Rambler's Top100

№ 231 - 232
23 января - 5 февраля 2006

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Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

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Демографический ежегодник России 2005

Демографический ежегодник Совета Европы 2004

Демографическая статистика стран Европейского Союза 2004

Россия регионов: в каком социальном пространстве мы живем?

Перший всеукраїнський перепис населення: історичні, методологічні, соціальні, економічні, етнічні аспекти

Объединенная нация. Феномен Беларуси

Политическая миграциология

По страницам журналов «Вестник РАМН», «Общество и экономика»

Содержание журнала «Migrations Société»

Web demoscope.ru


2004 Edition

Eurostat, European Communities
Luxembourg, 2004

Cборник данных демографической статистики стран - членов Европейского Союза, который заменяет два регулярно публиковавшиеся до 2002 года издания: European Social Statistics - Demography и European Social Statistics - Migration. В сборнике впервые представлены данные по всем странам Европейского Союза в новом составе - ЕС-25.




I Crude rate of total population increase and its components, 2002
II Total age dependency ratio and its components, 2002
III Proportion of non-nationals in total population, 2001
IV Population density, 2000, NUTS 2
V Crude rate of total population increase, 2000, NUTS 2
VI Crude rate of natural population increase, 2000, NUTS 2
VII Crude rate of net migration, 2000, NUTS 2
VIII Total fertility rate, 2002
IX Total divorce rate, 2001
X Life expectancy at birth, males, 2002
XI Life expectancy at birth, females, 2002
XII Crude rate of total population increase and its components, 2000-2019


Short introduction

A-1 World population by major regions, 1960 and 2002
A-2 Total fertility rates of major regions, 2002
A-3 Life expectancy at birth by sex in major regions, 2001
A-4 Total, young and old age dependency ratio in major regions, 2002

A-1 Mid-year population, 1960-2002
A-2 Proportion of mid-year population in world total, 1960-2002
A-3 Total fertility rate, 1960-2002
A-4 Infant mortality rate, 1960-2002
A-5 Life expectancy at birth, males, 1960-2001
A-6 Life expectancy at birth, females, 1960-2001
A-7 Proportion of total mid-year population aged 0-19, 1960-2002
A-8 Proportion of total mid-year population aged 20-59, 1960-2002
A-9 Proportion of total mid-year population aged 60+, 1960-2002
A-10 Total age dependency ratio, 1960-2002
A-11 Young age dependency ratio, 1960-2002
A-12 Old age dependency ratio, 1960-2002


Short introduction

B-1 Total population of the EU, 1960-2003
B-2 Population growth in the EU, 1960-2002
B-3 Components of population growth in the EU, 1960-2002
B-4 Crude rate of population increase per EU-country, 2002

B-1 Population change in EU-25, 1960-2003
B-2 Crude rate of natural increase, 1960-2002
B-3 Crude rate of net migration, 1960-2002
B-4 Crude rate of increase, 1960-2002
B-5 Population change, 2002
B-5a Population change, 2001


Short introduction

C-1 Age pyramid EU-15 and 10 new Member States, 1 January 2003
C-2 Young age dependency ratio, 1960-2003
C-3 Old age dependency ratio, 1960-2003
C-4 Total age dependency ratio per EU country, 1 January 2003
C-5 Nationals and non-nationals in the EU, 1 January 2000

C-1 Total population on 1 January, 1960-2003
C-1a Male population on 1 January, 1960-2003
C-1b Female population on 1 January, 1960-2003
C-2 Population by age group, 1 January 2003
C-2a Male population by age group, 1 January 2003
C-2b Female population by age group, 1 January 2003
C-3 Proportion of total population aged 0-19, 1960-2003
C-3a Proportion of total population aged 0-14, 1960-2003
C-4 Proportion of total population aged 20-59, 1960-2003
C-4a Proportion of total population aged 15-64, 1960-2003
C-5 Proportion of total population aged 60+, 1960-2003
C-5a Proportion of total population aged 65+, 1960-2003
C-5b Proportion of total population aged 60-79, 1960-2003
C-5c Proportion of total population aged 80+, 1960-2003
C-6 Total age dependency ratio, 1960-2003
C-6a Total age dependency ratio, 1960-2003
C-7 Young age dependency ratio, 1960-2003
C-8 Old age dependency ratio, 1960-2003
C-9 Average total population, 1960-2002
C-9a Average total population by age group, 2002
C-9b Average male population by age group, 2002
C-9c Average female population by age group, 2002
C-10 Nationals and non-nationals, 1990-2003
C-10a Proportion of nationals and non-nationals, 1990-2003
C-10b Proportion of male nationals and non-nationals, 1990-2003
C-10c Proportion of female nationals and non-nationals, 1990-2003
C-11 Non-national population by main groups of citizenship, 1 January 2003
C-11a Non-national male population by main groups of citizenship, 1 January 2003
C-11b Non-national female population by main groups of citizenship, 1 January 2003
C-12 Non-nationals by age group, 1 January 2003
C-12a Male non-nationals by age group, 1 January 2003
C-12b Female non-nationals by age group, 1 January 2003
C-13 Non-national EU-25 population by country of residence and citizenship, 1 January 2003
C-14 Labour force by main groups of citizenship, age group and sex, 1 January 2002
C-15 Employed population by main groups of citizenship, age group and sex, 1 January 2002
C-16 Unemployed population by main groups of citizenship, age group and sex, 1 January 2002


Short introduction

D-1 Live births in the EU, 1960-2002
D-2 Total fertility rate in the EU, 1980-2002
D-3 Total fertility rate per EU country, 2002
D-4 Highest and lowest percentages extra-marital live births in 2002 with reference to 1980

D-1 Main indicators of fertility in EU-25, 1960-2002
D-2 Live births, 1960-2002
D-2a Proportion of live births of first birth order, 1960-2002
D-2b Proportion of live births of second birth order, 1960-2002
D-2c Proportion of live births of third birth order, 1960-2002
D-2d Proportion of live births of fourth and more birth order, 1960-2002
D-3 Crude birth rate, 1960-2002
D-4 Total fertility rate, 1960-2002
D-4a Gross reproduction rate, 1960-2002
D-4b Net reproduction rate, 1960-2002
D-5 Mean age of women at childbearing, 1960-2002
D-6 Completed fertility by generation, 1930-1963
D-6a Proportion of childless women by generation, 1930-1963
D-6b Proportion of women with one child by generation, 1930-1963
D-6c Proportion of women with two children by generation, 1930-1963
D-6d Proportion of women with three children by generation, 1930-1963
D-6e Proportion of women with four or more children by generation, 1930-1963
D-7 Mean age of women at childbearing by generation, 1930-1963
D-8 Proportion of live births outside marriage, 1960-2002
D-8a Live births outside marriage, 1960-2002
D-9 Mean age of women at first birth, 1960-2001
D-9a Mean age of women at first birth by generation, 1930-1963


Short introduction

E-1 Male life expectancy at birth in the EU, 1980-2002
E-2 Female life expectancy at birth in the EU, 1980-2002
E-3 Life expectancy at birth per EU country, 2002
E-4 Infant mortality rate in the EU, 1980-2002

E-1 Main indicators of mortality in EU-25, 1960-2002
E-2 Deaths, 1960-2002
E-2a Male deaths, 1960-2002
E-2b Female deaths, 1960-2002
E-2c Deaths of children under 1 year, 1960-2002
E-2d Deaths of children under 28 days, 1960-2002
E-2e Deaths of children under 7 days, 1960-2002
E-3 Crude death rate, 1960-2002
E-3a Standardised death rate by selected causes, males, 1999
E-3b Standardised death rate by selected causes, females, 1999
E-4 Life expectancy at birth, males, 1960-2002
E-5 Life expectancy at birth, females, 1960-2002
E-6 Life expectancy at 60, males, 1960-2002
E-7 Life expectancy at 60, females, 1960-2002
E-8 Infant mortality rate, 1960-2002
E-8a Neonatal mortality rate, 1960-2002
E-8b Early neonatal mortality rate, 1960-2002
E-8c Stillbirths, 1960-2002
E-8d Late foetal mortality rate, 1960-2002
E-8e Perinatal mortality rate, 1960-2002


Short introduction

F-1 Net migration in the EU, 1960-2002
F-2 Immigration and emigration per 1 000 of the population in selected EU countries, 2002
F-3 Asylum applications in the EU, 1990-2002
F-4 Distribution of asylum applications in the EU, 1990-2002

F-1 Net migration including adjustments and corrections, 1960-2002
F-2 Immigration minus emigration, 1990-2002
F-2a Net migration (immigration minus emigration) by citizenship, 2002
F-2b Net migration (immigration minus emigration) by age group and sex, 2002
F-2c Net migration (immigration minus emigration) by age group and sex, nationals, 2002
F-2d Net migration (immigration minus emigration) by age group and sex, non-nationals, 2002
F-2e Net migration (immigration minus emigration) by country of previous/next residence, 2002
F-3 Total immigration and emigration, 1990-2002
F-4 Immigration and emigration of nationals, 1990-2002
F-5 Immigration and emigration of non-nationals, 1990-2002
F-6 Immigration of non-nationals by main groups of citizenship, 2002

F-6a Immigration by citizenship, 2002
F-7 Emigration of non-nationals by main groups of citizenship, 2002
F-7a Emigration by citizenship, 2002
F-8 Immigration by age group and sex, 2002
F-8a Immigration by age group and sex, nationals, 2002
F-8b Immigration by age group and sex, non nationals, 2002
F-9 Emigration by age group and sex, 2002
F-9a Emigration by age group and sex, nationals, 2002
F-9b Emigration by age group and sex, non-nationals, 2002
F-10 Immigration by country of previous residence, 2002
F-10a Immigration by country of previous residence, 2002
F-11 Emigration by country of next residence, 2002
F-11a Emigration by country of next residence, 2002
F-12 Intra-Europe migration, according to country of immigration, 2002
F-13 Intra-Europe migration, according to country of emigration, 2002
F-14 Asylum applications, 1990-2002
F-15 Asylum applications by main groups of citizenship, 2002
F-16 Acquisition of citizenship, 1980-2002


Short introduction

G-1 Marriages in the EU, 1960-2002
G-2 Divorces in the EU, 1960-2002
G-3 Crude marriage and divorce rate per EU country, 2002
G-4 Marriages in the new Central European Member States, 1990 and 2002, 1990=100

G-1 Main indicators of nuptiality in EU-25, 1960-2002
G-2 Marriages, 1960-2002
G-2a Marriages of widowers, 1960-2002
G-2b Marriages of widows, 1960-2002
G-2c Marriages of divorced males, 1960-2002
G-2d Marriages of divorced females, 1960-2002
G-2e First marriages, males, 1960-2002
G-2f First marriages, females, 1960-2002
G-3 Crude marriage rate, 1960-2002
G-4 Proportion of first marriages, females, 1960-2002
G-4a Proportion of first marriages, males, 1960-2002
G-5 Total first marriage rate, females, 1960-2002
G-5a Total first marriage rate, males, 1960-2002
G-6 Mean age at first marriage, females, 1960-2002
G-6a Mean age at first marriage, males, 1960-2002
G-7 Proportion of ever-married females by generation, 1930-1966
G-7a Proportion of ever-married males by generation, 1930-1966
G-8 Mean age at first marriage by generation, females, 1930-1966
G-8a Mean age at first marriage by generation, males, 1930-1966
G-9 Divorces, 1960-2002
G-9a Proportion of marriages dissolved by divorce by marriage cohort, 1950-1984
G-10 Crude divorce rate, 1960-2002
G-11 Total divorce rate, 1960-2002
G-12 Mean marriage duration at divorce, 1960-2001
G-12a Mean marriage duration at divorce by marriage cohort, 1950-1984


Short introduction

H-1 Population increase per 1 000 population in 2000, distribution of NUTS 2 regions
H-2 Natural increase per 1 000 population in 2000, distribution of NUTS 2 regions
H-3 Net migration per 1 000 population in 2000, distribution of NUTS 2 regions
H-4 Percentage of population aged 0-19 in 2000, distribution of NUTS 2 regions
H-5 Percentage of population aged 60+ in 2000, distribution of NUTS 2 regions

H-1 Main demographic indicators by region, 2000


Explanatory notes
Eurostat glossary on population statistics
Description of Eurostat's demographic database
Description of Eurostat's migration database
Eurostat publications

Подробные данные по странам имеются только на сомпакт-диске.

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© Демоскоп Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887

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Фонда ООН по народонаселению (UNFPA) - www.unfpa.org (c 2001 г.)
Фонда Джона Д. и Кэтрин Т. Макартуров - www.macfound.ru (с 2004 г.)
Российского гуманитарного научного фонда - www.rfh.ru (с 2004 г.)
Национального института демографических исследований (INED) - www.ined.fr (с 2004 г.)
ЮНЕСКО - 2001, 2005
Института "Открытое общество" (Фонд Сороса) - www.osi.ru (2001-2002)

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