Институт демографии НИУ ВШЭ имени А.Г. Вишневского

№ 1057 - 1058
10 декабря - 24 января 2024

ISSN 1726-2891

первая полоса

содержание номера


читальный зал приложения обратная связь доска объявлений


Population Clock 

Population Clock

Estimated population of Russia


were born



One birth every 22 seconds,
one death every 15 seconds.



Another Population Clocks:

World Population

Current population estimate and this for any date since 1970 till 2037.

World Population

Current population estimate as well as of the 1st of each month during a year.

World Population

Estimate of population size on any date between 1950 and 2050.

Population of the world and other indices

Dozens of current indicator extimates on population and economy.

Population of Australia

Current estimate of population and contribution of births, deaths, and migration.

Canadian population

Population of New Zealand

Population of the United States

Current population estimate and main components of its change.

Version of page popclock_e.php - 2.12. Last modified on 30.05.2024 .
Current population estimate is done basing on the results of the 2010 population census and data of Rosstat for 11 months of 2020 .

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© Демоскоп Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887