Rambler's Top100

№ 691 - 692
1 июля - 21 августа 2016

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Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета "Высшая школа экономики"

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Population Situation Analysis: Beyond The Demographic Transition In Azerbaijan

Tajikistan. Health systems in transition

Voluntary health insurance in Europe. Country experience

Женщины и мужчины Республики Беларусь

Трудовая эксплуатация, торговля людьми и здоровье мигрантов: изучение рисков для здоровья и их влияния на трудящихся-мигрантов и жертв торговли людьми на примере нескольких стран

По страницам журналов «Демографическое обозрение» и «Профилактическая медицина»

Содержание журнала «Demographic Research»

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Volume 34

Article 4

Racial and ethnic differences in leaving and returning to the parental home: The role of life course transitions, socioeconomic resources, and family connectivity
Lei Lei, Scott South

Article 5

The quality of demographic data on older Africans
Sara Randall, Ernestina Coast

Article 6

Gender Inequalities in Employment and Wage-earning among Economic Migrants in Chinese Cities
Qin Min, James Brown, Sabu Padmadas, Li Bohua, Qi Jianan, Jane Falkingham

Article 7

An implicit ambivalence-indifference dimension of childbearing desires in the National Survey of Family Growth
Warren Miller, Jo Jones, David Pasta

Article 8

Remittances and risk of major depressive episode and sadness among new legal immigrants to the United States
Eliva Ambugo, Jenjira Yahirun

Article 9

Non-standard work schedules, gender, and parental stress
Mariona Lozano, Dana Hamplová, Céline Le Bourdais

Article 10

Childhood socioeconomic status, adult socioeconomic status, and old-age health trajectories: Connecting early, middle, and late life
Zachary Zimmer, Heidi Hanson, Ken Smith

Article 11

Reliability of retrospective event histories within the German Generations and Gender Survey: The role of interviewer and survey design factors
Kerstin Ruckdeschel, Lenore Sauer, Robert Naderi

Article 12

State-level variation in the imprisonment-mortality relationship, 2001−2010
Christopher Wildeman, Margaret E. Noonan, Daniela Golinelli, E. Ann Carson, Natalia Emanuel

Article 13

Distal determinants of fertility decline: Evidence from 640 Indian districts
Sanjay K. Mohanty, Gunther Fink, Rajesh Chauhan, David Canning

Article 14

Maternal labor force participation and differences by education in an urban birth cohort study - 1998-2010
Natasha Pilkauskas, Jane Waldfogel, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn

Article 15

First union formation in urban Burkina Faso: Competing relationship transitions to marriage or cohabitation
Anne-Emmanuèle Calvès

Article 16

Transition to adulthood in China in 1982−2005: A structural view
Felicia Tian

Article 17

Does grandparental help mediate the relationship between kin presence and fertility?
Kristin Snopkowski, Rebecca Sear

Article 18

Generations and Gender Programme Wave 1 data collection: An overview and assessment of sampling and fieldwork methods, weighting procedures, and cross-sectional representativeness
Tineke Fokkema, Andrej Kveder, Nicole Hiekel, Tom Emery, Aart C. Liefbroer

Article 19

Forgotten marriages? Measuring the reliability of marriage histories
Sophia Chae

Article 20

Diverging patterns of fertility decline in Uruguay
Mathías Nathan, Ignacio Pardo, Wanda Cabella

Article 21

Transnational relationships and reunification: Ghanaian couples between Ghana and Europe
Kim Caarls, Valentina Mazzucato

Article 22

Differences in all-cause mortality: A comparison between immigrants and the host population in Norway 1990-2012
Astri Syse, Bjorn H. Strand, Oyvind Naess, Ólöf Anna Steingrímsdóttir, Bernadette N. Kumar

Article 23

Types of social networks and the transition to parenthood
Daniel Lois

Article 24

Intergenerational money and time transfers by gender in Spain: Who are the actual dependants?
Elisenda Rentería, Rosario Scandurra, Guadalupe Souto, Concepció Patxot

Article 25

Pioneer settlement of U.S. immigrants: Characteristics of pioneer migrants and places
Douglas Gurak, Mary M. Kritz

Article 26

Union dissolution and migration
Thomas J. Cooke, Clara Mulder, Michael Thomas

Article 27

Birth seasonality in Sub-Saharan Africa
Audrey Dorélien

Article 28

The impact of sent-down movement on Chinese women's age at first marriage
Shige Song, Lu Zheng

Article 29

The contributions of childbearing within marriage and within consensual union to fertility in Latin America, 1980-2010
Benoît Laplante, Teresa Castro-Martín, Clara Cortina, Ana Laura Fostik

Article 30

Human capital on the move: Education as a determinant of internal migration in selected INDEPTH surveillance populations in Africa
Carren Ginsburg, Philippe Bocquier, Donatien Béguy, Sulaimon Afolabi, Orvalho Augusto, Karim Derra, Frank Odhiambo, Mark Otiende, Abdramane Soura, Pascal Zabré, Michael J. White, Mark Collinson

Article 31

The 'New Great Migration' of Blacks to the U.S. South: Estimating duration of residence in the absence of retrospective information
Jack DeWaard, Katherine J. Curtis, Glenn V. Fuguitt

Article 32

Investigating the migrant mortality advantage at the intersections of social stratification in Switzerland: The role of vulnerability
Jonathan Zufferey

Article 33

More education, fewer divorces? Shifting education differentials of divorce in Taiwan from 1975 to 2010
Yen-hsin Alice Cheng

Article 34

Does it take a village to raise a child?: The buffering effect of relationships with relatives for parental life satisfaction
Małgorzata Mikucka, Ester Rizzi

Article 35

Social network indices in the Generations and Gender Survey: An appraisal
Pearl A. Dykstra, Christoph Bühler, Tineke Fokkema, Gregor Petrič, Rok Platinovšek, Tina Kogovšek, Valentina Hlebec

Article 36

The fertility of recent migrants to England and Wales
James Robards, Ann Berrington

Article 37

On the masculinization of population: The contribution of demographic development -- A look at sex ratios in Sweden over 250 years
Thomas Spoorenberg

Article 38

Convergence in male and female life expectancy: Direction, age pattern, and causes
Benjamin Seligman, Gabi Greenberg, Shripad Tuljapurkar

Article 39

Child mortality estimation: An assessment of summary birth history methods using microsimulation
Andrea Verhulst

Article 40

Understanding patterns of contraceptive use among never married Mexican American women
Kate Choi, Erin R. Hamilton

Article 41

Types of spatial mobility and the ethnic context of destination neighbourhoods in Estonia
Kadi Mägi, Kadri Leetmaa, Tiit Tammaru, Maarten van Ham

Volume 35

Article 1

Partnership formation and dissolution among immigrants in the Spanish context
Amparo Gonzalez-Ferrer, Tina Hannemann, Teresa Castro-Martín

Article 2

Introduction to research on immigrant and ethnic minority families in Europe
Hill Kulu, Tina Hannemann

Article 3

Pragmatic tradition or romantic aspiration? The causes of impulsive marriage and early divorce among women in rural Malawi
Anais Bertrand-Dansereau, Shelley Clark

Article 4

Sigma and beta convergence in regional mortality: A case study of the Netherlands
Fanny Janssen, Anthe van den Hende, Joop A.A. de Beer, Leo J.G. van Wissen

Article 5

Spatial attraction in migrants' settlement patterns in the city of Catania
Angelo Mazza, Antonio Punzo

Article 6

My house or our home? Transitions into sole home ownership in British couples
Philipp Lersch, Sergi Vidal

Article 7

Differences in perinatal health between immigrant and native-origin children: Evidence from differentials in birth weight in Spain
Hector Cebolla-Boado, Leire Salazar

Article 8

Migrant children and migrants' children: Nativity differences in school enrollment in Mexico and the United States
Jennifer Glick, Scott T. Yabiku

Article 9

The Contextual Database of the Generations and Gender Programme: Concept, content, and research examples
Arianna Caporali, Sebastian Klüsener, Gerda Neyer, Sandra Krapf, Olga Grigorieva, Dora Kostova

Article 10

Uncertain lives: Insights into the role of job precariousness in union formation in Italy
Daniele Vignoli, Valentina Tocchioni, Silvana Salvini

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Эл № ФС77-54569 от 21.03.2013 г.
© Демоскоп Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887

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Фонда ООН по народонаселению (UNFPA) - www.unfpa.org (2001-2014)
Фонда Джона Д. и Кэтрин Т. Макартуров - www.macfound.ru (2004-2012)
Фонда некоммерческих программ "Династия" - www.dynastyfdn.com (с 2008)
Российского гуманитарного научного фонда - www.rfh.ru (2004-2007)
Национального института демографических исследований (INED) - www.ined.fr (2004-2012)
ЮНЕСКО - portal.unesco.org (2001), Бюро ЮНЕСКО в Москве - www.unesco.ru (2005)
Института "Открытое общество" (Фонд Сороса) - www.osi.ru (2001-2002)

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