IUSSP contributions to gender research
IUSSP, 2001, 187 pages
Краткое представление вышедших и находящихся в печати
книг по гендерным проблемам, а также публикация 8 докладов, подводящих
итоги семинаров по этим проблемам, проводившихся под эгидой Международного
союза по научному изучению населения (IUSSP).
by Wolfgang Lutzss
Women's Position and Demographic Change
Nora Federici, Karen Oppenheim Mason and Solvi Sogner (eds.)
Gender and Family Change in Industrialized Countries
Karen Oppenheim Mason and An-Magritt Jensen (eds.)
Women's Education, Autonomy and Reproductive Behaviour
Shireen Jejeebhoy
Women's Position and Demographic Change in Sub-Saharan Africa
Paulina Makinwa and An-Magritt Jensen (eds.)
Gender and Demographic Change: What Do We Know?
Karen Oppenheim Mason
Women, Poverty and Demographic Change
Brigida Garcia (ed.)
Women's Empowerment and Demographic Processes: Moving Beyond
Harriet B. Presser and Gita Sen (eds.)
Fertility and the Male Life-Cycle in the Era of Fertility Decline
Caroline Bledsoe, Susana Lemer and Jane I. Guyer (eds.)
The Socio-Cultural and Political Context of Abortion
Alaka Basu (ed.)
Women in the Labour Market in Changing Economies: Demographic
Brigida Garcia, Richard Anker, Antonella Pinnelli (eds.)
Series on Gender in Population Studies
Gender and Migrations in Asian Countries
Graeme Hugo
Women on the Move - Perspectives on Gender Changes in Latin America
Sally Findley
Gender, Labour Markets and Women's Work
Deborah DeGraff and Richard Anker
Mortahié, sexe et genre
Jacques Vallin
The Human Rights Dimension of Maternal Mortality
Rebecca Cook
Gender and the Family in Developed Countries
Antonella Pinnelli
Rapports de genre, formation et dissolution des unions dans les
pays en développement
Véronique Hertrich and Thérèse Locoh
Material and Method in Gender and Population Research
Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna
Policy and Research Papers
No 5. Women's Roles and Demographic Change in Sub-Saharan
Christine Oppong and René Wéry
No 9. Women, Poverty and Demographic Change
Julieta Quilodran
No 12. Men, Reproduction and Fatherhood
David Anderson
No 13. Female, Empowerment and Demographic Processes:
Moving Beyond Cairo
Ruth Dixon-Mueller
No 15. Abortion, Women's Health and Fertility
David Anderson
N° 16. Gender Inequalities and Reproductive Health: Changing
Priorities in an Era of Transformation and Globalisation
Ruth Dixon-Mueller
№17. Men, Family Formation and Reproduction
Silvia Necchi
№18. Women in the Labour Market in Changing Economies:
Demographic Issues
Ruth Dixon-Mueller