Volume 29, Number 5 / September 2003
Migrating borders: an introduction to European identity construction
in process
Ulrike H. Meinhof
pp. 781 - 796
Coping with marginality: to stay or to go
Doris Wastl-Walter, Monika M. Varadi, Friedrich Veider
pp. 797 - 817
Unequal neighbours: coping with asymmetries
Werner Holly, JirќL Nekvapil, Ilona Scherm, Pavla Tisќerova
pp. 819 - 834
Youth identities along the Eastern border of the European Union
Brigitte Hipfl, Anita Bister, Petra Strohmaier
pp. 835 - 848
Discursive strategies for coping with sensitive topics of the Other
Aleksandra Galasinska, Dariusz Galasinski
pp. 849 - 863
Asserting ethnic identity and power through language
Augusto Carli, Cristina Guardiano, Majda Kaucќicќ-Basќa, Emidio
Sussi, Mariselda Tessarolo, Marina Ussai
pp. 865 - 883
Imagining Europe: everyday narratives in European border communities
Heidi Armbruster, Craig Rollo, Ulrike H. Meinhof
pp. 885 - 899
pp. 901 - 925
Notes for Contributors
pp. 927 - 930
Volume 29, Number 6 / November 2003
Albanian migration and new transnationalisms
Nicola Mai, Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers
pp. 939 - 948
Defining social spaces by way of deletion: the untold story of
Albanian migration in the postwar period
Isa Blumi
pp. 949 - 965
Albanian migration to Italy: what official data and survey results
can reveal
Corrado Bonifazi, Dante Sabatino
pp. 967 - 995
Albanian immigrants in Italy: migration plans, coping strategies
and identity issues
Ankica Kosic, Anna Triandafyllidou
pp. 997 - 1014
New Albanian immigrants in the old Albanian diaspora: Piana degli
Eda Derhemi
pp. 1015 - 1032
Albanian immigrants in Thessaloniki, Greece: processes of economic
and social incorporation
Panos Hatziprokopiou
pp. 1033 - 1057
'Money of kurbetis money of blood': the making of a 'hero' of migration
at the Greek-Albanian border
Penelope Papailias
pp. 1059 - 1078
Education, gender and religion: identity transformations among
Kosovo Albanians in London
Denisa Kostovicova, Albert Prestreshi
pp. 1079 - 1096
pp. 1097 - 1109
Notes on contributors
pp. 1121 - 1124
Volume 30, Number 1 / January 2003
Entrepreneurship and identity: cosmopolitanism and cultural competencies
among German-Turkish businesspeople in Berlin
Antoine Pcoud
pp. 3 - 20
On what citizens mean by feeling 'European': perceptions of news,
symbols and borderless-ness
Michael Bruter
pp. 21 - 39
Defending liberal nationalism--at what cost?
Mikael Hjerm
pp. 41 - 57
In what sense English? an exploration of English migrant identities
and identification
Allan M. Findlay, Caroline Hoy, Aileen Stockdale
pp. 59 - 79
Somali youth in the context of schooling in metropolitan Helsinki:
a framework for assessing variability in educational performance
Anne Alitolppa-Niitamo
pp. 81 - 106
Immigration and immigrant policy in Italy and the UK: is housing
policy a barrier to a common approach towards immigration in the
Fiorella Dell'Olio
pp. 107 - 128
Construction of Roma identity in Eastern and Central Europe: perception
and self-identification
Gyrgy Csepeli and Dvid Simon
pp. 129 - 150
The waxing and waning of a diaspora: Moluccans in the Netherlands,
Hans van Amersfoort
pp. 151 - 174
Identity repertoires among Arabs in Israel
Muhammad Amara and Izhak Schnell
pp. 175 - 193
Community, the state and the deserving citizen: Pacific Islanders
in Australia
Ellie Vasta
pp. 195 - 213
pp. 215 - 222
Notes for contributors
pp. 223 - 227
Volume 30, Number 2 / March 2004
Untying and retying family migration in the New Europe
Adrian Bailey and Paul Boyle
pp. 229 - 241
Family-related migration: a critial review of European Studies
Eleonore Kofman
pp. 243 - 262
An 'untied' research agenda for family migration: loosening the
'shackles' of the past
Darren P. Smith
pp. 263 - 282
Migration of couples with non-employed and employed wives in the
Netherlands: the changing effects of the partners' characteristics
Jeroen Smits, Clara H. Mulder, Pieter Hooimeijer
pp. 283 - 301
The difference that skills make: gender, family migration strategies
and regulated labour markets
Parvati Raghuram
pp. 303 - 321
The role of family networks and migration culture in the continuation
of Moroccan emigration: a gender perspective
Liesbeth Heering, Rob van der Erf, Leo van Wissen
pp. 323 - 337
The relationship between marriage, divorce and migration in a British
data set
Robin Flowerdew and Alaa Al-Hamad
pp. 339 - 351
Mixed marriages in migration from the Ukraine to Poland
Agata Grny and Ewa Kpiska
pp. 353 - 372
Citizenship, migration and the valuation of care in the European
Louise Ackers
pp. 373 - 396
Untying migration completely: ce-gendering or radical transformation?
Keith Halfacree
pp. 397 - 413
pp. 415 - 418
Volume 30, Number 3 / May 2004
Introduction: social capital and political integration of migrants
Dirk Jacobs and Jean Tillie
pp. 419 - 427
The concept and measurement of ethnic community
Meindert Fennema
pp. 429 - 447
Migrant mobilisation and political opportunities: variation among
German cities and a comparison with the United Kingdom and the Netherlands
Ruud Koopmans
pp. 449 - 470
Civil society, migrant organisations and political parties: theoretical
linkages and applications to the Swedish context
Pontus Odmalm
pp. 471 - 489
Political integration by a detour? ethnic communities and social
capital of migrants in Berlin
Maria Berger, Christian Galonska, Ruud Koopmans
pp. 491 - 507
It depends… how organisational participation affects political
participation and social trust among second-generation immigrants
in Denmark
Lise Togeby
pp. 509 - 528
Social capital of organisations and their members: explaining the
political integration of immigrants in Amsterdam
Jean Tillie
pp. 529 - 541
Associational membership and political involvement among ethnic
minority groups in Brussels
Dirk Jacobs, Karen Phalet, Marc Swyngedouw
pp. 543 - 559
pp. 561 - 574
Notes for contributors
pp. 575 - 579
Volume 30, Number 4 / July 2004
Female Sri Lankan domestic workers in Lebanon: a case of 'contract
Ray Jureidini and Nayla Moukarbel
pp. 581 - 607
Does China have an apartheid pass system?
Peter Alexander and Anita Chan
pp. 609 - 629
The experiences of Vietnamese in Australia: the racist tradition
David Mellor
pp. 631 - 658
New perspectives on old patterns: forced migration of Haitians
in the Dominican Republic
Laurel Fletcher and Timothy Miller
pp. 659 - 679
The political culture of the 1990s immigrants from the former Soviet
Union in Israel and their views toward the indigenous Arab minority:
a case of ethnocratic multiculturalism
Majid Al-haj
pp. 681 - 696
Mechanisms of exclusion: ethnic discrimination in the Swedish labour
Jens Rydgren
pp. 697 - 716
Legitimising immigration control: Romani asylum-seekers in the finnish
Camilla Nordberg
pp. 717 - 735
Influences on quality of life: a qualitative investigation of ethnic
differences among older people in england
Ini Grewal, James Nazroo, Madhavi Bajekal, David Blane, Jane
pp. 737 - 761
Older Irish migrants living in London: identity, loss and return
Gerard Leavey, Sati Sembhi, Gill Livingston
pp. 763 - 779
The impact of the mother during family business succession: examples
from the Asian business community
Shaheena Janjuha-jivraj
pp. 781 - 797
Research note
Michael Jandl
pp. 799 - 806
Michael Banton
pp. 807 - 814
Can nationalism studies and ethnic/racial studies be brought together?
Daniele Conversi
pp. 815 - 829
Steve Fenton
pp. 831 - 835
Debate rational nationalism?
John Edwards
pp. 837 - 840
Deconstructing rational choice: or why we shouldn't over-rationalise
the non-rational
John Stone
pp. 841 - 843
pp. 849 - 854
Notes for contributors
pp. 855 - 859
Volume 30, Number 5 / 2004
Islam and Transnationalism
Ralph Grillo
pp. 861 - 878
Beyond Migration: Islam as a Transnational Public Space
John R. Bowen
pp. 879 - 894
Theorising Complex Diasporas: Purity and Hybridity in the South
Asian Public Sphere in Britain
Pnina Werbner
pp. 895 - 911
An African Muslim Saint and his Followers in France
Benjamin F. Soares
pp. 913 - 927
Transnational Mouridism and the Afro-Muslim Critique of Italy
Bruno Riccio
pp. 929 - 944
A National Sufi Order with Transnational Dimensions: The Maktab
Tarighat Oveyssi Shahmaghsoudi Sufi Order in London
Kathryn Spellman
pp. 945 - 960
Rethinking the da?r al-harb: Social Change and Changing Perceptions
of the West in Turkish Islam
Heiko Henkel
pp. 961 - 977
'Speaking in One's Own Voice': Representational Strategies of Alevi
Turkish Migrants on Open-Access Television in Berlin
Kira Kosnick
pp. 979 - 994
The Backward and the New: National, Transnational and Post-National
Islam in Europe
Ruba Salih
pp. 995 - 1011
Making Public Space: Opportunities and Limits of Collective Action
Among Muslims in Europe
Armando Salvatore
pp. 1013 - 1031
pp. 1033 - 1038