Публикация, которая была выпущена по случаю первой годовщины
специальной сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН по ВИЧ/СПИДу (25-27
июня 2001 года), подготовлена Отделом народонаселения Департамента
по экономическим и социальным вопросам Секретариата ООН. Она опирается
прежде всего на уникальный источник информации, позволяющий документально
отражать уровень осведомленности о СПИДе и связанном со СПИДом поведении,
а именно на результаты демографических обследований и обследований
здоровья населения (ДЗН). Эти обследования содержат колоссальное
количество информации по ВИЧ/СПИД, которая до настоящего времени
не распространялась среди широкой общественности. Публикация дает
представление об уровне осведомленности о ВИЧ и СПИД и о соответствующем
поведении в разных странах и среди различных групп населения с разбивкой
по возрасту и полу.
Executive Summary
Chapter 1
Fertility and Sexual Activity of Women
Table 1: Total fertility rate (children per woman)
Table 2: Proportion of women who had been sexually active in previous
four weeks
Table 3: Proportion of women practising post partum abstinence
Table 4: Proportion of women in polygynous unions
Figure I: Sexual activity and post partum abstinence among women
Chapter 2
Level of Awareness of AIDS
Table 5: Proportion of respondents who had ever heard
Table 6: Awareness of AIDS in relation to prevalence
Figure II: Gender gap in AIDS awareness
Chapter 3
Awareness of AIDS in Relation to Urban/Rural Residence
Table 7: Proportion of women who had ever heard of AIDS
by urban/rural residence
Figure III: Urban/rural gap in AIDS awareness
Chapter 4
Awareness of AIDS in Relation to Level of Education
Table 8: Proportion of girls aged 1519 who had heard
about AIDS at school/from teachers
Figure IV: Proportion of female respondents who had ever heard of
AIDS by education level
Chapter 5
Sources of Information on AIDS
Table 9: Proportion of respondents who had heard about
AIDS on the radio
Figure V: Major sources of information
on AIDS as mentioned by female respondents
Chapter 6
Perceived Severity of AIDS
Table 10: Proportion of female respondents who believe
that AIDS is almost never or only sometimes a fatal disease
Figure VI: Proportion of female respondents who believe that a healthy
person can have AIDS
Chapter 7
Perception of the Risk of Getting AIDS
Figure VII: Women s perception of the risk of getting
Figure VIII: Women s perception of the risk of getting AIDS by country
Chapter 8
Knowledge of Ways to Avoid Getting AIDS
Table 11: Proportion of female respondents who do not
know of any way to avoid getting AIDS
Figure IX: Proportion of respondents who do not know of any sexually
transmitted infection
Figure X: Proportion of female respondents who spontaneously mentioned
specific ways to avoid getting AIDS
Chapter 9
Changes in Sexual Behaviour to Avoid Getting AIDS
Table 12: Proportion of respondents who had reduced
sexual contacts to avoid getting AIDS
Figure XI: Proportion of respondents who had changed their behaviour
to avoid getting AIDS
Chapter 10
Condom Use and HIV/AIDS
Figure XII: The condom awareness knowledge and use Figure
XIII: Use of condoms by country and type of partner
Chapter 11
Policy Implications
Basic AIDS and demographic data: 39 developing countries