Rambler's Top100

№ 367 - 368
2 - 15 марта 2009

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Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Институт демографии Государственного университета - Высшей школы экономики

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Новое миграционное законодательство Российской Федерации: правоприменительная практика

Экономический рост и достойный труд: новейшие тенденции в странах Восточной Европы И Центральной Азии

Права трудящихся-мигрантов в Казахстане: анализ национального законодательства, международных стандартов и правоприменительной практики МОТ

Российский статистический ежегодник 2008

Key figures on Europe. 2009 edition

По страницам журналов «Профилактика заболеваний и укрепление здоровья» и «Мировая экономика и международные отношения»

Содержание журнала «Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies»

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Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies


Volume 34 Issue 8 2008

Special Issue: Ethnic Minorities' Cultural Practices as Forms of Political Expression

Ethnic Minorities' Cultural and Artistic Practices as Forms of Political Expression: A Review of the Literature and a Theoretical Discussion on Music
Marco Martiniello; Jean-Michel Lafleur

Writing Politics: The Emergence of Immigrant Writing in West Germany and Austria
Wiebke Sievers

Migrant Cinema: Transnational and Guerrilla Practices of Film Production and Representation
Mariagiulia Grassilli

The Politics of Afrocuban Cultural Expression in New York City
Lisa Maya Knauer

Claiming Your Place at Night: Turkish Dance Parties in The Netherlands
Simone Boogaarts

Immigrants' Artistic Practices in Amsterdam, 1970-2007: A Political Issue of Inclusion and Exclusion
Christine Delhaye

The Recognition Politics of Polish Radio MultiKulti in Berlin
Ewa Morawska

Review Article
Transnationalism and Dimensions of Citizenship
Marianne van Bochove; Katja Rusinovic

Christina Boswell; Edward Flores; Theodoros Iosifides; Thanasis Kizos; Anna Triandafyllidou; Hans van Amersfoor; Matthew Wood; Ilke Adam; Michael Banton; Benny Carlson; Stephanie Condon; Rivka A. Eisikovits; Ralph Grillo; Russell King; Kathleen Valtonen; Johan Leman; Robert Moore; J. Shola Omotola; Prodromos Ioannou Panayiotopoulos; Tom Pettigrew; Hanna Snellman; Manish K. Thakur

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Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

Volume 35 Issue 1 2009

Editorial: ten issues per year
Russell King

The Metropolitan Dispersion of Mexican Immigrants in the United States, 1980 to 2000
Ivan Light; Michael Francis Johnston

Old and New European Economic Migrants: Whiteness and Managed Migration Policies
Linda McDowell

Different But Not Stranger: Everyday Collective Identifications among Adolescent Children of Immigrants in Italy
Enzo Colombo; Luisa Leonini; Paola Rebughini

Family Strategies and Transnational Migration: Recent Polish Migrants in London
Louise Ryan; Rosemary Sales; Mary Tilki; Bernadetta Siara

Beyond the Focus on Europeanisation: Polish Migration Policy 1989-2004
Anna Kicinger

'It's Better to Stick to Your Own Kind': Teenagers' Views on Cross-Community Marriages in Northern Ireland
Madeleine Leonard

Hybrid Border-Crossers? Towards a Radical Socialisation of 'Mixed Race
Jin Haritaworn

The Currency of Victimhood in Uncanny Homes: Queer Immigrants' Claims for Home and Belonging Through Anti-Homophobic Organising
Adi Kuntsman

The Problem with Similarity: Ethnic-Affinity Migrants in Spain
David Cook-Martn; Anah Viladrich

Theodoros Iosifides; Hans van Amersfoort; Russell King; Tom Pettigrew; Johan Leman

Volume 35 Issue 2 2009

Towards a Comparative Theory of Locality in Migration Studies: Migrant Incorporation and City Scale
Nina Glick Schiller; Ayse alar

Finding a Path: Investigating the Labour Market Trajectories of High-Skilled Immigrants in Denmark
Anika Liversage

Temporary Immigrants in a High-Skilled Labour Market: A Study of H-1Bs
Renee Reichl Luthra

A Readiness to Accept Immigrants in Europe? Individual and Country-Level Characteristics
Anu Masso

Theories of the State Accommodation of Islamic Religious Practices in Western Europe
Eren Tatari

Racism, Muslims and the National Imagination
Christopher Kyriakides; Satnam Virdee; Tariq Modood

Minority Ethnic Enterprise in Scotland
David Deakins; David Smallbone; Mohammed Ishaq; Geoffrey Whittam; Janette Wyper

Is Intermarriage a Good Indicator of Integration?
Miri Song

Joanne van Selm; Sofia Hamaz

Volume 35 Issue 3 2009

Special Issue: Muslims and the State in the Post-9/11 West

Muslims and the State in the Post-9/11 West: Introduction
Erik Bleich

State Responses to 'Muslim' Violence: A Comparison of Six West European Countries
Erik Bleich

Boomerangs and Slingshots: Radical Islamism and Counter-Terrorism Strategy
Shamit Saggar

British Counter-Terrorism After 7/7: Adapting Community Policing to the Fight Against Domestic Terrorism
Jytte Klausen

Muslims in the Netherlands: Social and Political Developments after 9/11
Frank J. Buijs

Recognising Islam in France after 9/11
John R. Bowen

Limits of Integration Policy: Britain and Her Muslims
Christian Joppke

The American Mosque in Transition: Assimilation, Acculturation and Isolation
Ihsan Bagby

Muslim Transnational Identity and State Responses in Europe and the UK after 9/11: Political Community, Ideology and Authority
Peter Mandaville

Brian Su-Jen Chung; Vernica de Miguel; Theodoros Iosifides; Hanna Snellman; Anna Triandafyllidou; Hans van Amersfoort

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ISSN 1726-2887

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Russian America Top. Рейтинг ресурсов Русской Америки.