Rambler's Top100

№ 153 - 154
5 - 18 апреля 2004

О проекте

Электронная версия бюллетеня Население и общество
Центр демографии и экологии человека Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

первая полоса

содержание номера

читальный зал


обратная связь

доска объявлений



перевод    translation

Читайте книги

Конец роста мирового населения в XXI веке

Демографическая безопасность: население и гражданские конфликты после холодной войны

Тенденции заболеваемости, смертности и продолжительности жизни населения Республики Беларусь

Итоги переписей населения раунда 2000 года в странах Балтии

Новый долгосрочный прогноз населения Грузии

Сборник научных трудов Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

По страницам журналов «Народонаселение», и «Мировая экономика и международные отношения»

Содержание журнала «Studies In Family Planning»

Studies In Family Planning


Volume 34 Number 2 (June 2003)


Age and Economic Asymmetries in the Sexual Relationships of Adolescent Girls in Sub-Saharan Africa
Nancy Luke

Estimating Induced Abortion Rates: A Review
Clementine Rossier

Contraceptive Use in a Changing Service Environment: Evidence from Indonesia During the Economic Crisis
Elizabeth Frankenberg, Bondan, Wayan Suriastini


Cost-effectiveness of USAID's Regional Program for Family Planning in West Africa
Donald S. Shepard, Richard N. Bail, Gary Merritt

Does Use of the Calendar in Surveys Reduce Heaping?
Stan Becker, Nafissatou Diop-Sidib?


Armenia 2000: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey
Rwanda 2000: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey

Book Reviews

Other Notable Publications

Volume 34 Number 3 (September 2003)


Trends and Determinants of Contraceptive Method Choice in Kenya
Monica Magadi, Siвn Curtis

How Gender Roles Influence Sexual and Reproductive Health Among South African Adolescents
Christine A. Varga

Rural Indian Women's Care-seeking Behavior and Choice of Provider for Gynecological Symptoms
Manju Rani


Factors Influencing Young Malians' Reluctance to Use Hormonal Contraceptives
Sarah Castle

Inconsistent Reporting of Female Genital Cutting Status in Northern Ghana: Explanatory Factors and Analytical Consequences
Elizabeth F. Jackson, Patricia Akweongo, Evelyn Sakeah, Abraham Hodgson, Rofina Asuru, James F. Phillips


Colombia 2000: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey
Haiti 2000: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey

Book Reviews

Other Notable Publications

Volume 34 Number 4 (December 2003)


The Quality of Family Planning Programs: Concepts, Measurements, Interventions, and Effects
Saumya RamaRao, Raji Mohanam

Adolescents in Vietnam: Looking Beyond Reproductive Health
Barbara S. Mensch, Wesley H. Clark, Dang Nguyen Anh


Determinants of Contraceptive Method Choice in Rural Tanzania Between 1991 and 1999
Susan Chen, David K. Guilkey

Abortion Service Provision in South Africa Three Years After Liberalization of the Law
Kim Eva Dickson, Heather Brown, Helen Rees, Luyanda Mavuya, Rachel K. Jewkes, Jonathan Levin


Malawi 2000: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey
Turkey 1998: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey

Book Review

Other Notable Publications

Index to Volume 34

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