Volume 21, Number 2
/ April, 2008
Richard Freeman receives IZA Prize in Labor Economics
Unemployment and consumption near and far away from the Mediterranean
Samuel Bentolila and Andrea Ichino
The wage gap and the leisure gap for double-earner couples
Miriam Beblo and Julio R. Robledo
Gender discrimination and efficiency in marriage: the bargaining
family under scrutiny
Helmut Rainer
Social security and conflict within the family
Amihai Glazer
Normative evaluation of tax policies: from households to individuals
Olivier Bargain
Household structure and consumption insurance of the elderly
Aydogan Ulker
Do children stabilize relationships in Denmark?
Michael Svarer and Mette Verner
Public transfers and marital dissolution
Sigve Tjøtta and Kjell Vaage
Income effects of divorce in families with dependent children
Espen Bratberg and Sigve Tjøtta
Age at marriage and marital instability: revisiting the Becker–Landes–Michael
Evelyn L. Lehrer
Divorce law and family formation
Scott Drewianka
Volume 21, Number 3
/ July, 2008
Consumption and population age structure
Solveig Erlandsen and Ragnar Nymoen
Demography and housing demand—what can we learn from residential
construction data?
Thomas Lindh and Bo Malmberg
Forecasting German mortality using panel data procedures
Bernhard Babel, Eckart Bomsdorf and Rafael
The uncertain lifetime and the timing of human capital investment
Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan
Growing old and staying young: population policy in an ageing closed
Bas van Groezen and Lex Meijdam
The importance of being mature: the effect of demographic maturation
on global per capita GDP
Rafael Gómez and Pablo Hernández
de Cos
Social time preference revisited
Dirk Willenbockel
Social time preference: a rejoinder
Giancarlo Marini and Pasquale Scaramozzino
The effect of immigration on the labor market performance of native-born
workers: some evidence for Spain
Raquel Carrasco, Juan F. Jimeno and A.
Carolina Ortega
Nonmarket networks among migrants: evidence from metropolitan Bangkok,
Futoshi Yamauchi and Sakiko Tanabe
Too many migrants, too few services: a model of decision-making
on immigration and integration with cultural distance
Harrie A. A. Verbon and Lex Meijdam
On human capital formation with exit options: comment and new results
Panu Poutvaara
Sibling similarities and economic inequality in the US
Bhashkar Mazumder
Ability and rates of return to schooling—making use of the Swedish
enlistment battery test
Martin Nordin
Ethnic and parental effects on schooling outcomes before and during
the transition: evidence from the Baltic countries
Mihails Hazans, Ija Trapeznikova and
Olga Rastrigina
Ceilings or floors? Gender wage gaps by education in Spain
Sara de la Rica, Juan J. Dolado and Vanesa
Ceilings or floors? Gender wage gaps by education in Spain
Sara de la Rica, Juan J. Dolado and Vanesa
Volume 21, Number 4
/ October, 2008
Parental leave policies, intra-household time allocations and children’s
human capital
Raquel Bernal and Anna Fruttero
Child support and non-resident fathers’ contact with their children
John Ermisch
Sibling size and investment in children’s education: an asian instrument
Jungmin Lee
Understanding the effects of siblings on child mortality: evidence
from India
Gerald Makepeace and Sarmistha Pal
Parental time and working schedules
Benoît Rapoport and Céline
Le Bourdais
Beggar thy thrifty neighbour
The international spillover effects of pensions under population
Yvonne Adema, Lex Meijdam and Harrie
A. A. Verbon
Pensions with heterogenous individuals and endogenous fertility
Helmuth Cremer, Firouz Gahvari and Pierre
The retirement consumption puzzle in Japan
Midori Wakabayashi
Do coresidency and financial transfers from the children reduce
the need for elderly parents to works in developing countries?
Lisa A. Cameron and Deborah Cobb-Clark
Acknowledgement to editorial collaborators
Volume 22, Number 1
/ January, 2009
Physical capital taxation and labor income taxation in an endogenous
growth model with new generations
Chi-Ting Chin and Ching-Chong Lai
The optimum growth rate for population reconsidered
Klaus Jaeger and Wolfgang Kuhle
Population growth overshooting and trade in developing countries
Ulla Lehmijoki and Tapio Palokangas
The nonlinear behavior of competition: the impact of talent compression
on competition
Martin B. Schmidt
Genetic ability and intergenerational earnings mobility
Haoming Liu and Jinli Zeng
Extracting the causal component from the intergenerational correlation
in unemployment
Tyra Ekhaugen
Working mothers and sons’ preferences regarding female labor supply:
direct evidence from stated preferences
Daiji Kawaguchi and Junko Miyazaki
Welfare effects of illegal immigration
Theodore Palivos
Determinants of recent immigrants’ location choices: quasi-experimental
Anna Piil Damm
Immigrant assimilation pre and post labour market entry: evidence
from the UK Labour Force Survey
Ken Clark and Joanne Lindley
The substitutability of labor between immigrants and natives in
the Canadian labor market: circa 1995
Asadul Islam
How important is homeland education for refugees’ economic position
in The Netherlands?
Joop Hartog and Aslan Zorlu
Twenty-second conference and general assembly of the European Society
for Population Economics, London, 2008
Volume 22, Number 2
/ April, 2009
Richard Layard and Stephen Nickell receive IZA Prize in Labor Economics
Geographic labour mobility and unemployment insurance in Europe
Konstantinos Tatsiramos
Assessing the efficiency of public education and pensions
Michele Boldrin and Ana Montes
The labor market effects of national health insurance: evidence
from Taiwan
Kamhon Kan and Yen-Ling Lin
Does child gender affect marital status? Evidence from Australia
Andrew Leigh
Birth order matters: the effect of family size and birth order
on educational attainment
Alison L. Booth and Hiau Joo Kee
The influence of wages on parents’ allocations of time to child
care and market work in the United Kingdom
Charlene M. Kalenkoski, David C. Ribar
and Leslie S. Stratton
Life satisfaction and the economic and social characteristics of
Michael A. Shields, Stephen Wheatley
Price and Mark Wooden
Quantifying the costs of drought: new evidence from life satisfaction
Nick Carroll, Paul Frijters and Michael
A. Shields
Work experience as a source of specification error in earnings
models: implications for gender wage decompositions
Tracy L. Regan and Ronald L. Oaxaca
Who is watching? The market for prostitution services
Marina Della Giusta, Maria Laura Di Tommaso
and Steinar Strøm