований (INED) - www.ined.fr (с 2004 г.)
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