In 2015 Russians were born and died less often
Skvortsova tells Putin about the increase in life expectancy
in Russia
In Russia over the last 10 years life expectancy has increased
by 5 years
Will life expectancy in Russia reach 73 years by 2018?
Fertility decreased by 4.8% in January 2016
Fertility in Moscow increased by 3% in 2015
In 2015 most Muscovites became parents at the age of 30-34
Russia moves up to second place in the world in the number
of divorces
Raising the retirement age in Russia will take at least 10
Russian students do not know the retirement age in Russia
Trade union leader proposes leaving 20% of Russians without
a pension
Russians may be required to participate in the accumulation
of pensions
The number of Russians with incomes below the subsistence level
has reached 19 million
Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg are in the lead
in quality of life in the country
Ministry of Labor proposes to increase unemployment benefits
by 70%
Can Russia expect a flow of migrants from Europe?
A bill on the confirmation of migrants’ mental health has been
introduced in State Duma
The sale alcohol near social establishments will increase consumption
One in seven Russians drink surrogate alcohol
Ministry of Interior notes growing number of “drunken” crimes
in 2015
Medvedev urges against reaching the point of absurdity in the
fight against alcoholism
Jewish Autonomous District holds second place in Russia in
the level of mortality from tuberculosis
Is the reduction in the number of people with disabilities
in Russia due to mortality?
The number of women losing their lives in the workplace has
decreased by 20%
This winter saw the highest death rate from the flu in the
last three years
Russia has become the leader among European countries in prison
Dr. Roshal invites head of Ministry of Finance to have a check-up
in a polyclinic
Oncology Center on Kashirka receives only one-third of required
Court recognizes right of Russians not to have a last name
Population of Moldova is continuously getting older
More than half a million children born in Belarus over last
five years
In Kirgizia one in six marriages falls apart
In Belarus, 871 men for every 1000 women
Human development index of Belarusian women is higher than
for men
CIS countries will pursue a coordinated social and demographic
World Bank insists on raising the retirement age in Ukraine
Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine is against raising the
retirement age
Will those born in Moldova after 1970 not be able to count
on a pension?
The wage gap between men and women in Belarus is shrinking
Are Belarusian moms bored at home on maternity leave?
In Azerbaijan it’s more profitable to die than to be born
UNDP advocates for targeted support to vulnerable sections
of the population of Belarus
World Bank launches project to develop higher education in
In Georgia, a move to put into law that
marriage is a union between a man and a woman
Kazakhstan intends to tighten requirements for adoptive parents
Every woman in Turkmenistan will receive 40 manats for March
8th holiday
Women in Kazakhstan are more often employed in skilled labor
than men
European Commission presents draft document on the introduction
of visa-free regime for citizens of Georgia
Proposal to test foreigners seeking citizenship of Kirgizia
on knowledge of the state language
Obtaining a residence permit in Russia may be made easier for
refugees from Ukraine
EU and MOM helping Georgia deal with migration issues
Most building sites in Turkmen capital stand idle without workers
Incidence of tuberculosis in Kazakhstan has decreased by almost
US authorities to help Tajikistan develop new plan to fight
Japan will provide Uzbekistan $566,000 in grants
In 2016 Ukraine needs to introduce medical insurance for all
Victims of violence in Azerbaijan do not seek “protection orders”
In Tajikistan Human Rights website begins working
About 43% of population of Tajikistan live without access to
clean drinking water
Japan records first ever decline in population
Shanghai’s population declined for first time in 100 years
Life expectancy of Beijing resident is close to 82 years
Men with an educated wife live longer
Fertility in Norway is lowest in 35 years
Aging of the population is the central problem of the German
Chinese authorities plan to raise retirement age
The number of working-age residents in Latvia in 2030 may decrease
by 20%
Will more than 500,000 people really die from hunger by 2050?
London and New York have the largest numbers of rich residents
The best work conditions for women are in Northern Europe
The introduction of a visa-free regime between the EU and Turkey
will take place before the end of June
Backing out of Schengen agreement could cost Finland a billion
Belgium introduces border control on French border
Baltic countries have started to build fences at the borders
UN calls cruel attempts of countries to wall themselves off
from migrants
In 2015 1.25 million persons asked for asylum in the EU
Over 100,000 refugees have arrived in Europe since the beginning
of 2016
The main route for refugees is closed
European Commission proposes instrument for rapid response
to migration crisis
Merkel calls immigration crisis biggest challenge during her
stay in power
Bundestag votes in favor of stricter immigration legislation
Interior Ministers of Germany and Italy propose new immigration
Germany plans to conclude agreements with 16 countries on return
of migrants
About 77% of migrants arrive in Germany without documents
Germany expecting arrival of 3.6 million refugees by 2020
In Germany 130,000 migrants have “been lost”
Norway to accept 3,000 Syrian refugees
Hungary to hold referendum on issue of quotas for receiving
Switzerland will introduce an annual limit on immigrants
Swiss protest against deportation of foreigners breaking the
Clinton promises to support migrants working in the US
In the US, a sharp reduction in the number of abortion clinics
The number of abortions in Israel has shrunk to a minimum
Polish women have demanded legal abortions
Italy increases fine for illegal abortion 200-fold
Proposal in Sweden to legalize “male abortion”
Anorexia is the mortality leader among mental disorders
Italian Senate endorses bill on same-sex marriage
“Nezavisimaya gazeta” on the social problems of Russia
“Russkaya sluzhba BBC” on “downward adjustment” and the degradation
of the population
“Polit.ru” on the problems of medical and social expertise
“Kommersant” on new criteria for the recognition of disability
“Kommersant” on “non-Moscow” orphans
“Kommersant” on the middle class
“Novye Izvestiya” on unemployment benefits
“Novosti Belarusi” on unemployment in Belarus
“Forbes” on the demographic future of Russia
“Polit.ru” on life expectancy in Russia
“Rossiyskaya gazeta” on gender disparities
“Moskovskiy Komsomolets” on corruption in autopsies
“Kommersat Dengi” on surrogate alcohol
“Ruskaya planeta” on migration and the EU economy
“Russkaya Germaniya” on refugees in Germany
“Slate.fr” on refugees outside of Europe
“Nezavisimaya Gazeta” on the problem of refugees in Russia
“Novye Izvestiya” on the expulsion of Syrian refugees from
“Argumenty i fakty Ukraina” on emigration from Ukraine
“Ekho Moskvy” and “Novaya gazeta” on the “sausage ban” in Germany
“Ogonyok” on the children of migrants in Russia
“Slon.ru” on those who believe in the American dream
“Atlantico” on racism in France
“Kommersant” and “rus2web.ru” on nannies
“Kommersant” on the “inflated” number of victims of Stalinist
“KAVPOLIT” on the anniversary of the deportation of the Balkars
“Vedomosti” on attracting Caucasians to the Far East
“Polit.ru” on “free hectare” of land in the Far East and the
effectiveness of resettlement policy
“RBK” on state support for an “elastic Moscow”
“The Independent” on contemporary goals of feminism
“The Village” on the “sandwich syndrome”
“Nezavisimaya Gazeta” on the census in the United States