Assessing approaches
to demand-side family planning
measurement with a reproductive justice and rights framework
Alongside the growing availability of family planning
(FP) services and increasing use of contraceptive methods globally,
there is increasing attention to supporting equitable access to
FP services and to meeting individual’s reproductive needs and goals.
Yet the most common measures the FP field and researchers rely on–
such as contraceptive prevalence, unmet need and demand satisfied–
do not capture important aspects of equity or of individuals’ needs,
goals, preferences, and behaviors. While there has been a long history
of critique of these measures; recognition of the imperative to
improve FP measures and measurement has become more widespread,
particularly in response to well-founded concerns that reproductive
autonomy is threatened by an intense focus on contraceptive uptake
and the call of the reproductive rights and reproductive justice
movements to reframe goals and programmatic intentions to prioritize
and reflect individual’s values and preferences.
In this context, there is a need for researchers, program implementers,
policymakers, advocates, and other civil society members to come
together and examine measures and measurement approaches that can
be used to assess family planning progress, opportunities, and gaps
in a way that is reflective of individuals’ self-identified needs
and goals and supportive of the global goal of universal access
to sexual and reproductive health.
This expert group meeting will bring together a multi-disciplinary
community of researchers, advocates, and thinkers from different
regions and countries to navigate a path forward for future measurement
of population-based family planning demand-side indicators [i.e.,
measures of needs, goals, preferences, and behaviors related to
fertility and family planning]. This expert group meeting will include
presentations on novel measures already developed, thought pieces
on considerations for future measurement, and group discussions
of ways forward for family planning measurement.
Deadline for submission/registration: 22 October 2023
More information -
Population and Development in A New Era
The Population Association of Singapore (PAS) and Centre
for Family and Population Research (CFPR) warmly invite all who
are involved with population studies to the Population Association
of Singapore Annual Meeting 2024, which takes place on 16-17 May
2024 (Thursday & Friday).
Why Join PAS 2024?
PAS 2024 offers an opportunity to promote the scientific study of
the population, encourage exchange between researchers, stimulate
interest and promote exploration on emerging population issues in
Singapore and Asia.
PAS 2024 will focus on the theme of 'Sustainable Population and
Development in A New Era'. Held in conjunction with CFPR's 10th
anniversary, this conference frames trends in population and development
as unfolding against the backdrop of larger era-level changes in
the world today: the rise of traversal technologies such as AI and
robotics, the move towards a super-aged world, the rise and persistence
of between- and within-country inequalities, increasing migration,
and not least, the climate crisis itself.
Propitiously, the conference also marks an important
milestone for policymakers and population researchers as 2024 is
the 30th anniversary of the International Conference on Population
and Development (ICPD), first held in Cairo, Egypt in 1994. Back
then, 179 governments across the globe ratified a commitment to
a people-centric approach to population and development policies
stressing the respect for human rights and the importance of environmental
sustainability. In 2019, a UN report further called for policies
and programmes for sustainable development to be grounded in an
understanding of population dynamics, including changes in population
size or age structure and processes of migration or urbanization.
This great vision of ICPD continues to resonate into the present
with a clarion call towards urgent actions to attain sustainable
population and development for all.
Call for Submissions
PAS 2024 invites you to submit your brief and extended abstracts,
on the conference theme to be considered for inclusion in the conference
programme through the PAS2024 conference portal:
Submission Deadline
The submission portal will close on November 24, 2023 (Friday) at
11.59 PM (2359).
Please note a few important items:
- All accepted presenters will be required to pre-register for
the conference by March 1, 2024.
- Individuals can only serve as a presenting author twice at maximum,
but may submit more than two abstracts for review only if each
addresses a different research. There are no restrictions as co-authors.
- Unfortunately, PAS cannot accommodate schedule requests; if
your paper is accepted, it could be scheduled any time during
the conference.
- Accepted presenters may be called on to be discussants or chairs
for sessions.
- There will be no travel awards for PAS 2024.
Brief Abstract Requirements
The abstract text should be written in English and is limited to
150 words (excluding authors' information).
Extended Abstract Requirements
The abstract text should be written in English and is limited to
2-4 pages (excluding authors' information). Each abstract should
be formatted using the headings Background and Objectives, Methods,
Results, Conclusion and Funding Sources.
- Background and Objectives: Describe the scientific context,
objectives, and hypothesis.
- Methods: Describe precisely the research design, interventions
(if any) and specific methods used for analysis.
- Results: Report the most important findings. Abstracts that
do not report results are less likely to be accepted, except for
study protocol abstracts.
- Conclusions: Summarize the main results of the study and present
the potential implications on population.
- Funding Sources: Funding sources for the research presented
in the abstract should be listed.
The use of abbreviations is acceptable, but the full name should
appear at the first mention.
Extended abstracts should be uploaded in PDF format.
Please check the
PAS 2024 website for updates and contact the PAS 2024 Conference
Secretariat at
for conference-related queries.
Конкурс научно-исследовательских
работ студентов по демографии НИУ ВШЭ
До 15 октября открыта подача заявок на Конкурс научно-исследовательских
работ студентов (НИРС). Студентам и выпускникам 2023 года можно
участвовать в двух из 25 направлений конкурса. Одним из направлений
является демография. На конкурс НИРС по демографии принимаются работы,
посвященные широкому спектру тем: миграции, демографическим прогнозам,
смертности, географии расселения, репродуктивному поведению, рождаемости,
демографической истории и многим другим.
Конкурс НИРС является открытым, поэтому к участию приглашаются:
- Студенты бакалавриата, специалитета и магистратуры
НИУ ВШЭ и других российских и зарубежных университетов.
- Выпускники НИУ ВШЭ и других российских и зарубежных
университетов 2023 года.
Что даёт победа в конкурсе?
- специальную стипендию для авторов работ, занявших
1 место в своей номинации (20 тыс в течение 10 месяцев);
- диплом победителя или лауреата конкурса НИРС;
- дополнительные баллы в своё портфолио;
- скидки на оплату при поступлении в магистратуру
- академический трэвел-грант для участия в научном
мероприятии по всему миру;
- приглашение в проект поддержки
студентов с высоким академическим потенциалом Республика ученых.
Итоги конкурса будут подведены до 26 декабря.
Условия участия и правила подачи:
Советы от организаторов и победителей:
Population 2024
Early-Career Research Prize
We are pleased to announce that the journal Population is now accepting
submissions for its annual Early-Career Researcher Prize. Candidates
are encouraged to submit their articles to the editorial board.
All articles accepted this year for publication will then be examined
by our international jury in early 2024 to select the winning article.
The Population 2024 Early-Career Researcher Prize is open to students
and early-career researchers working in population studies and will
be awarded to an outstanding, original paper submitted to the journal.
Who is eligible?
- Students enrolled in PhD or master’s programmes
- Researchers who have defended their thesis within the last 7
- Proof of enrollment in a master’s or PhD programme, or of degree
completion, must be provided.
What papers are eligible?
What are the key dates?
- Reviewed papers are discussed by the editorial board (every
2 months) according to the standard process.
- An international jury will review the papers accepted by the
board in 2023.
- Results will be announced to candidates in March 2024.
What is the prize?
- Accelerated publication
- 1,000 euros (to be shared for co-authored papers)
- Invitation to Paris to present the article at INED’s weekly
More information -
Приглашение редакции
журнала демографических наук
принять активное участие в подготовке материалов.

Приглашение для
авторов участвовать в написании статей для журнала
East European Quarterly,
в том числе по экономике и социологии
Место: Будапешт (Венгрия)

Новые публикации
Европейского регионального бюро ВОЗ,
затрагивающие проблемы здоровья мигрантов и беженцев:

союз по научному изучению народонаселения анонсирует новый журнал
мировых демографических новостей
(The International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
has a new initiative, N-IUSSP. N-IUSSP is the IUSSP news magazine
that disseminates scientific findings from demographic research
from all over the world.)

членам Международного союза по научному изучению народонаселения
IUSSP принять участие в подготовке сообщений в
Бюллетень IUSSP
(IUSSP Bulletin) с целью информирования на международной арене о
предстоящих мероприятиях, исследовательских проектах, грантах и
Адрес для присылки информационных материалов:

агентство по развитию культуры, образования и науки
(International Agency for the Development of Culture, Education
and Science, Australia, Melbourne - IADCES) приглашает к участию
в конгрессах и публикации в научных периодических журналах по широкому
спектру дисциплин, включая демографию и социологию, издающихся в:
Австралии и Новой Зеландии: Австралийский
и Новозеландский журнал фундаментальных и прикладных исследований
(Australian and New Zealand Journal of Fundamental and Applied Studies)
Канаде: VII
Международный научный конгресс "Современный Мир: Политика,
Экономика, Культура, История, Технологии, Наука и Образование",
Канада, Оттава, 18-20 марта 2015 года, участие - заочное
Франции: 5
Международный научный конгресс "Наука, образование и культура
в Евразии и Африке", Франция, Париж, 23-25 марта 2015 года,
дистанционный формат
Великобритании: Оксфордское
обозрение в сфере образования и науки ("Oxford Review of Education
and Science")

Объявление об открытии
новой единой онлайновой базы данных о рождаемости по 73 странам
Human Fertility Collection
Адрес в Интернете:

пополнения в базе данных IPUMS:
В настоящее время коллекция микроданных переписей населения в рамках
международного проекта Университета Миннесоты содержит 238 выборок
по 74 странам мира общим объемом более 500 миллионов лиц. Информация
доступна для демографов всего мира и распространяется свободно.
Сайт Проекта IPUMS:

Центр миграционной политики
(The Migration Policy Centre MPC)
представляет новые публикации на тему миграции низкоквалифицированной
рабочей силы на своем блоге,
а также сайт
и раздел
на Facebook.

объединённая сеть ведущих демографических научно-исследовательских
центров Европы, объявляет о запуске своего нового веб-сайта,
предназначенного для более эффективного распространения результатов
исследований в области демографии.
Подробнее: Пресс-релиз