Rambler's Top100

№ 741 - 742
25 сентября - 8 октября 2017

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Who Report On The Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2017

Key Figures On Enlargement Countries — 2017 Edition

Демографический ежегодник Казахстана 2016

Социально значимые заболевания населения России в 2016 году

Население и социальные индикаторы стран СНГ и отдельных стран мира 2013-2016

По страницам журналов «Вопросы статистики» и «Уровень жизни населения регионов России»

Содержание журнала «Population & Societes»

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№ 541, February 2017

Immigrants’ educational attainment: a mixed picture, but often higher than the average in their country of origin
Mathieu Ichou, Anne Goujon and the DiPAS team

The immigrants living in France and the refugees who arrived in Austria are more educated than most of the population in their country of origin. By comparison with the population in the host country, the picture is more mixed: some groups, such as immigrants from Portugal living in France, are relatively low educated, while others, such as Romanians, have more frequently completed higher education than people born in France.


№ 542, March 2017

Fewer births in France in 2016
Gilles Pison

In France, the number of births and the total fertility rate have declined in recent years, and life expectancy has increased more slowly than in the past. Are these changes linked to the current economic climate or do they signal the emergence of new long-term trends? Gilles Pison describes current patterns and examines their causes


№ 543, April 2017

Female genital mutilation around the world
Armelle Andro, Marie Lesclingand

In 2016, UNICEF estimated that at least 200 million girls and women had experienced genital mutilation in 30 countries: 27 in Africa, along with Yemen, Iraq, and Indonesia. Migration currents have carried these practices to other continents. While they are decreasing in the countries where they are least prevalent, no change has been observed in those where they are highly frequent, although the proportion of persons who support their continuation is falling. Under the pretext that it reduces the health risks of the procedure, some health professionals have begun to perform genital mutilation, although this is firmly condemned by the WHO and other international organizations.


№ 544, May 2017

Have life expectancies in eastern and western Germany converged since reunification?
Markéta Pechholdová, Pavel Grigoriev, France Meslé, Jacques Vallin

After diverging when Germany was divided into two separate states, life expectancies in the two parts of the country have converged since reunification. While eastern men have not fully caught up with their western counterparts, eastern Germany is closing the life expectancy gap thanks to improvements in the health system and changes in individual behaviours.


№ 545, June 2017

The changing shape of Australia’s overseas-born population
Tom Wilson, James Raymer

In Australia, the size, age-sex structure and origins of the overseas-born population underwent a dramatic transformation between 1981 and 2011. From largely settlement migrants from the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe, immigration to Australia now hails from a much greater range of origins than previously. The overseas-born population has also grown older, and its structure is changing with successive inflows and outflows; many immigrants eventually return home or move elsewhere. Since the 1990s, the proportion of temporary migrants (students, business visa holders, and working holidaymakers) has increased


№ 546, July-August 2017

The role of discrimination in immigrant unemployment
Dominique Meurs

Analysis of data from the Trajectories and Origins survey reveals that compared to persons born in metropolitan France to French parents, North African immigrants and their descendants have higher levels of unemployment that are not explained by their socioeconomic situation (age,

educational level, etc.). Discrimination in employment reported by respondents is consistent with the “objective” data: the more attractive, in theory, an unemployed respondent’s profile for a prospective employer, the more likely they are to report experience of discrimination on the

labour market. This finding shows that qualitative surveys on perceptions are complementary to “objective” measures of inequality, providing simple, reliable information for the study of discrimination in society.


№ 547, September 2017

The Population of the World (2017)
Gilles Pison

Every other year, Population and Societies publishes a special issue called The Population of the World, presenting an overall picture of the situation across the globe. There were 7.5 billion humans on the planet in 2017. The world population has risen seven-fold over the last two hundred years and may well reach 11 billion by the end of the twenty-first century.

september. 2017.the.population.of.the.world.en.pdf

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Фонда некоммерческих программ "Династия" - www.dynastyfdn.com (с 2008)
Российского гуманитарного научного фонда - www.rfh.ru (2004-2007)
Национального института демографических исследований (INED) - www.ined.fr (2004-2012)
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