Russia: demographic results of 2013 (part III)
Russia’s net migration has changed little compared with 2012,
totaling 296,000 people in January-December 2013
Russian continues to receive its greatest net migration from
migration exchange with Uzbekistan - net migration increased
to 67.3 thousand people
The volume of internal migration continues to grow, but with
an obvious slowdown compared with 2012
In 2013, the population of all federal subjects of the Russian
Federation increased due to migration exchange with CIS countries,
but only in 16 out of 83 regions was the increase due to migration
exchange with other regions of Russia
At the end of 2013, 1,111 thousand people had work permits
in Russia
Has the life expectancy of Muscovites approached European figures?
Average social pension to increase by 1.1 thousand rubles as
of April 1
Salaries and pensions in the Crimea will be calculated at a
rate of 3.8 rubles per hryvnia
Putin instructs Ministry of Labor to increase pensions to residents
of the Crimea to the Russian level
State program of social support for Russians will require an
extra 30 billion rubles
5 million Russian families have received a maternity capital
Third child payment program will operate in the Crimea
390 thousand new jobs in Russian preschools in 2013
68.8 thousand children in Russia declared orphans in 2013
Ministry of Education is prepared to increase the number of
adoptions to 25,000 children per year
The Government has approved the implementation of the law on
general civil rights of the disabled
In past year about 500 Russian schools have been adapted for
disabled children
Labor shortage in Russia is 1.8 million jobs
Ministry of Labor proposes to return unemployment insurance
Ulyanovsk governor to deny welfare to “sponges”
FMS expects to issue Russian passports to Crimeans over three-month
Crimeans renouncing Russian citizenship will be given permanent
residence permits
Government committee approves bill on simplifying the issuance
of visas to foreigners
The regions will be able to regulate the number of migrants
by the prices of patents
The regions to receive 200 million rubles for the resettlement
of compatriots
The Russian regions are ready to accept more compatriots from
Ukraine than foreseen by resettlement program
Russia does not plan to create a migration police force
Extra measures are needed to prevent crimes committed by foreigners
Putin gives instructions to take measures to complete the rehabilitation
of the Crimean Tatars
The incidence of tuberculosis in the past year decreased by
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Health
have prepared proposals for returning sobering-up centers
The Government is developing a new procedure for mass health
examinations for Russians
Ministry of Health has put forward new health requirements
for adopters
In 2013, the number of crimes committed by juveniles increased
by 5%
Moldova’s population is 3.55 million people
The permanent population of Uzbekistan is 30.488 million people
In terms of pension level Belarus lags behind Russia and is
ahead of Kazakhstan
88.7% of Yerevanians are against the mandatory funded pension
Minimum wage in Ukraine will be frozen
Average salary in Minsk is Br 1,844 thousand higher than the
average for Belarus
Kazakhstan to increase social payments
Belarusians have begun eating better
In Moldova, a dramatic increase in demand for biometric passports
Ukraine will start issuing biometric passports this year
Ukraine signs package of decisions on visa liberalization with
the EU
Ukraine will not rush the introduction of visa regime with
More than two thirds of migrants from Moldova are working in
Did nearly all Ukrainians coming to Russia last year work there?
FMS head believes that Ukraine is close to a humanitarian catastrophe
Migrants from Ukraine coming to the Crimea
About 3 thousand people have returned to Kazakhstan from Germany
over past two years
Remittances to Georgia in February rose by 2.8%
Violations of the rights of Ukraine’s Russian-speaking population
are not ubiquitous
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine is preparing a bill to expand
the rights of the Crimean Tatars
Moldova intends to reduce the number of deaths from cardiovascular
disease by 10%
Suicide attempts among young people in Kazakhstan have decreased
by one third
1,055 new cases of tuberculosis were registered in Armenia
in 2013
One in five women in Belarus chooses to keep baby after abortion
The in vitro fertilizations quota in Kazakhstan to increase
in 2015
Belarus to check how the population spends its time
The most sexually active Kirgiz women are from the Talas region
In Georgia, children will again start school at 6
More children being born in Latvian capital
Is one in nine children in Tel Aviv from a family of illegal
Chile forced to repeat its census
Europeans on average earn 70% more than citizens of Latvia
In Britain, gender inequality in the wages of private lawyers
Do women in Lithuania earn less because they demand less?
Lithuania wants to reduce the number of children in orphanages
Estonia’s ruling coalition is ready to simplify the issuance
of citizenship
Chinese top the list of immigrants in New Zealand
More than 600,000 people requested asylum in developed countries
in 2013
Saudi authorities deported 370,000 illegal immigrants in five
Lithuania and Georgia to sign agreement on the readmission
of illegal migrants
340,000 citizens of Southern Sudan may become refugees due
to fighting
Is Turkey ready to give refuge to Syrian Armenians?
Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time
The policy of “Estonization” of Russian schools will be corrected
Ebola epidemic reaches capital of Guinea
WHO does not recommend limiting relations with Guinea because
of Ebola outbreak
El Salvador announces threat of dengue fever
1.4 thousand children die every day due to lack of access to
drinking water
Latvian students are getting fat fast
Residents of Peru’s capital to protest against abortion
Lausanne still the most criminal city in Switzerland
“Izvestiya” on the demographic situation in Russia
“Rossiyskaya gazeta” on the family and fertility through the
eyes of the head of Rosstat
“Kommersant.md” on maternity and child allowances in Moldova
“The American Conservative” on the demographic problems of
post-Soviet countries through the eyes of Buchanan
“Slon.ru” on life expectancy in Russia, Ukraine and other countries
“Kommersant” on the life expectancy of Muscovites
“Novye izvestiya” on the adaptation of migrant workers in Russia
“Kommersant” on the migration police
“Izvestiya” on “rubber” apartments
“Novye izvestiya” on issuing Russian passports in the Crimea
“Ogonyok” on innovations with Russian citizenship
“Vecherniy Bishkek” on Russian citizenship and the “Russian
“Slovo.kg” on Kirgizia’s migration problems
“Rossiyskaya gazeta” on the possible introduction of visas
for Russians in Ukraine
“Kommersant.md” on liberalizing the visa exchange between Moldova
and the EU
“Belorusy i rynok” on restricting student exchanges in response
to the referendum in Switzerland
“AFN” on remittances to Belarus
“Vedomosti” on the possible promotion of internal migration
and resettlement to the Far East
“Novye izvestiya” on mass health examinations
“Novaya gazeta” on putting an end to state purchases of foreign
medical equipment
“Nezavisimaya gazeta” on private insurance in the event of
serious illnesses
“Meditsinskaya gazeta” on female cancer mortality
“Erkin.net” on sanitary-epidemiological problems in Turkmenistan
“Novye izvestiya” on alcohol poisoning and the rise of alcohol
“Russkiy reporter” on alcohol consumption in Russia
“Kommersant” on the consequences of the annexation of Crimea
for drug addicts
“Telegraf” on the problem of aging in the USA
“Fakty” on the social situation in Abkhazia and South Ossetia
“Vremya” on the abolition of children’s rights bodies in Kazakhstan
“Nezavisimaya gazeta” on urbanization in China
“Moskovskie novosti” on mobility
“BuzzFeed” on the possibilities of the human bodies
“Independent” on modern phobias